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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to show one of the two completed Incinerators and give a feeling of what the rest of the Destroyer company will look like. Might do some minor changes/improvements on the ones that follow.


Legion symbol + chemical fire = this


I had originally planned to have most of the squad finished by now, but cell biology, drooling over the Knights and starting on the background for my Imperial Army regiment got in the way. Should hopefully get some done this weekend.

cool stuff! is it supposed to be modified corvus armour though? because this is a heresy era army, i think that the aquila pattern wasn't exactly around then... i don't know if it matters, just curious.:sweat:


oh and ii will definately be having a squad of these guys in my own colors, credit shall be given where it is due!

Edited by Argent aquila

Many thanks!



@ deathspectersgt7: It's the first time I've tried something like this and I'm actually a little surprised of how well it turned out. If I've done my math right I will have 26 legionaries with blackened armour, so expect to see more.


@ recon0321: I'm quite happy with the result myself. Strange to think about that the first time I freehanded the Death Guard symbol I did it only to "ruin" it afterwards.


@ Argent aquila: I see it as an unofficial and heavy modification of mk IV with additional protection against chemical fire. I used mk VI parts because they fitted best and I've got a lot of those lying around after 10+ years.

oh okay, i didn't know whether it was supposed to be canon or not.

but, that being said, i think it beats anything GW could come up with of a similar fashion! i love the idea for these guys, and they have great character, and paint jobs! :yes:

Edited by Argent aquila
  • 2 weeks later...

Pyros Incinerator squad


Purge-Sergeant Demirkan


Gara Demirkan is a veteran member of the Incinerators and old compared to other Destroyers, having lived far beyond his expected lifespan. It has not come without a cost, for parts of his body have been in need of replacement several times over and each order he gives is followed by the metallic taste of blood from rotted lungs. He started out as a member of the Tactical Support squads, but was judged to be too unstable and transferred to the Destroyer Company where his obsession with flaming purges ensured a fast climb up the ranks. The promotion to Purge-Sergeant, similar to a Lieutenant in other companies, came after a series of savage cleansings in the name of Mortarion that would have led to censure in another Legion. During the Bleeding Twins he led the Incinerators in the tedious task of burning out Akateri soldiers from fortifications throughout the killing fields, his ruined lips shaping into a twisted smile at the sight of the xenos’ slow and agonizing demise. At the time of Istvaan III Demirkan is the only Incinerator from before the 8th Battalion’s exile who is still alive.

Those Destroyers are great! The paintjob is nicely understated but quite effective! And those rebreather helmets -- such a simple, yet amazing idea!


EDIT: Just noticed the blood leaking from the officer's rebreather -- such a nice (if gruesome) callback to his background!

Edited by KrautScientist

@Flint13: That I will, it's just too bad I can't start painting until the postal service decide to drop the German uniform paints I ordered in my post box. What I like about the Kriegers is that they're not only perfect to represent a 30k Imperial Army regiment loving mass executions, but they also look like tiny mortals when compared to Astartes.


@deathspectersgt7: Yeah, I wanted to show that he is literally rotting inside his armour. It's also the first time I've used blood for the blood god.


@Argent aquila: Aye, that's the bonus.


@helterskelter: Thanks, brother.

I love those rebreather helmets so much. I'm making a couple of flame specialists myself in the near future, would you mind if I... borrowed the idea?


I like the scorched legion symbol on your destroyers, too. Also, it's always nice to see fluff with people's minis.

Thanks, and feel free to borrow.


Fluff is a must when I make an army, I do have this thing that I can't build a single model or squad without giving them a piece of background. It just feels unfinished without it.

@Flint13: That I will, it's just too bad I can't start painting until the postal service decide to drop the German uniform paints I ordered in my post box. What I like about the Kriegers is that they're not only perfect to represent a 30k Imperial Army regiment loving mass executions, but they also look like tiny mortals when compared to Astartes.

Agreed. FW's Kriegers are a *much* more realistic scale than GW's plastic Cadians and Catachans. It makes them just look right next to all those towering astartes ^_^

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