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Allright Gentlemen; How do we kill Taudar? (batrep page 2)


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With 10 I can't fit the librarians in the pods. I could go with 5, but it doesn't feel like enough meat to protect the librarians or survive to score. 


EDIT: I'll paste the new list here so it doesn't get lost at the last page.



Something like this will be the next version that I'll try out:


Blood Angels




Furioso lib in pod

Furioso lib in pod

Furioso lib in pod


8 man assault squad with melta gun in pod

8 man assault squad with melta gun in pod


Devastator squad with 4 missile launchers


Space Wolves

Rune priest with birdie and runic/terminator armor

Rune priest with birdie and runic/terminator armor


8 Grey hunters with plasma gun in pod

8 Grey hunters with plasma gun in pod


5 Long fangs with 4 missile launchers


1993/1995 pts


It's got more range, better at demeching, more scoring. Not the same kind of crazy telepathy spam though and two units that might be vulnerable starting on the table....


Thoughts or suggestions? 

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You can buy 10 man squads and get dual specials, then have 5 come in as standard reserves or deploy normally, and 5 in the pod with the rune priest.


Grey Hunters can't combat squad, so all you get for going 10 strong there is the free special (which is usually reason enough)


I'd also check this, but think of this tactic-  When you put a BA Librarian, a Rune Priest, and 5 meltagunners in a drop pod, you can technically deploy 3 units on the drop.  Its highly suicidal, but if you disembark the characters further than 2" from the squad, then they don't join it and can shoot at separate targets.  Ideal for using dual meltaguns to de-mech then popping the contents with the psyker powers.

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No riding in dedicated transports for allies if I remember correctly?


Buying 10 is an option, but what am I going to do with the 5 footslogging assault marines? There's also the issue of only having 5 guys taking wounds before the librarian bites it.

It's definitely interesting if I take a raven or two but for this particular build it's a high tax just for one more special weapon. Maybe with a tactical squad though.... hm.

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I think those Devs and Long Fangs may be too vulnerable starting on the table if you're going second. I'd be tempted just to get MOAR podded stuff - Multi-Melta/HF Dreads or Wolf Guard spring to mind


It's a concern, but I also desperately need the range and fire power. I can't really think of anything that can match them in those terms. You really need quantity and not just quality of fire to beat those pesky wave serpents among others.


More pods doesn't really help with the mobility issue, if anything I'd rather find the points for pods for the devs and LFs. :)


I had another look at the troops.

10 tacticals in pod with a melta, missile launcher and combi-weapon is only slightly more expensive than the 8 assault marines I use now. Less bodies to hide the librarian behind but a little more flexibility for deployment as well as extra bolter shots. 


I also remembered that our assault sergeants can take storm shields! That might actually come in handy considering their primary job is to babysit the librarian. 

What do you guys think? Worth trading one marine for the 3+ invul?

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Invulnerable saves are overrated against Taudar because the only low AP shooting they tend to bring is Riptides.  Wave Serpents and Broadsides rely on volume, where more bodies is more survivable.


if you're willing to use Fortifications, I'd suggest a Firestorm Redoubt or something to bunker the fire support units in.  You're basically doing pods+firebase, where the firebase's only real role is to de-mech the enemy so your pods can rip through his lines.


I was racking my brain for other units to destroy Serpents at range, and my best suggestion was Guard Heavy Weapons Teams with Lascannons, and either the Bring it Down order or Prescience for twin-linkage.  But to really get the mileage out of that, you need to roll at least 1 divination psyker and get Perfect Timing so your shots don't just get saved on a 4+.  Or go first, and bring a barrage gun with your allied Guard contingent.

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I'm gonna disagree a bit about any lack of low AP in Taudar. I think you have to worry about both, which is a large part of what makes them so good. So choosing between an invul and  more bodies is a tough call. 


Fortifications could work, but I already run a pretty expensive core. Fortifications really go both ways, sometimes a death trap sometimes they make you damn near invulnerable :) Maybe the skyshield as I receive the benefit of better los and save without being locked up?


I thought about heavy weapon teams in the past. Considering the amount of ignore cover 6-7 shooting out there I think they are best left at home. They need ablative wounds from squads or transports to not melt away instantly. 

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I had a test game today vs SoB with the BA+SW combo list. Version with the tac squad instead of assault squad.

Whoooaaa boy was it ever one of those games. You know where the dice just don't give you a break?

There should be some kind of award for not getting a single psychic power through, four rounds straight, with 7 psykers! pinch.gif

Shooting wasn't much better, Highlights included 9 krak missiles not doing a single HP on a rhino, plasmaguns killing themselves on the drop and 4 frag missiles into a densely packed unit resulting in 0 unsaved wounds....

Can't wait to try it again though! teehee.gif

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Well thanks for your support! :P


I actually felt like the missile devs and pod combo worked quite well. Even with my horrible rolls it put a lot of pressure on the opponent. It's not that easy to kill 10 marines across the board, is it? The range of the missile launchers allow for a very defensive deployment. 


This list takes a very different approach since it has 0 of the units I normally would use (like DC, frag dreads or mephiston). Still getting used to the target priority for psychic powers. 

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Have you ever thought of doing dreadnought spam?


3 Furiosos/Libby


10 death company


3 death dreads


3 TLAC dreads



Just drop in all in the backfield and screw around with their deployment and just overload their threats. Also it increases the risk that they hit their own guys and you can scare them off the board. The only problem is that it's a low model count and they risk getting picked to pieces

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Have you ever thought of doing dreadnought spam?


3 Furiosos/Libby


10 death company


3 death dreads. Would you not need 15 DC to get 3???


3 TLAC dreads



Just drop in all in the backfield and screw around with their deployment and just overload their threats. Also it increases the risk that they hit their own guys and you can scare them off the board. The only problem is that it's a low model count and they risk getting picked to pieces

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I've thought about it as you can take 10-11 dreads in sub 2k lists. Unfortunately tournaments around here often include mandatory scoring that could make you lose a game even if you wipe your opponent. 

I do have that many dreads, so when I get my shipment of FW dread arms I could play that list in a friendly game.  


Something like this looks fun and (almost) playable




fragioso in pod

fragioso in pod

fragioso in pod


15 DC in dedicated LRC or LRR

DC dread with flamer in pod

DC dread with flamer in pod

DC dread with flamer in pod


TLAC dread

TLAC dread

PC and ML dread

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I've thought about it as you can take 10-11 dreads in sub 2k lists. Unfortunately tournaments around here often include mandatory scoring that could make you lose a game even if you wipe your opponent. 

I do have that many dreads, so when I get my shipment of FW dread arms I could play that list in a friendly game.  

It can be hit or miss.


When I played against a guy who did this (I had old tau with lots of battle suits) I suitably destroyed him the first time around as he really didn't prioritize my battle suits and they hopped in and out of cover. However we played a rematch and I conceded by turn 3 as I had no anti tank left to hurt him.


He had a set of 3 twin linked auto dreads which were mobile gun platforms that destroyed my tanks that had cover saves and forced a ton of high strength shots on my suits.



He only ran everybody instead of podding them, but I still had to worry about flying dreads and running death dreads. His death company in a rhino went relatively unharmed as I focused on the dreads barreling towards me.

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Ultimately, offensive Psyker lists will always be dice sensitive, more so than most lists On top of your own leadership tests, you also get trumped by deny the witch, and other psykers improve that (or adamantium will). It's fickle to me.


In the current meta my options are to either bring a solid, balanced list that can stomp worse players but might have a 10% chance at best to win against the 'good' builds.


I go with something crazy like this where I'll have a 50/50 chance of winning against pretty much anything the game can throw at me, 'good' or 'bad'.

I'd rather gamble for the top than settle for the middle. thumbsup.gif

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Heh, that's exactly how I'm feeling as well :) Also, you will most likely still defeat a worse opponent even if your list is subpar thanks to experience, and the best chance to win against a good list is to bring something he will never expect and thus throw him of balance.

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I've thought about it as you can take 10-11 dreads in sub 2k lists. Unfortunately tournaments around here often include mandatory scoring that could make you lose a game even if you wipe your opponent. 

I do have that many dreads, so when I get my shipment of FW dread arms I could play that list in a friendly game.  


Something like this looks fun and (almost) playable




fragioso in pod

fragioso in pod

fragioso in pod


15 DC in dedicated LRC or LRR

DC dread with flamer in pod

DC dread with flamer in pod

DC dread with flamer in pod


TLAC dread

TLAC dread

PC and ML dread


That's an interesting list, looks like it would be a ton of fun.  If I had a few more dreads I'd  take it for a rip.

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Wouldn't Furioso Libby dreads be really useful? U get the shield of sanguinius but more importantly you can insta gib a riptide or wraith knight.


If they ever make it into combat they could. Not impossible with 'wings', but they are likely to be shot to pieces before that. And if you have to assault through terrain even the riptide will strike first.


Better to just scream at, mind control or scare them.


Yes, furioso libs can be useful. That's why I spam them in my other list. They just cost too much if you want to go silly and spam dreads. Sure you can remove the transport from the DC but then they are practically useless. 

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