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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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I just found this thread and this reply struck a chord with me brother.


I have always been a wolf at heart. Its the Scot/Norwegian blood I suppose. I tend to think of us as Teddy Roosevelt clones with more muscles and a drinking problem LoL SW players that I know tend to laugh more and take the game less seriously than most.


I also remember well that it was a Chaos player that told me I would never be able to play in a store. He told me I should spray paint my mini's black and claim to be a black legion player rather than a Space Wolf.


Now I split my time between SW and NL, neither of which I do justice too but both of which I love to paint. Both were used by the Emperor for the dirty work when it needed to be done and only one Legion was taken to task for it. Curze took things too far, but it wasn't really Horus that made war on his brother marines first was it?  That's why I love the Night Lords, they are the evil children that were betrayed LoL


On a side note - since I just found this thread is it too late to get added to the roster?

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Commander - Captain Lowmar

Pre-heresy designator - 184th Company, 13th Demi-Chapter (Assigned to Task Force Nibelung)

 12 Claws in midnight clad

  Full Auxiliary support


Post-heresy designator - Warband of Lowmar "Angelus Interfectum" 

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@Armond: wow! I love these models. Very crisp and... I thought about it and realized you use very little red and a lot of bone colour - which makes them even spookier. Nice work!!!

I would say that the lack of red and the use of bone makes them more ethereal (and therefore creepier :happy.: )


Nice stuff! :thumbsup:

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Good "Nigh"t to you brothers and sisters. I seek a place to share in the spoils of the imperium with all in Midnight clad and hope my arrival is well timed. I seek to be added to the roll and would prove myself a true Night Lord though Terrain born. I also share my time between the 8th and 6th but currently am focused on the sons of Nostramo. Please advise if my claws can be reddened along with yours.
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Greetings brother! You are more than welcome to shed the blood of the Corpse-Emperor's lackeys, the more the merrier!

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Know us as follows:

Commanders Sar Horr-al and Xas Horr-ast (twin brothers sharing command of the company)

781 Company partakers of REDRUM

Number of Claws - Unknown, meant to keep all from knowing our true strength

Home - Exorcist Class Grand Cruiser "Albinos Blood Letting"

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Oh this looks fun.


Elements of the 8th Company "The Circle of Inclemency"


Commander: Sah Vossago (ascended to daemonhood M40)


Notable Individuals: Heyon the Doomed (Sorcerer), Sevek Morhai (Master of "The Innocent Few" Vossago's bodyguard and Chosen elite)


Base of Operations: Strike Cruiser "Messenger of Fate"


We venerate neither the rotted corpse of Curze nor the dull pretender Abaddon. We fight not for the gods, nor for petty notions of vengeance but merely because we can. We are the Night Lords, and the blood of the comfortable and the complacent has ever been our birthright. We are the Night Lords, and we are coming for you.

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Welcome brothers!!

Haakon Norsai: welcome congrats on claiming the highest company number by far!!

Rain: welcome to you too. I am obliged to point out that the 8th company has already been claimed (see post #1 of this thread) by DarkVen. This leaves you with a number of options: 1: Don't care. 2: Claim a higher number (the lowest unclaimed company number is 19). 3: Write some fluff about how your company is a splinter group of the 8th.4: Contact DarkVen and write the fluff together with him! Intra-company feuding is what keeps us going!! ;-)


Edit: spelling

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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8th works just fine. We have a couple of overlaps here and there. Besides, the 8th is so crazy fractured anyway, I'm more suspicious of whole companies
Welcome Rain. Your company now stands proudly in midnight clad alongside their brothers.

Edited by Flint13
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8th works just fine. We have a couple of overlaps here and there. Besides, the 8th is so crazy fractured anyway, I'm more suspicious of whole companies

Welcome Rain. Your company now stands proudly in midnight clad alongside their brothers.

With knives held at the ready for some good old backstabbing! :thumbsup:

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8th works just fine. We have a couple of overlaps here and there. Besides, the 8th is so crazy fractured anyway, I'm more suspicious of whole companies

Welcome Rain. Your company now stands proudly in midnight clad alongside their brothers.

With knives held at the ready for some good old backstabbing! :thumbsup:


Well... "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" is a pretty good motto for the Eight since most of the time they are the same anyway :ph34r.:

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Terror Squad enough for the likes of us?


It is the Sergeant



And here is one of the rank and file



There has been no green stuff done yet, I will try not to disappoint!

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Sometimes life is hard on a VIII Legionaire


Sometimes life is even harder when your gloves are forever red and you can never claim Midnight Clad


Life is even harder when your ticket is pulled while you wear red stained gloves and the Company no longer needs you...



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Well I just remembered something to lament (again), I happen to have one of those older Night Lord hero/captain models from the finecast line. 

If I ever get my models back I may intend to give him wings and make him a fine jump lord, then post it here.  Of course I also want to fix his head and glue those damn helmet wings if they ever decide to stick again.

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Awesome Armond

Thanks Forte!


Armond, the sergeant's head, is that from the regular squad box? Looks a bit different to me.

Nope, the head is from the old winged helms that GW did for the Night Lords, I just cut the wings off and filed it down!


As a side note, I am thinking perhaps of putting names to some of the unnamed.  So if it is no problem, I may post a mini, a full set of 4 pics of his various sides.  I will then petition for suggested names that I may try to incorporate into my army.  Thoughts?

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As a side note, I am thinking perhaps of putting names to some of the unnamed.  So if it is no problem, I may post a mini, a full set of 4 pics of his various sides.  I will then petition for suggested names that I may try to incorporate into my army.  Thoughts?

sounds good! I'm suggesting Saar Sutsugua for the sergeant.
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Sometimes life is hard on a VIII Legionaire


Sometimes life is even harder when your gloves are forever red and you can never claim Midnight Clad


Life is even harder when your ticket is pulled while you wear red stained gloves and the Company no longer needs you...



Great pic. Where is a goddamn "like" button in mobile version?
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