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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Evening All! Just wanted to check in once before the Holidays to wish a happy few to everyone on here.

First thing: Announcement. This is now the official theme music of the 28th--


My fav, time for replies. It still blows my mind how many I get in such a short time. Thanks so much guys wub.png

@ Pyromancer - Glad to hear it. I'm still trying to figure out how to photograph more than a one or two models at a time.

@ Kol - Sounds fair. I'm more of a TNG girl myself. Love me some Johnathan Frakes / Patrick Stewart wonderteam.

@ Helter - Haha, wondered how long before someone mentioned it. Kosh'eth tay wink.png

@ Aquilanus - Glad to hear its working. I come from a role-playing background, so I'm *all* about the fluff. I heartily recommend working it out for your Rainbow Warriors! At the very least, it makes you view a squads sacrifice on the tabletop much more intimately.

@ Balth - Yay for loyalist sticktoitiveness! Come on over, the midnight clad water's great. Def looking forward to your own WiP!

@ Kol - What is a TARDIS? I thought at first, it was short hand for someone being rude to handicapped folks, then I have pieced together it's something to do with Dr. Who. Maybe...

@ deathspectersgt - Tosha amthilla van veshi laliss msn-wink.gif

@ helter - As yrosia se naur tay helshival. biggrin.png

@ heathens - Good call!

@ Veteran Sergeant - Glad to hear you like it so far. I tend to keep my Nightlords only minimally flappy.

@ Basswave - I admire any Iron Hands faithful still around after Clan Raukaan dropped. I'm glad to hear your first thought of them is as murderers... 'cause we are. First, last and always happy.png

@ Barabbas - HA! Good to know I did my part. I admit I have only ever had two power armored loves, salamanders and the Nightlords. I will attest to the coolness of several others who will remain nameless, however.

@ jeremy1391 - Oh, I've attracted a Fist player.... hope you missed the Redemptor a few pages back... tongue.png Glad to see you stop in!

@ sockwithaticket - Well... I figure there has to be someone out there to balance my topknot obsession. We'll say you're Samuel L. Jackson to my Bruce Willis! But glad to hear you like them. I've put a lot (for me) of work into them, both modeling and fiction.

Again, thanks for everything. Hope everyone has a badass holiday.

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What is a TARDIS?

Time and relative dimension in space. It's the Doctor's time machine stuck in the shape of a blue police box telephone booth.



Again, thanks for everything. Hope everyone has a badass holiday.

And I hope you are doing the same; how's the weather down there? It's in the low 20s up in NoVa today- wish we were having a white, snowy christmas.


Got a quick question for you: how big are the fuel canister underslings on the dreadnought? Around the size of an IG grenade launcher drum or smaller? Need to find an appropriate bit for my dread.

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I always thought it was Hue for some reason, but yeah its Hugh. The last two are Voyager references. The point is one can be into sci-fi without being into all of sci-fi and just because someone doesn't know what a TARDIS is doesn't mean we should be "Really? How do you not know that?" Otherwise anyone into Vampires would have to read Twilight and that's a punishment even Curze wouldn't inflict.
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I can't sum up how much it amuses me that I come back to a tiny nerd debate. I love this place.


@ Kol - Good to hear! I'm still clueless over Star Wars though... my knowledge extends to knowing Storm troopers are badass, and Vader is a Super saiyan stoom trooper. 


@  Chaplain -  Unfortunately, I don't have an IG grenade launcher to hand. They are just a shade larger than the double fuel tank backpack an IG flamer guy has though.


@ Forte - Unfortunately, that was me. Dr. Who is not my... specialty.


@ Deathspecter - Happy Holidays!


@ Kol - I think I know the Tricobalt dealies. Those are missles that make black holes, right? It seems they exist in Voyager, however, so beyond that, I'm clueless ^_^


@ Quixus - Eh, I would have had to hand in my nerd card *long* ago if that was actually a thing. I'm glad there isn't a B.S. in Greater Nerd Sciences that you need a general education in.


@ Kol - Haha, yeah. Just like that. I think Forte was just giving me a good-natured hard time.


@ Jaspcat - Hi Jasp! Glad you stopped by. I miss your lovely World Eaters. Though the Deathguard are looking aces too! You and Barsabbas should be buddies.


@ Quixus - All I need to know about vampires, I learned from Laura Caxton. *BAM* Obscure nerd reference gauntlet thrown DOWN!

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 I learned from Laura Caxton. *BAM* Obscure nerd reference gauntlet thrown DOWN!

99 Coffins by Wellington?


Yep geekdom is a fickle, mercurial thing- what clicks with some, doesn't connect with others- creating dazzling, intricate webs across the expanses of the internet.  It's how we seek each other out for rousing conversation on websites like this.   


Embrace our similarities in tastes and strengthen the community and respect our differences and grow as both geeks, and as people.

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Post Christmas Good Morning!


To everyone who survived the holidays, rejoice!


@ Kol - See? Voyager. I'm clueless ^_^


@ Chaplain - You sir, are now my honorable nerd arch-nemesis. Good Show.


@ Jaspcat - Awesome! I need more World Eater buddies. Thanks for the praise. 


Ok, for today, let me start by saying I love seeing other folks "Forgeworld Unboxing" photos. Its really neat. I normally refrain from doing it, however. It always made me feel like some chick on youtube doing a Loot video. I often don't even open my order box until the day I decided to work on the minis contained therein. This has lead to some hilarious circumstances of FW sending me a Warpfire Dragon or a entire squad of Sons of Horus by accident, and me blissfully ignorant. 


But today when I opened up my little bunch of resin dudes, I found something hilarious enough I couldn't help but post it. Apparently, someone at FW knows me *creepily* well, or they are just smoking something (stronger) and got bored.






Let me zoom in a bit.




No Nightlords Legion badge as of yet... but still... 

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I give you (pre-paint) the original intended content of this topic: The Black Jackal command squad


The bodyguard of my Praetor have to look the part!


Arrogance is a key selling point of the highborn faction of the 28th.


All of the Black Jackals are former offspring of the ruling houses of Hive Nobility. Where the hillfolk and underhivers are inducted through acts of sheer vicious tenacity and other impressive feats, the Jackals were inducted though wealth and influence of their ruling families.


That isn't to say they aren't capable, as all must still under go the rigorous, oft-fatal, implantation and training process. Jhadek Redcrow suffers no fools or incompetents, and each of the Jackals are hand picked from the best duelists and fighters of the 28th's uphive bred Astartes.


The best equipment and armament come with the position.


And to responses!

@ Chaplain - Indeed, I think someone at FW has a good sense of humor.

@ Deathspecter - They never cease to entertain me, those wacky FW guys ^_^

@ Kol - Sounds about right. It is a tad odder that I have referred to the 28th as "more the Lawful evil of Talos, than the Chaotic evil of Uzas or the Neutral evil of Cyrion," but maybe I'm just reading too much into it?

@ Chaptermasterdemon - Glad to see a new face, and to hear you're considering joining the Midnight clad fraternity (and micro-sorority). Bring on the attempted purgin'! That's how we keep ourselves sharp, thin-blood tongue.png

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