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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I feel like a red desert camo scheme would've worked better than the assumed "I'm on a Moon" or Ash Wastes (look, if its gray everywhere, you get my point..) gray that you used on him.


Granted, the contrast does make him more striking as an end result.


Were you going for this kinda camo?



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My gods, my..but...why.


By the Throne, Flint... why do you fill my head full of hurting? What do you do,play chess with Tzeentch or Cthulu when not painting?


I love the grit and grime, it's perfect for the sniper. The weapon and armor camo blotches function well, and break up his color scheme nicely in an almost splitter-esque camo.


You have appealed to my love of grit and grime that a space marine should have, as well as my love of posing.


I love to hate you, and your abilities make me want to launch a crusade in your general direction... now where is that astropath when I need it..


..I swear, if you added a corpse for him to be perched on with a combat knife still stuck in it..I'll...I'll.... I'll paint a blasted xenos or a heretic!

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I like it. The idea is to break up the lines of the armour making it harder to get a clear kill shot. I may have left the red off the camoline cloak though, i see that as a item that will try to replicate its enviroment. Like the elven cloaks in LotR
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Evening everyone.

Thanks for all the super helpful replies on my lil Bearer of the Word. He's taking his final matte coat as we speak. I'm currently working on painting the last two death company, but I wanted to show everyone what's after that.

Sadly, I had to choose between one of two projects for the XVII March of the Legions. This was the other contender, my take on another famous (and favorite of mine!) name of the Heresy Era who'll totes be completed when I get a free bit. I'm still debating on whether or not I want to keep that chest plate, or GS over it and attempt something cleaner but with that same archaic trim:



@ Black_Out - That's pretty high praise. I don't envy you that read though. Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself!

@ Wicced - Something I was considering already. His helm ended up black with brighter blue eye lenses

@ Dantay - You should totally bring out some recon marines! I don't think I've seen any 6th legion recon before. There are a lot of cool opportunities there.

@ Slipstreams - Something similar to that, yes. But I wanted a color that would contrast his red armor a little bit better. Red on red brown would kinda blob together even worse >_<

@ Helter - Already matted down and blended a little better. My attempt at making a cameleoline sheen.

@ Talon - Hiho! I am a pretty big Lovecraft fangirl, I'll admit happy.png

A whole crusade just for one five foot chick? Seems a little excessive dontcha think biggrin.png

Haha, it's a little late to give him a corpse buddy, but I'll keep that in mind for my Luna Wolf next month!

@ Hydra - Does his cloak come off as reddish? Its adeptus battlegray, administratum gray, charred brown and 50/50 charred brown and bleached bone. Dunno where the red comes from.

@ Dantay x2 - Haha, that would be a good excuse. Lets go with that! biggrin.png

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Did you think about an Autumn Forest Camo Scheme?




Would be striking, thats for sure. But, lots of yellow and orange :x

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Hmm, needs more bony protrusions.  Potentially some ripping through his muscle-plate.  The key I think is to have the spikes looking more organic and less armor-y.  The talons on the feet for instance are straight up armor-y.  Some muscular-tendon-ligament greenstuff thigns between the talons and the foot could be an interesting improvement.  

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@ Wicced - Sure! How's this?


@ Slipstreams - I had not. That would look awesome on dark armor... *swipe!*

@ Black_out - You can't see it b/c he's facing the wrong way... but already started on before I took the pic above biggrin.png

@ Firepower - I think I can make that happen. There are a ton in the Raptor and Possessed marine box set. And I'm always looking for ways to test my greenstuffin' recently!

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I don't like the posing. Something seems off about it. Like it's artificial rather a capture of someone in the action of movement. No idea on how to fix it though.

It's the positioning of tge wings it isn't natural for flight it's more like suprise I have wings





if you could blow dry and manipulate them into a more curved pose like actual flapping it would look more natural

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Looks good, I Like Argel Tal in the stories and your model gives him an air of nobility which I think is missing in the FW models.

I can see what Firepower is coming from. Maybe abit of gs around the horns to make them look a bit organic..

The chest plate might be okay, maybe mix a little flesh or a daemon-flesh colour into the red, make it look like the armour is rippling and writhing with the daemon trying to reshape it (hence using ed and adding in a flaeshy colour for the highlights.

The lightning on the legs too, unless making them into runes with some raised GS, I think they may need to go, he is an Exalted Bearer of the Word, not some pansy-ass Night Lord wannabe tongue.png just joking!!

For the wings, smear them in a bit of gore where they have burt throught flesh and armour to escape! Or drill some holes, make some gashes omn them, for where he has used them as a defensive shield...

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the wing position is why i asked for a pic from his backside.

i support the idea that they have to be reposed or bend to give them a more realistic feeling.

not sure on how to solve it though, i've been having the same problem with the possessed plastic wings :wink:


green stuffing some veins and sinews on the backpack might make it look more suitable daemonic :tu:

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Your right, its brown on the recon cloak. My bad. I will sacrifice a thousand cultists i your honour to make amends.


Tal is looking good. I like your alternate take on the character series.


Btw, I was looking for some posing inspiration and your plog was my first call, keep it up :)

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Morning folks! Instead of being an adult and finishing up what I need to get painted (or you know... studying...) I kept working on Argel Tal.

Here's where his chest plate is at. (still need quite a bit of shaving down, but its coming along)


and a rear shot with his non-placeholder backpack


Thanks for all the handy replies!

@ Recon - Thanks! I hope he remains so as I poke at him biggrin.png

@ Firepower - Oh definitely, I'm still going to try to add plenty of icky daemony-muscle connecting bits (and really exercise my greenstuff abilities). Is that backpack a decent start though?

@ Kol - I could see it.

Truth be told, I wanted to give him this noble air... maybe like how the 17th see him as a supreme divine being instead of the ravening monster most outside the legion see. Hard to translate I 'spose.

@ Kurama - Haha, I was going for that initial push-off launch spread, but that works too biggrin.png

@ Teetengee - I could see that. Lemme play around with it and see.

@ Dantay - No worries, I'll knock out the lightning.

I was going to try for some connecting daemon muscle on the feet and at the bottom of the wings where they have burst from the armor.

Since I just finished Betrayer for the 6th time, I've got a pretty vivid metal picture biggrin.png

@ Midnight - His flamer is from the 17th Legion Ashen Circle marines. I really like the underarm set up. It looks so neat!

Ah, seems great (homicidal) minds think alike biggrin.png How's this pack look for him?

@ Quixus - thumbsup.gif

@ Wicced - Got it. I'll see what I can come up with happy.png

@ Hydra - Awe thanks! Always glad to hear when/if I'm an inspiration. Means a lot ^_^

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I think I see where you're trying to go. Maybe make the legs look a bit more like they're pushing up a bit, if you can? Combined with the repositioned(or bent) wings, it should give it a more natural feel while still keeping the "noble grace".


But I would only suggest doing that if you don't like what happens after you play with the wings.

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Oooooh nice! That backpack looks almost made for that conversion. I'm not sure about the glaive AND that giant-ass sword. Either would be more practical imho and less "look I have two impractically huge weapons while I need to swoop my wings". ;) I like this model overall very much though. What's it going to be? 

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