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Thanks a lot!


The pilot will be a separate model and I've thought about using the Death Korps commissar, just need to wait for it to get back in stock.


I'll have some new stuff ready late next week when I'm back with my camera.

Time for an update. I managed to get some work done at the end of 2014.

Lieutenant Simeon Kruik, leader of 3rd Squad Charon. During the war on Barbarus he followed Mortarion until his lungs started to rot and is among those in the Battalion who are most devoted to the Primarch. You might call him an unwilling loyalist.


The first two legionaries of Charon.



What will eventually become Lieutenant-Commander Sogalon, the Lion of Albia.


Some minor progress on the K

A couple of heavy hitters entering the stage.

Warden-Centurion Hebran Shabraste from the 1st Great Company. Had a lot of "fun" making the head fit.


The Grave Wardens. Play enough Dragon Age and you keep calling them Grey Wardens.






Need to start painting something now.

@ Pearson73: Thanks. If I don't get distracted by something else I'll start working on them when I'm done painting the Wolf.

@ Recon0321: Not too hard I think, just a little cutting and shaving. The pipes look like this from above.


@ Argent aquila: Yeah, I was going for a living battering ram look. Used the Typhon model (couldn't find a place for him in the army) and swapped the right arm for a spare Grave Warden one. The head was the difficult part.

  • 3 weeks later...

“To speak of the Blood-Axe is to speak of the darkness that dwells in all men. He was the best of us, the best who became the worst. A murderer. Red is his weapon, with the blood of Kings and Kin, and three brothers lie dead because of him. Let his saga be a reminder of how power corrupts Man, how the brightest star becomes the darkest pit. Let it remind us of the fate we all strive to avoid.”

- Harald Grey-Cloak, Pack Leader, Vlka Fenryka

Eirikr Blood-Axe, Slayer of Kings and Kin, Outcast of the VI Legion


The name Blood-Axe leaves a bitter aftertaste in the mouths of the Vlka Fenryka that not even the strongest Fenrisian ale can drown. Ruthless and with a strong thirst for power, it was said that a shadow of death always followed Eirikr Haraldsson. As a young man he avenged the murder of his father and sister by killing the Fenrisian chieftain responsible and burning down the man's longhouse with the entire family inside. As an Astartes he was among the best warriors of his generation, excelling at storming a breach and in bloody boarding operations. Though respected for his skill and many victories, Blood-Axe was shunned outside the battlefield; to him brotherly rivalries were matters of life and death, and he sought victory at any cost. Whispers of madness and increasing paranoia surrounded him. His position in the Great Company is not recorded, but he was clearly a higher ranking member, perhaps even second in command to the Jarl. Eventually the warrior called Bjorn challenged Blood-Axe to a duel, deeming him unfit to rule after a terrible massacre; Blood-Axe won and proceeded to kill Bjorn in front of the men. Then it all came crashing down. Two of his best warriors, Olaf and Haakon, decided to remove him by force and were murdered by the older Wolf, the savagery of how he slew Olaf sending shivers through the Legion. Blood-Axe was brought before Russ in chains, smiling, and the Wolf King stripped him of all rank and titles, then declared him an outcast and sentenced him to die the slow death of rad poisoning on a far away battlefield. It is said that Blood-Axe laughed at the sentence, calling the Legion cowards for not taking his head right there. And so he was sent to the closest gathering of Death Guard, escorted by two warriors who would ensure that Russ' will was carried out. His arrival coincided with the nightmare later known as the Bleeding Twins and he was to be put on the frontlines with the Destroyers, but it did not go as planned. The two guardians ended up dead shortly after setting foot on the First Twin, most likely by their former brother's hand, and Blood-Axe was later found by the Death Guard in a trench filled with Akateri corpses. When brought for questioning, he told them he had been sent to oversee the execution of two murderers and had no desire to return to the VI after such an act. Whether the Death Guard believed him or not is unclear, but the need for warriors during the Twins was great and they made Blood-Axe swear an oath before assigning him to the shock troops. It is to be said that the Last Judgement was always known as a haven for the misfits of their Legion. The Wolf fought alongside the XIV of the 90th Expedition until he disappeared without a trace in the days before Istvaan III. In the years that followed the Dropsite Massacre, there were reports of traitors on several battlefields being hunted and brutally killed by “the black wolf with a red axe”.

@ Argent aquila: Thanks! I had planned to add some blood splatter to the axe, but I seem to have forgotten about it. I'll blame the past weeks of sickness.


@ Deathspectersgt7: Thanks! It feels good to finally make some progress on this army.


In case anyone wondered, the runes on his right knee pad says "sun" and "giant".

  • 2 weeks later...

A little while ago I showed what would become the Lion of Albia, using the FW praetor. I have been staring at that model for some time and tried to figure out a way to turn it into something close to the vision I have for my commander. No result. It was like my relationship with the Raven Guard and Alpha Legion, didn't wake any inspiration or emotion at all. Then I thought of my old Blood Angels captain and his leopard pelt cloak (requiescat in pace, captain Samuel of the 4th company, Castigon is just an imposter).

It took a bit of work, but here is the result. A lion cloak for the Lion of Albia.




It will hopefully look somewhat prettier when he is closer to completion.

Awesome stuff. The Lion of Albia's cloak is inspired. Best is Hebran Shabraste, though. I actually like that model better than the Typhus base model.


I also read them as 'Grey Wardens', ha - big DA: Origins fan myself :smile.:

Edited by Brother-Captain Arkhan

Thanks, brothers. It will probably take a while before I finish him. I only have the body, sword and archaeotech pistol ready at this point.


@ Brother-Captain Arkhan: I'm very pleased with Shabraste and I think I'll paint him after the Contemptor I'm currently working on. I have been toying with the idea of creating a Chapter called the Grey Wardens one day, heavily inspired by the ones in DA.

  • 2 weeks later...

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