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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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@Tanith - I sculpted only a tiny portion of it that got damaged when I was converting him. He is 9/10ths part of the generic command pack guy, which includes his cape.

@ Forte - I like how you pun, Sir. Consider the pun gauntlet challenge accepted.

So I happened across a few of my older Nightlords models. Now that I know halfway what I'm doing with a brush, I had to break out a few for repaints. Plus going back through all my old fluff makes me happy happy.png

"You need to understand something about the 28th, boy. We're one of the largest fragments of the Eighth outside of the Eye. But we're broken... there are four entirely different powers among us and they each hate the other almost as much as they hate the thin-blood pretenders we wipe from our blades. Jhadek Redcrow would like to think he is the worst of those, but the Bladeborn has the veneration of the hillfolk."


"The ones among us who still remember and live by the old ways of the krag people and the hilldwellers... they treat Seravok Sar'keth like some vicious totem god from the tribe legends."


"Hells wings, boy, they may even be right. I remember the day Kaylon led a fire team into the canyons of the Delve kin. They came back one man short, dragging an albino brat no more than twelve. They brought Sokisth's body out a few days later. Had a flint dagger wedged straight through the left eye lens."


"That brat was of the old Nostraman krag blood. Skin as pale as the Kragsleet with eyes and hair blacker than Curze's humor. They dragged him from a pit so deep in the krags, the very heart of Nostramo had bled into his soul."


"Crogan may have downed the biggest krag cat among us, but the one Sar'keth wears was as vicious and cunning as they come. It had bitten Kann Bard's head off just the week before."


"And that axe, dredged up adamantium from one of the core mines. Old Ironnight himself smithed it. It's been called Khiropterax since I was an initiate. You see... axes are always popular with those of us drawn from the hill tribes. But I've seen him work butcher's art to make a World Eater weep."


"Jhadek Redcrow is a vicious bastard with a spear, and the Nostraman highborn follow him. But he won't underestimate the Bladeborn. Not while either of them draw breath."

~Sevik Lo, Master of Signal - 28th Company, 8th Legion

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@Tanith - I sculpted only a tiny portion of it that got damaged when I was converting him. He is 9/10ths part of the generic command pack guy, which includes his cape.

@ Forte - I like how you pun, Sir. Consider the pun gauntlet challenge accepted.

So I happened across a few of my older Nightlords models. Now that I know halfway what I'm doing with a brush, I had to break out a few for repaints. Plus going back through all my old fluff makes me happy happy.png

"You need to understand something about the 28th, boy. We're one of the largest fragments of the Eighth outside of the Eye. But we're broken... there are four entirely different powers among us and they each hate the other almost as much as they hate the thin-blood pretenders we wipe from our blades. Jhadek Redcrow would like to think he is the worst of those, but the Bladeborn has the veneration of the hillfolk."


"The ones among us who still remember and live by the old ways of the krag people and the hilldwellers... they treat Sevok Sar'keth like some vicious totem god from the tribe legends."


"Hells wings, boy, they may even be right. I remember the day Kaylon led a fire team into the canyons of the Delve kin. They came back one man short, dragging an albino brat no more than twelve. They brought Sokisth's body out a few days later. Had a flint dagger wedged straight through the left eye lens."


"That brat was of the old Nostraman krag blood. Skin as pale as the Kragsleet with eyes and hair blacker that Curze's humor. They dragged him from a pit so deep in the krags, the very heart of Nostramo had bled into his soul."


"Crogan may have downed the biggest krag cat among us, but the one Sar'keth wears was as vicious and cunning as they come. It had bitten Kann Bard's head off just the week before."


"And that axe, dredged up adamantium from one of the core mines. Old Ironnight himself smithed it. It's been called Khiropterax since I was an initiate. You see... axes are always popular in those of us drawn from the hill tribes. But I've seen him work butcher's art to make a World Eater weep."


"Jhadek Redcrow is a vicious bastard with a spear, and the Nostraman highborn follow him. But he won't underestimate the Bladeborn. Not while either of them draw breath."

~Sevik Lo, Master of Signal - 28th Company, 8th Legion


Also, I'm loving the story-teller narrative. And to point out why that's important, I hate story-teller narratives.

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Yeah that's probably my favorite model of yours. :P


I've found that same issue myself, having to go back and repaint guys after you gain more skill with a brush. Not a bad thing at all. Worse though is when you get better at converting and look back at your old guys and think "They just aren't converted enough". I think I'm going to go back and wind up redoing from scratch all of my First Claw sooner or later.


Anyway keep it up! Ave Dominus Nox!

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Evening folks! I'm afraid it's going to be a little bit until I can get a bit more painting done. The g/f and I are currently boxing up shop in preparation for a move to a much ritzier part of town.

I did want to say thanks for all the awesome replies so far thou! I know it's a bit cliche' but hearing all the fun stuff you guys have to say keeps me painting *way* more often than I would otherwise. So lets see what we've got here.

@hushrong - Thanks! That's the idea. He was my first praetor model before I built Jhadek Redcrow (the guy posing with his glaive.) Since I really want an excuse to have a *ton* of character models, I drummed up the fun internal strife fluff happy.png

@Kol - Glad to hear it. I had think up something that would be more attractive than just "this guy is named this, he did this, he's cool." Plus most of my fiction comes from the viewpoint of Sevik anyway, sort of a 'been everywhere, seen everything, killed everyone,' type of guy who is getting way too old to get excited overmuch. He's like the Danny Glover of the 28th company.

@Tanith - Haha, you remember him from my old plog eh? Well here's hoping this one stays a little more active sweat.gif I have been converting fun stuff forever without painting it, so I do have a bunch more older style guys waiting around for some color...

@Vazzy - Thanks! I love your Ultras, which is saying something... cause I hate some Ultramarines. Glad to see you happened by.

@Sanguinius - HA! Take that Dan, and Heinrich and BCK (especially him, b/c his name abbreviates attractively) and Doghouse, and all the other Nightlords guys who are *way* better at stuff than me. I corrupted the Angel Incarnate!

@Chickenleg - Thanks! I'm glad to hear it came out pretty well. It was a pain to get him positioned just right. I really wanted the look of a armored predator lunging at his next unfortunate victim.

@Barabbas - Awe, thanks! That's high praise coming from a Deathguard. Not much excites you guys happy.png Glad to see you happened by and liked it!

Ok guys, total internet cookie for my 13th follower. 13 is my lucky number happy.png

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@Sanguinius - HA! Take that Dan, and Heinrich and BCK (especially him, b/c his name abbreviates attractively) and Doghouse, and all the other Nightlords guys who are *way* better at stuff than me. I corrupted the Angel Incarnate!


Heh, let's not get too ahead of ourselves Flint, Dan, Heinrich, Doghouse, BCK and the other lords of the 8th have more than contributed to my fall from grace, but this thread was the straw that broke the camel's back. Besides, my legitimency as Primarch has yet to be acknowledged by the Chapter, something about some bloke named "Arkio"...?


You make the Night Lords look actually knightly. The dark kind, obviously, but still.


It's not the first time someone's done it, see?



...W-what? What do you mean he's not a Night Lord?

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I'm back. Let's see what we have going on here.


@Kol - That's getting a sig.


@Vazzy - Good to hear. Always glad to have an appreciative adversary.


@Knight of the Raven - Ah, very apropos coming from you. That has been a good bit of my inspiration. I love the broken nobility aspect of the Nightlords. The foremost of which I've always seen as Sevatar. He's literally a gutter-bred orphan who can now stand to any of the deadliest fighters of the other legions. Was it Prince of Crows or Savage Weapons that named him easily one the twenty most lethal of all of the legions? That's out of like two million space marines.


@nHaunter - Always glad of praise from another of Kurze's wayward sons (or daughters!). I think you may enjoy what I have coming up today.


@ Sanguinius - Eh, I'll take it ^_^ And wow... it has been forevs since I've played Soul Caliber.


For today! Another fun model from the depths of my collection. A bit of nostalgia too... He's literally my first ever Nightlord. Oddly enough, no fun name or backstory for him yet.



BAM! Moritat.




I hate to sound like a hipster, but he's totally had two pistols since before it was even technically legal. Have I mentioned that I *really* miss 3rd ed Chaos Marines with veteran skills? Guess we have it better now, so I can't complain too hard.




Got to have some trophies. 




The sword is a recent addition so I can use him as an "official" Moritat, complete with a Charnabal Sabre. 


Let the helpful criticism loose!


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"I can't see the appeal in running down a foe, just so that you may rip his spine out, or flay the skin from his bleeding flesh. Those are the pastimes of a young Nostroman."




"I have all I need to cause terror enough to make my father proud, right here in my left vambrace."




"Nok, Malik and I. We are all old, initiate. We are all of the eighth. We are old legion."




"All in all, I have been here far too long. Nok is too unhinged, Malik too dogmatically blind... but I remember. And all I have to remember is a long line of lost friends and brothers and a tortured sire all gone back to the mud before me. I was entirely too old when this heresy began, and I am entirely too old to continue to see my brothers throw themselves into a useless war they cannot win, just to spite a father or a grandfather they have never even seen... 


... Now lad, have you ever seen a Spacewolf fly without a jump pack? No?    Well...you're about to..."




Sevik Lo, Master of Signal -- 28th Company, 8th Legion

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