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Welcome Brothers of the 2oth Company


In answer to Brother Wades question;


We of the Broken Silence count two of our brothers as honoured dreadnoughts;


The first is Brother Sergeant Shi Gjaku 'The Thrice Cursed'  he is named thus for the three curses he suffered in life, first he was born a Terran , second he was struck down whilst acting as our Company's Vexillium during our participation in the destruction of the loyalists at Ungall, he bled his last on the claws of the Raven fighting by the side of the Primarch himself. The Third Curse was dying in such an honoured manner that his internment was guaranteed. As the decades and centuries pass we rely more and more on sedatives to keep him under control. 


Our second honoured dreadnought is occupied by Brother Captain Thua Erret 'The Crimson Hand', it had previously stood empty for eight decades after the previous incumbent was damaged beyond repair whilst fighting against the servants of the false emperor on Thranx.  Brother Captain Erret formerly of the 172nd Company was mortally wounded on Durega and I found it necessary to push forward his ascension to honoured dreadnought to weld our two reduced companies together. Dour and morose in life the internment has not improved his temperament. 


I believe that in the short term the dreadnoughts persona does not change much from that of the legionnaire entombed inside, if you place an unstable berserker inside a heavily armoured killing machine you should not be surprised when he breaks his restraining chains and decimates your warband. 


In the long term however, being incarcerated inside a sarcophagus is tantamount to an unending torture and most of the incumbents will lapse into insanity or a need to finally end their existence.


Fracta Est Silentium

Edited by Corsovitt
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Hi cousins! I finally managed to get good-enough pics of my miniatures so here are pics of my WIPs of The Blessed assigned to Hydra's Tail along with a bit of lore. I am not the greatest painter but whatever.


Viper felt surprised as the warriors clad in distinctive colors of The Blessed approached them. He regarded the group carefully, yet he failed to see a smallest hint of mutation. So these were the horribly mutated monsters everyone was talking about?


One figure stepped forward and removed his helmet to reveal coppery-skinned face densely covered by tattoos of blasphemous symbols. His huge black pupils adjusted to higher intensity of light by narrowing into cat-like slits, revealing deep purple of his irises. His wide, warm, and yet vicious smile revealed a row of sharp, predatory teeth.


Blessing of Chaos upon you, cousins,’ he spoke with unnatural voice ‘I am Iskafael of The Blessed and proud warriors behind me are members of our raptor cult. We are honoured to be assigned to Hydra's Tail.’


‘Yeah I am sure you are.’ Viper didn't try to hide irony in his tone. But then an oddity struck him. Raptors not wearing their jump packs? That is the first time he saw raptors choosing not to...


His thoughts were interrupted with unfamiliar sound echoing through the hall.


‘Whats that?’ Viper asked, confused.


‘That? That's just babies crying, Iskafael answered, still smiling. ‘We were informed that your feeding habits might differ from ours so we brought our provisions with us.


Brother Iskafael of The Blessed:



Brother Khayiron of The Blessed, raptor squad Wings of Justice:




The idea behind those guys is similar to A D-B's possessed: They look pretty casually and start mutating during a fight. I would like to paint mutated parts (wings for example) to have ghastly look, so I would like to ask you if you have any experience with painting ghastly miniatures or know any good tutorial for painting ghosts? I know that Dan painted awesome ghastly counts as Plague marines but I think my painting skills are not on that level. :smile.:

Edited by RapatoR
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Flayed Skin tutorial would be amazing, now leads me to think how much flayed flesh would fit on the new Imperial Knight models carapace... Amongst the crucified remenants of the sons of El'Johnson...

Perhaps a sewn together battle honors scroll, made from flesh? I think it will do nicely.

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Hail brothers and sisters of the Eight!

Once upon a time, in the early years of the millenium, I was the happy owner of a power armoured army (a loyalist one) and a bunch of things on square bases aswell. But alas, my days as a university student came to an end and in my hunt for a job I moved to a place where the very words '40K' and 'Warhammer" were unkown to man and with no local hobbyists to keep me going my things were reluctantly put into boxes and carried into storage. Tragically though 95% of it were then lost in a burglary a couple of years later and my days with little plastic soldiers seemed to be at an definite end... :sad.:

But lo and behold! A couple of years ago I met a new friend who was an active hobbyist and inspired by him I grabbed a brush and started painting again. Colourful soldiers (worshiping a hammer-wielding former mortal) not allowed on this forum though and the battle fields of the future were far away indeed, but then two things happened. The first one was that I started to look for something more to paint as I felt that I needed some variation and the second thing was that I read three books written by a certain author known as ADB. I take it you can guess what happened...

So now I find my self slowly (in fact very slowly) starting to build and paint some Night Lords. At the moment, I have no intention to build a complete army (mainly due to time) but as my twisted mind has already started to figure out some backstory to the 33rd company and it's Captain I realise that I might fail at my intentions.

Anyway, after this rather lenghty presentation I guess I should show my (so far) only painted model. The picture is not the best since I had to use my mobile phone instead of a proper camera but here he is, the first power armoured model I have painted for 6-7 years: Brother Jastes, 3rd Claw, 33rd Company.


Edit: Since I can't see the picture here in the post I guess I'm doing something wrong... Anyone who has a useful tip? :huh.:

Double edit: Trying again, thanks for the tip Kol_Saresk! :biggrin.:

Edited by MrBear
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And welcome brother! Your Midnight Clad mini looks awesome!


I am honoured to be the first to welcome you. Our sister Flint will add you to our annals as soon as she can, I'm sure.


Thank you for the praise and the welcome brother :thanks:  


I've been a lurker here for a long time (actually made the account in the last days of my university years but never posted back then) and I've noticed your WIP thread these last few months. It (along with the many other great Night Lord projects) is an inspiration for such as I that are just starting with the 8th legion

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It looks like the image tags don't want to cooperate with the color tags. Also, the link goes to the page the image is on, not the image itself. If you right click on the image, that will ask you if you want a direct link to the image. Click that, copy and paste the image inside the image tags, and you have a working image.

And welcome.

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Possibly doing some flayed skin in the next few days so I'll aim to remember to take pics. Won't be stitched together stuff though. More torn off.
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Flayed Flesh mini tutorial

Here's the way I create my Flayed Flesh on my minis.

Useful tools:
Mixture of sculpting tools, knives and a mechanical pencil without lead for stamping rivets.

Step 1: Mix your kneadatite (green stuff) properly

Step 2: Roll your putty out between a folded bit of parchment or greaseproof paper. I use a kitchen rolling pin for this.
This piece has been cut to a rough size. I usually leave it a bit longer to cure a bit more but I wanted to finish before the kid woke.

Step 3: Position your piece in place. I then pressed my pencil where I wanted the rivets.

Step 4: Use a tool or toothpick to press in stretch marks by the rivets.

Step 5: Use a tool to make holes where the eyes, nostrils, and mouth would have been (or other holes like belly button). After this I also roughed the edge up to give it a more torn look and pressed it down a bit around underlying details.

Last step: I used a pin to hook under where the nose would be, through a nostril. Gave it a little lift and stretch.

This one does need a little clean up but it needs to cure more before I do that so the detail stays where it should.

Hope that helps. Edited by forte
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Anybody who happen to have a tutorial for "fresh" skin? I've only done old flayed skin before, used the technique gw used on the mengil manhide flayers (ei pale skin tone with green/purple washes)
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Anybody who happen to have a tutorial for "fresh" skin? I've only done old flayed skin before, used the technique gw used on the mengil manhide flayers (ei pale skin tone with green/purple washes)

Paint it as you would normal skin. That'll make it look like it still has some fresh blood beneath the surface. Green and purple can be used for shading skin but can give a dead look it used too much.

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