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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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"Blessings on the Sons of Russ who do not wear their helms to war."







@ LongGone - Hmm... I could see that. I'm thinking I've seen some Khornate Warriors of Chaos painted like that too.


@ Wicced - Heh, good guess! :D


@ Augustus - The glowy green is brand new for me, isn't it?


@ Slipstreams - I do really like the Alabaster white idea


@ Kol - You know, I'm unsure if that was a joke or not, but looking it over I really like it. Black helm, arms and greaves, red core. Looks pretty awesome.


@ Salvation - I have tried the silver helm before and it looks a tad off. 


Thanks! I'm really glad folks seem to like him so much. It was definitely a passion project on my part.


@ JackDaw - Death company are definitely exalted among my Knights of Blood. The idea of vicious, bloodthirsty Knights raging against the hallucinations of the death of Sanguinious is too awesome. That's actually partly where I got the idea for Logen seeing the world so differently. 


So yeah, 'revered but mourned' sums it up pretty succinctly. We're totes on the same page there :D


@ Kol x2 - Exalted it is!


@ Wicced x2 - <See above> ^_^


@ Sanguinius - I could see that. As soon as my death company show up in the mail, I'll try a few tester schemes and see what I come up with. 

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WOW - that's an awesome bee-marine! tongue.png In all seriousness that is one of the best Thousand Sons I've ever seen. The comments make me think he's a specific character from the fluff? Is he in A Thousand Sons or in Prospero Burns? Cannot remember him from those...

he's looking fabulous thumbsup.gif

is that a space wolf torso? and where's the pistol from?

Lemme guess: The helmet is the trophy on the Space Wolves thunderwolf rider kit and the pistol is from the FW Power Armoured Centurion. Am I right?

That green is new to you indeed and in my opinion this power weapon glow effect is the best you've done up to now. MOAR! (Also, do one half of your next Knight in that colour!)

Small nitpicks: his pose: it looks to me like he's leaning back, yet his upper torso is pretty much turned fully to the right (which makes a lean-back like that very difficult, if you ask me. Especially with the legs posed like that. Also: the cabling attaching his right boot to his armour need colour. Green please? msn-wink.gif

EDIT: Extra comment: Your rate of improvement in astonishing, Flint. Not a year ago even your edge highlights where still a little wobbly and now look at those razor-thin stripes along the trim.

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WOW - that's an awesome bee-marine! tongue.png In all seriousness that is one of the best Thousand Sons I've ever seen. The comments make me think he's a specific character from the fluff? Is he in A Thousand Sons or in Prospero Burns? Cannot remember him from those...

he's looking fabulous thumbsup.gif

is that a space wolf torso? and where's the pistol from?

Lemme guess: The helmet is the trophy on the Space Wolves thunderwolf rider kit and the pistol is from the FW Power Armoured Centurion. Am I right?


If PA Centurion you mean PA Preator kit, then yes, thats where the pistol is from :p

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looks kinda like a combat familiar, which i hope it is,because that's one of the coolest concepts for marines ever. (IMHO)

(at least that's what i was assuming..... thousand sons plus wolves usually don't go well together otherwise, i mean, look at prospero......)

so between the confusion of thousand sons parts and wolf iconography, i gotta say i'm intrigued.happy.png

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Evening everyone! I just realized that I didn't have a rear shot... Behold! :D




Oh wow! Khayon and Gyre are super popular. Thanks so much guys ^_^


@ Salvation - it is indeed! I'm glad he's recognizable. I actually got the idea for the helmet from K-Sci (KrautScientist), funnily enough. Who would have thought a hardcore Khorne bro would have good Tzenchi ideas?


@ Wicced - Yep! Wolf Guard torso and a pistol from the FW Praetor.


@ Tarvick - I maybe have an idea or two for Telemachon and Lheore... :D and thanks!


@ Athrawes - Thanks! I also green stuffed his pistol a third barrel so it would be fluff-accurate ^_^


@ Kreig - Believe it or not, that helm is actually a bit of base decoration from the Thunderwolf box set.


@ Kol - Well, my Death Company actually just showed up today. Imma try it!


@ Atia - Thanks girl!


@ Augustus - He's Iskandar Khayon, also known as Sekhandur Cain, called King Breaker among the ranks of the Black Legion and Khayon the Black to the Thousand Sons, as he is the Astartes who opposed mad Ahriman and brought Magnus the Red to his knees.


Or also the main character from A D-Bs "Talon of Horus"


... I'm such a fangirl >_<


Thanks for the praise and constructive crit both! I appreciate it. I was kinda surprised that green glow (not power weapon and wolfy bits) came out as well as it did.


@ K-Sci - Thanks! I think he came out pretty well for the 4 hours he took to paint. Funnily enough, my first response here was explaining how you were totes my inspiration :D


@ forte - 'Tis! And thanks!


@ Hydra - Thank you, and I highly recommend Talon. Its my second-most listened to audiobook, right behind Betrayer.


@ Argent - That is essentially the idea behind tutelaries. They are kinda like familiars, party members, knowledge repositories and psychic batteries all in one.


You are correct though. Wolves and. Khayon go together *very* poorly... At least very poorly for the Wolves :D

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Yeah...Red and Gold...

Still though, it IS  a great shade of blue .

Yeah, Flint, when I saw the wolf, I was like, is she making a Spass Wolf? And then you whipped out the 1K Son, and I was like, "Oh no she didn't!" ADB did a great job with the book, and the character especially, and it's great to see that bit of inspiration translated to such a neat and recognizable model!

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Your output is amazing. Makes me feel sad at my glacial painting pace.


I know she's a xenos, but any chance of Nefertari to go along with Khayon and Gyre?

She could, but the mini isn't allowed to be posted. Gyre is okay because she is a unit from a BnC approved Codex.
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You don't hang about between projects do you??!! Great work again (love the green glow on both especially)


For KoB Death Co, I would just go old school. People try lots of different fancy ways but nothing quite tops good old fashioned Black with Red saltires. Just says bamf. Though I do like the Angels Encarmine ablaster white/red 'X'; ideal for blood/snot/weathering


EDIT -reading Talon at the moment, sooooooo cool

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Your output is amazing. Makes me feel sad at my glacial painting pace.


I know she's a xenos, but any chance of Nefertari to go along with Khayon and Gyre?

She could, but the mini isn't allowed to be posted. Gyre is okay because she is a unit from a BnC approved Codex.
Isn't allowed to be posted individually. As part of a group photo with majority legal models on the other hand...
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Evening guys! Finally got my mini-FW order in so I can set about finishing my death company for the Knights of Blood.

Here's the first one ready for primer (as soon as I get all those blasted mold lines. GAH! They are my eternal nemesis!):



@ Kurama - Stuck in the warp for eons does give one time to accessorize I suppose.

@ Slipstreams - I like the Red n Gold a little better myself, truth be told. I'm kinda curious if we'll ever get artwork of Iskandar pre-heresy. That'd be baller.

@ Melancholic Sanguinity - I could see that happening. I'm not going to lie, I really want to do Lheore and Telemachon. Nefertari could totes be in the cards biggrin.png

@ Kol - Nah, a single model from a well known warband isn't going to draw actual flak.

@ Midnight - Well, I like to shift gears every once in awhile to keep my projects fresh. Little one offs like this are hella fun and keep me entertained. biggrin.png

I know right, isn't Talon of Horus like the coolest thing ever?

For the Death company, I'm actually thinking pretty hard of using the pattern from the 4th ed Chaos book, as in red core, black limbs and helm. I'm not 100% how it will look in practice, but I imagine pretty baller.

@ Heru - Yep, s'the idea. We mods aren't as banhammery as we occasionally get made out to be happy.png

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