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Working on my guard


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Thanks +Dan+! The sculpt is not the best so the visor is not as crisp as some of the others, the boom mic is great though. Figure the sgt wants to make sure to keep in touch with the big bossman. ;)...

Kael24- Ya, the Cadian haz stuff is some of my favorite that FW has done. Lol, that mold line kind of stands out :).. I'll file that down before I paint the chainsword.

Thx guys

Heres a few more of my older Cadian 6th members of the Artemisian front-these guys are all WIP

This guy is my Marbo...even though they apparently just took him away :/


3rd Platoons Lt rocking the powerfist- think I will make the fist glowing blue (at least I will try too;)


3rd PLatoon Sgt- Powersword will be blue too...think the plasma weapons will all have a blue glow to them as well..might as well make the powered weapons simllar


Heres a melta vet for my Straken CCS


This guy... I dont know exactly who he is, love his pose though...may pull his head off and put a regular troopers head on him and say his long arm was lost in an explosion...



So Ive added a new color element to the Urban Winter scheme and would appreciate any feedback on the light green jacket/ pants...

Good job I really like those hasmat heads. I think ttat green with the red trim looks a little Christmasy. How about a more olive drab like green?

Ya... it is an Urban Winter scheme BUTTTTTT Christmasy is not what I'm going for... no Yule Grenadiers for this guy msn-wink.gif... I have some OD green paint and will be breaking that out this eve.

Thanks cypher

Also, just realized that the middle guy could be a Cadet Commissar (if they are bringing them back) for one of the Cadian 6th Squads (I have 30 guys already painted up for the 6th and will be adding them back into my army plans with the new book.)

Vendettas becoming a delivery vehicle for SWS or 1 shot precision strike squads and the cost of Chimeras going up will be changing my army structure a little as I am seeing more boots mixed with Heavy armour and arty as the backbone of my list.

Ive been thinking about bypassing the new dex and running something from one of the IA books instead.

On paper those colours don't sound right, but in practice they catch the eye and look great.

Oddly enough I've seen a similiar scheme before in an old Playstation game called: Apocalypse

Troops in green uniforms, with white helmets and white shoulder pads that had a large red downard arrow sort of thing.

Come to think of it, they even had large MBT's the size of a Baneblade.

In any case, great effort with your infantry, I hope you are satisfied with your work and I would strongly suggest to keep the red in.

Imperium doesn't know what christmas is anyway. teehee.gif

Will be breaking out the brushes very soon... Picked up a box of scions today... Kind of underimpressed with the models- loved the last 2 editions releases for ST but these are a lil to baroque for me...but will blend them in with my karskin and run some storm troopers for the heck of it.

Lol... I ask for feedback and provide a pic that's not a close up... will rectify that this eve. I want to GS some pouches on the thighs and hook the scion legs up with ... something... they are pretty plain.

I think he's got some very cool looking friends! An excellent conversion and kit bash they really do look rather good! Now to get some paint on them... tongue.png

Thanks Warriorfish. I was looking at the scions and was really not inspired to put them together as they are. Think I will assemble them as Strakens CCS and use any leftover torsos for vehicle commanders. I would love to prime them as it was 70 yesterday...and snowing today. Will be basing a bunch of painted stuff tonight.

Looks to me like you can cut the cables off to leave a normal charge pack in the guns which is great. I think the cut off Lasgun would look better if you filled the little holes in on the "barrel" bit maybe?


I might have to get the haz set from FW to make a specialised Veteran squad now...

  • 2 weeks later...

HOwdy fellas...

Ive not forgotten my guard. Been a lil hectic with the world and have decided to paint a lil of my 30k in preparation for there being a guard portion in one of the upcoming HH books :)


Heres my assembled sabre defense platform-in all the years of working with resin I finally found the right temp of water to straighten things out...a rolling boil, 3 seconds in and bend, back in and work it until you are happy. The barrels of both autocannons were all over the place, the connecting rig was jacked to the left and the platform had a big ole wobble to it. 






Heres a shot of my Imperial IronFists Veteran Sargent - he is a techy marine and will be comptrolling some of my Mechanicum allies...







cheers gents... glad to see so many new brothers here on the board

Thanks +Dan+! I'm getting a lil grief on the HH board for combining hands with fists ;)... The yellow starts with black primer, brown topcoat, brown/yellow 50/50, smoke wash, yellow/ brown 75/25 and a yellow/white fine line... Going to work the colors up a lil more.

When the wolves enter the HH I will be headed back home to the fang :)...

Before then I am hoping to have a better handle on my guard. Luckily being ill I have nothin at all better to do than build dudes. Finished building 9/10 of the haz/tempestus/scout mixes... Built up 4 more of the haz head elysians and started on my tempestus/scout priest.

An built and primed my stepsons flyrant.


Will try n get some pics up tomorrow when I (hopefully) prime them


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