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Allright Gentlemen; How do we kill Taudar? (batrep page 2)


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On a related tangent can I ask for your interpretation of the rules pls....

I took fragioso in pod last night to escalating campaign scenario:750 pts. I'd arranged to take on infamous tau player, mephy looking for revenge vs rip tide (didn't get it) but then I took on nids...

Sent fragioso after 2 blind mice, got 3 wounds in turn 1, mag grap got final one in turn 2. Mephy lost wound to perils in turn 1 but zoomed over to zenothropes (whatevs) and dispatched them in turn 2 so I was chuffed when his big momma rolled double 2 for spawning in turn 2! And I turned mephy on her and fragioso and troops on nid troops...

So when I fragged a load of gaunts, the template covered 5 models. That's 10 hits. I rolled 9 wounds, he made 2 saves. (7 unsaved wounds)

My opponent then argued that as there were only 5 models under the template I could only kill 5. That's not how it works I said, fumbling around with borrowed mini rule book. He asked a respected guy in the store who agreed with him saying that the other models in the unit were out of range of frag cann.

I always thought that's why templates were so cool; 3 templates cover the front 3 guys in target unit, get 9 wounds, no cover, 9 unsaved wounds means 9models removed.

I've looked through rule book in cold light of day. I still believe I'm right have I missed some thing?

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You can kill as many models as the weapon can reach, not just under the template. So any model that was in range of the template. Further more, casualties can be removed as far as the longest weapon range contributing to the wound pool. So if you hit and wound with a magna grapple while fragging away, you can roast

up to 12 inches with your flamer template wounds.

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A template is just there for generating the wounds. Models in the unit are still removed closest first, regardless of whether or not the template has hit them.


After the "to hit" rolls have been made by placing your template and rolling for your melta gun/magna grapple/storm bolter you roll to wound and all wounds go into a pool. Your killzone is the maximum range of your longest weapon.


In short if you have the following set up:

Frag cannon, Heavy Flammer - 8" killzone

Add a Melta Gun/Magna Grapple - 12"

Keep the Storm Bolter - 24"


You then decide what order to make your opponent do his saves. Ideally, do the non-rending Frag Cannon shots first, followed by the rends, then the Melta/Magna weapons. If you have any Heavy Flamer/Stormbolter, it's probably best to do them first. By doing it this way, your have a greater chance of "sniping" a model you want.


Further reading:


Kinda related


As another example, a ten man Tactical Squad is going to fire but only five of the models are in rapid fire range. If only one enemy model is at 12" and the rest of the squad are at 13+, the rapid fire shots still carry over to the models at 13+ due to the maximum range of the squad being 24".

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As long as your Fragioso is also shooting his Magna Grapple or Melta (doesn't matter if it hits or wounds), you can kill any models up to 12'' away from your dread. If you lose the grapple and melta, your kill zone decreases to 8'' (the length of the flamer template).


I have another question though concerning Tau and the Ethereal: Am I right that Tau can't use the ethereals leadership when testing against fear of darkness?

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C:BA, page 63

*snip*That unit must immediately take a morale test with a -2 penalty to their leadership. All normal modifiers and/or exceptions apply. *snip*

C:TE, page 35

All friendly models from this codex within 12" of the Ethereal use his Leadership for Fear,

Morale, Pinning and Regroup tests.*snip*

It's my guess that they can. Certainly if you target a unit with a Veteran Sergeant, you test on LDR9 rather than the Marine's LDR8.
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Join the heresy msn-wink.gif

You can do that and you get 12 shots

Oooh no, not getting started on a heresey force as well :P

Bringing some kind of lib spam to a tourney. Only 2 missions use the common narrow deployment zone, gotta think about a way to bring more bodies for fall back blocks and such.... maybe even drop the allied librarians! ermm.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanna resurect this thread as I had a fun tourni a couple of weeks back where I was expecting Wall to Wall tau. We all played 3 x 1500 battles in a day, my first vs c:sm & IG allies, nearly tabled him. 2nd vs Eldar with 2 x wraith knights! I took out both wraith knights by end turn 2 but my inexperience resulted in a technical loss for me in last throws of game. Finally vs grot army, once I got over hilarity of opponent and took it seriously I swung a marginal victory there too. Ended up 7th overall, Out of 28 competitors.

A few tactical errors in the 2nd and 3rd game lost me points but my army was fun to play and effective with a few surprises for opponent.

I just got time to jot it out now will elaborate on the most effective units and tactics l8r...

WL: xenos =][= conversion beamer, power armour force sword, servo skulls.

Primary Det; BA:


10 Assault marines 2 melta gun, ThunHamm.

10 Assault marines 2 melta gun, infurnus pistol Gun Slinger.

Fragioso with mag grap, melta gun in blood fist and spotlight. In drop pod.

Allied detatchment; space wolves;

Rune Priest, jump pack & melta bombs.

10 Grey Hunters, 2 plaz gun. Power fist.

6 longfangs 4 miss, 1 laz.


Jumping rune priest there to deep strike in by servo skulls with assault marines casting jaws at rip tides, so disappointed he never got to do it, but he did cast a lot of prescience for his allied crew!

Mephiston took out 2 wraith knights in combat, squad of jump guys keeping 2nd one tied in combat while he dispatched first then hopped over to slay that one before he did too much damage!

Mephistons big job was to distract enemy from taking Out war lord- he did that very well!

=][= with long fangs is addictive! Hopefully he'll get "ignores cover" as power vs tau / Eldar, but prescience is reliable and good for flyers. 'Course long fangs can split Fire anyhow so conversion beamer can go for distance, AP1 while L fangs protect grey hunters on objective or cover Fire for everyone else hopping about the board! His Best trick is getting own war lord trait though, some good ones including +1 S to ranged weapon, S10 orbital bombardment, re roll for reserves, preferred enemy vs xenos; type malarkey!

Fragioso was great for getting 1St blood. Have to be clever where you drop him though; spot light will illuminate targets Hit for long fangs so multi unit hit on frag cann is useful!

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