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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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not sure about the chest (yet wink.png)

the backpack looks great, connect that with some daemonic sinew and your golden thumbsup.gif where is it from though? i can't place the part...

also about the two weapons, i liked the idea in betrayer but on a space marine model it looks a little too much in my opinion. i'd try to maybe sheathe the sword, but that seems to be just me and augustus biggrin.png


I like this model overall very much though. What's it going to be?

seriously mate?tongue.png

The two weapons are mandatory, of course, seeing how they are mentioned in Betrayer. But he is described to usually not be wielding them at the exact same time, changing from one to the other at a moment's notice. So maybe the sword should rather be at his side/on his back...?


My main point of criticism about the - otherwise very cool - model is the helmet, though. Yes, he does wear an Mk. IV helmet. But according to the book, it turns to either a silver deathmask of his human face or into a daemonic visage with an almost crocodilian maw when he "changes". I really think slaine69 has captured this rather beautifully.

I think something a bit closer to this look would make it even more obvious who this is supposed to be.


Keep up the amazing work!

Evening guys. Tul Haekon is all finished and I'll have him up in the March thread as soon as I write up his fluffy bits. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions to polish him along the way. Totally even added a combat knife just for Talon biggrin.png



@ Kol - Playing around with the wings now!

@ Augustus - Well, in the fiction Argel Tal normally swaps between them as he sees fit, but there is this one glorious segment when he is butchering an Ultramarine honor guard where he uses both at the same time. Imma say that's the precise moment my model is from.

Besides, if Gandalf can wield a staff and sword simultaneously, a mutant Astartes space daemon hybrid certainly can :D

@ Wicced - His chest plate is substantially slimmed down now. I'll try and get another pic up soon. (See above to Orfeo butchering :D)

@ Lokkorex - Thanks! Haha, I'll try to get a better shot for the Custodes gunglaive here shortly.

@ K-Sci - Except for that one bit on Armatura. :D

Oh wow, that is freakin' evil gorgeous. That's a bit beyond my sculptly skills, I'll admit. My thinking was a MK4 with a little bit of real estate to paint on, since I wanted to try for those liquid silver tears his eyes are supposed to bleed when Raum takes over. Plus I like his horns ^_^

@ Midnight - Thanks!

@ Recon - On his armor? Yesh. Fenrisian gray/blue and adeptus battlegray to be Pacific.

@ Atia - Omigawd, you're going to give every Word Bearer I have an inferiority complex :P

Yeah, the FW Gal Vorbak are like Ogryn sized right? That's a little big for me sweat.gif

i love the new helmet look, it's a nice contrast but not too heavy :tu:

and either i missed it, or you didn't answer my question about Argel Tal's backpack (where is it from?) Tell me now or get stabbed in dark cornersph34r.png

Like the Addition of the Earthy tones, really helps add to the illusion over the WiP grey and black you showed us.


Just a little remark: what made you outline the shoulder pad under the (what I assume is a) cameleoline cloak? Doesn't that go against the point of camo : to break up inorganic forms and shapes and help them blend into the terrain?

Like the Addition of the Earthy tones, really helps add to the illusion over the WiP grey and black you showed us.


Just a little remark: what made you outline the shoulder pad under the (what I assume is a) cameleoline cloak? Doesn't that go against the point of camo : to break up inorganic forms and shapes and help them blend into the terrain?

It kind of gives it the illusion of being a see-through fabric, which, while possibly impractical, kind of looks cool.


Personally, since camo colors are meant for what Slip mentions above, I'd've liked to see the camo colors repeated somehow on the base.

the rune is awesome and the linses really pop out!

@ Atia - Omigawd, you're going to give every Word Bearer I have an inferiority complex tongue.png

gnehe, they are Word Beares, they are born to have complexes! (Lorgar: Daddy, please give me some love Q.Q)

Evening everyone! Just finished up Kurze for my little midnight clad legion. As bat:cuss as he is, I can't argue with his badass rules on the table.






@ Wicced - Heh, I'm game if you want to see who can stab who first ^_~


His back pack is from Krannon the Relentless out of the DV box set. Those things are magical for kit bashes.


@ Daytay - Yep! I actually used a little dark earth powder to dust up his cloak a bit. Thanks, I enjoy painting blue of all types, so I try to work it in where ever I can.


@ Slipstreams - Was the best way I've figured out so far to represent the sheen of fabric. Still working on it.


@ Conn - Hah, yep that's pretty much it.


Do the colors on the base not look like his camo? They are literally the exact same four colors ^_^


@ Atia - Thanks! I love his little rune. 


... that is seriously creepy though :P


@ Talon - Glad to hear it! Always happy to hear I can be inspirational.


@ Heinrich - Thanks buddy! I try my darndest. 

Armor and base looks awesome, but his face needs some work. On my mobile, it looks like his whole head is coated in thick white ash (cocaine?), and the bloody mouth looks like the blood caked.

Flint, that's a great start, the blue is great, I love his coat and your metalwork is stunning as always. But in all honesty he comes across as a little rushed. We've seen these really good and intricate models of you lately, and he's not up to them. I have to agree with Conn Eremon that his face look a little powdery, which combined with his red mouth make me crave hamburgers. I know you hate bare heads, but perhaps a thinned down flesh or purple wash would help a little. His hair could also be darker, have you considered giving that a wash of black? Now on to the armour. I've seen you do great edge highlighting lately, but here is where I'm surprised at what you did - very thick lines. Perhaps you could go back to them an thin them a little using the darker blue beneath them, clean it up a little? The skeleton on his right shoulder needs some more love, perhaps with a wash of agrax, it's a little too pale right now, even for polished, dry bone/ The cloak looks good, but perhaps one more round of wet highlighting on the fleshy parts, as that looks a little monotone. I love that you also went for the red 'dreadlocks'. The base is awesome. Great choice to go for snow, and the subtle contrast between the earthy parts and the stone is really well done. 


Sorry if there's a list of nitpicks, but hey: it's my job as your challenger for this model to get you to do this guy to the best of your ablility, and you can do way more (unless you've spend a lot of cash on painting studio's to do those awesome blood angels and all the other legionnaires)!

Thanks Conn thanks Augustus, I appreciate the helpful feedback! 


How does this look for getting pointed in the right direction?




Added more depth to the skin with a purple/brown wash, darkened the hair considerably and trimmed down the blood (was trying for an enthusiastic nosebleed). Just started shaping up some of the messy high lights. 

Hair looks like a single, matted mess, and the face/nose just looks echy. Since that sounds like what you are going for, good job! :D


Still not my favorite face of yours, all things considered, but it is an improvement. I think the hair still needs some work, to look more like hair.


Ever thought about trying to model a Primarch helm?

Evening folks. Just a little update.

I'm embarking on a fun adventure with one of my best forum buddies, a fleshed out campaign thread spanning the lengths of the Great Crusade and beyond. Come on over and check it out. biggrin.png

I'll still be updating here regularly as my general painting thread, but this new project will house the chronicles of the VII 59th Company and the IX 18th Company. Enjoy!

Click for awesomeness.


and replies!

@ Recon - Thanks buddy!

@ Conn - Haha! You know I was just thinking if I could get away with crafting Kurze a helm. I supose if the Khan wears one from time to time, the Haunter can too.

@ Larkyn - Haha, 2/3 isn't bad biggrin.png


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