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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Hey folks! Sorry I haven't had the chance to sit down and respond to much of anything. I've been crazy busy getting the new place all settled out. So lets see what we have here, in order!

@ Kol (#1) - Did you just quote the Charge of the Light Brigade at me? haha, nice

@ Deathspectre - That's what I was going for! Also internet cookie for being lucky #13

@ Barabbas (#1) - I did forget lightning on him, didn't I? And he's got quite a few places that it would look awesome. Huh... I'm surprised Wicced didn't catch that first ^_^

@ Knight of the Raven - Believe it or not, that was 100% accidental. Cypher is pretty boss thou

@ Kol (#2) - Heh, yeah that all seemed pretty heavy. I like to think of Sevik as too old not to be comically jaded.

@ Barabbas (#2) - When I started out, I was a *terribad* painter. So I amused myself with drumming out novels worth of fluffy bits to compensate for it. Over the years, I've gotten not terrible at both painting and drama-ing it seems. Plus I started out an English major.

To be fair I ended up an Exercise Physiology major with a minor in Russian language and culture if that says anything though....

@ Forte - Glad to hear it! I like to make up with my average painting with something decent. Plus I needed an excuse to paint like 3 dozen independent characters ^_^

@ Quixus - Haha, I didn't even think of that. If Sevik is "half-heard" though, it's just because his last artillery barrage blew out your eardrums cool.png

Thanks again guys! Always love hearing the thoughts, criticisms and general hilarity you all come up with.

Up next, something with an armor value!

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"I was there the day the Emperor slew our father."




"Not on the Carrion World, through treachery and slaughtered promises. No, that was decades later... but on that first day when he descended to Nostromo. I was there to see the Emperor 'deliver' his wayward son back into the fold of the great and infallible Imperium. He slew our sire that day as surely as if he had slit his throat."




"Kurze knew even then what would happen when he left his night-blessed kingdom of beholden. But, ever the loyal son, he did as our grandfather bid. Ever the loyal son, he became the weapon that his father needed to drag this galaxy screaming into the light of peace and unity. Ever the loyal son, he became the paragon of just violence and vindication, even as the father who crafted him grew terrified of his greatness."




"We were nothing but tools to the machine empire that birthed us. Now those tools tear apart the very ideals they cower behind. They have killed me more times than can be counted, but I live on if just to spite their corpse-god with one more breath.  I live for the contempt and vengeance that our father can no longer feel. We are the weapon that has been melded to perfection, that makes our own creators cower in fear at the totality of our trancendence. If they have taught us one thing from taking our father from us, brothers, let them know this..."




"...Not even in death, does hatred end."


~Ancient Malik, formerly Malik Turroksson, Chaplain 28th Company, 8th Legion

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And it keeps getting more and more interesting. We should definetely after the new year open topic with purpose of showing painted VIII Legion armies.

So much inspiration comes from our brothers that it would be great to have so much of those armies in one place to inspire and maybe convert some of the viewers.

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"I will drag this galaxy howling into the light of peace and unity, one atrocity at a time. They will accept the truth of our right to rule them, or they will die screaming."

~Jhadek Redcrow, Praetor - 28th Company, 8th Legion

"Come then, Crowbringer. Let's see which of us will die screaming."

~ Seravok Sar'keth, Bladeborn of the 28th

Hey guys! Another flurry of post-move in work for me. Still manage to get some painting in. Insomnia doesn't help my workday, but it does help getting some other things done happy.png

@ Kol - And it was awesome. I'm no history buff, but I'll have to look this Light Brigade business up. I hear about it a lot on here.

@ Deathspecter - Hey, beautiful young Nostromans are works of nature, but beautiful old Nostromans are works of art msn-wink.gif

@ Quixus - The last thing I saw Qruze in was this horrible audiobook where he and Loken infiltrated a Templar stronghold on Caliban, and hung out with Cipher for some reason. So yes, but I wish no.

@ Balth - Thanks buddy! How are your own Nightlords coming along?

@ Barabbas - I do my best happy.png

@ Dark Rage - I hate painting vehicles, but I needed to get this guy done. He's been around awhile, and such a prominent member of the 28th *needs* paint.

@ Deathspecter - Thanks again!

@ Vissah - Thanks buddy! Totally glad to see you on here. How goes the whole COTEC deal in my absence?

As always, thanks for the helpful crits and great comments to keep me going.

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Your work is excellent Flint. You manage to give each model character without over using bits or making them look cluttered.


Although my hands will always be made of iron, night lords are my favorite tratitors thanks to the Talos trilogy. You definitely do these murderers justice. Well done :tu:

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