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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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Great pic. Where is a goddamn "like" button in mobile version?

It's the round circle with the tick to the top right side of the screen in each post ;)

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I immediately remembered "Predator" movie:

"You fall behind and you're on your own" :D I imagine that's exactly what Night Lords would say to their wounded brothers.

They still need the geneseed don't forget ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Hope im not to late to add to this.


19th company The Shadowed Blades

(Currently rebuilding will add to this names,strength, allies etc in next few days as i sort bits out)



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Yep, never too late.


I'm occasionally just a bit slow on the uptake in my doddery old age ^_^


Welcome to the 8th, Loken!

Old...whatever ;)

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Ave Dominus Nox Brothers and Sisters of Nostramo.

I ran into a fellow on the subway who was reading a HH book and we struck up a conversation about the Legions we claim lineage from…sadly he was a son of Guilliman and our conversation ended in blood…his I might add!

Before our conversation turned for the worse, we chatted about epic models, lore and that I should stop being a lurker on websites like Bolter and Chainsword and actually make an account and join.

With that said I’m, VERY new, so please forgive this neophyte.

I was really happy I found a group like this! I play with a lot of people who aren’t really into Lore/play their armies just to win.

Without further rambling:

The Winged Skull Warband


Lord Haelim Lev.

41st Company. Eighth Legion.

Still working on Everything! i have some really old CSM's that i am re-working and some current stuff. :wallbash:


Edited by Lord Haelim Lev
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Nice job so far man, are these your first painted models then? Few suggestions though. Your paint looks a bit thin in a few areas, have you tried layering at all? Second would be thinner lightnings, but that comes with practice. Flint should be along soon (hopefully) to update the roster. Welcome to the VIII.

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Nice job so far man, are these your first painted models then? Few suggestions though. Your paint looks a bit thin in a few areas, have you tried layering at all? Second would be thinner lightnings, but that comes with practice. Flint should be along soon (hopefully) to update the roster. Welcome to the VIII.


Thank you for the Welcome Tanith and thank you for the suggestions! Please keep them coming! I have a lot of areas i need to improve on. Who better to learn from then from fellow Night Lords! :happy.:   


Yes these are the first few I've painted.  I have some Term's as well but they are the old metal models and not my fav paint job on them.  The Squad is not my fav either.  They were a test run that i really wished i had stripped down first before painting over (they were Word Bearers from when i first started playing back in High school) :down:.  

The thin areas, i tried to make the armor change depending on where light would hit it/where i would put the lightning.  So some areas only have the base coat of Kantor while others have Hoeth and Alaitoc.  


 ya... my Lighting needs a lot of work, the more current models don't have any on them for that reason:yucky:...you should see the lightning on the Term's O_O!

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You know the nice thing about metal models like those is that they're super easy to strip the paint from. I'd use them as practice if I were you. That's good that you're thinking about highlighting like that, the way the light would hit the model. I'm pretty bad at highlighting explanations though so I'd leave that to one of the others. For lightning though, a really good way to get it down i've found is to find a large piece of plastic (like a model) that you're not using, paint it with kantor or black, then practice your lightning on it. Alot of people use ultramarine (or new equivalent), ice blue (or new equivalent) and then white to do theirs. I usually skip the ultramarine and just go with ice then a really light bit of white over it.

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Thank you for the Tips guys! :biggrin.: 

The Terms, the lightning is bad but, its more so the models themselves that i don't like.  the new models are so much more..mobile? where as the old metal models are stuck in one position.  


i'm definitely going to try that out for practicing my lightning!  I've been experimenting with Etherium Blue and then a line of white on top.:blink.:  

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All hail the Night Lord


Ave Dominus Nox and what have you not welcome all others to our fold and embrace of the VIII Legion


I have started adding traitors and renegades ie meat fodder to my 96th company...soon they will out number the VIII but the 96th company cares not

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I use Ashen Blue with a thinner line of white on top.

Hi Phantom,  i'm not familiar with Ashen:ohmy.:.

Oh sorry I just moved over to using mainly reaper paints last September after checking out their free painting room at PAX PRIME 2013.


09057 Ashen Blue is the high light color in its triad.  For a GW comparison I'd say it's between Caledor Sky and Lothern Blue but closer to Caledor.


My Night Lords go from (Reaper mini paints) Ultramarine Shadow → Midnight Blue → Ashen Blue → White Primer (now called Brush on Primer) with thinner strokes each time to get the lightning.  I like the look of that, I'm not entirely sure how to word this, fading brightness it gives like what you see with actual lightning.


If I had a better camera and not a potato I'd take more pictures.  You can sort of roughly see it on one of my Legion Mastiffs I posted awhile back in the Night Lords gallery.


EDIT:  BAH the image quality is more horrendous then I remembered.  Either way here is a link.  It'll be my second pic below Augustus b'Raass' lovely bikes.

Edited by Phantomzero17
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I use Ashen Blue with a thinner line of white on top.

Hi Phantom,  i'm not familiar with Ashen:ohmy.:.

Oh sorry I just moved over to using mainly reaper paints last September after checking out their free painting room at PAX PRIME 2013.


09057 Ashen Blue is the high light color in its triad.  For a GW comparison I'd say it's between Caledor Sky and Lothern Blue but closer to Caledor.


My Night Lords go from (Reaper mini paints) Ultramarine Shadow → Midnight Blue → Ashen Blue → White Primer (now called Brush on Primer) with thinner strokes each time to get the lightning.  I like the look of that, I'm not entirely sure how to word this, fading brightness it gives like what you see with actual lightning.


If I had a better camera and not a potato I'd take more pictures.  You can sort of roughly see it on one of my Legion Mastiffs I posted awhile back in the Night Lords gallery.


EDIT:  BAH the image quality is more horrendous then I remembered.  Either way here is a link.  It'll be my second pic below Augustus b'Raass' lovely bikes.


aah! okay i just went to look up Reaper paints!


A little hard to see in the pictures but i get what you are saying :tongue.::teehee:


Out of curiosity, what are the Dogs going to be in your army? I have some old Chaos hounds that i have no idea what to do with anymore. looking for ideas :turned:

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I use Ashen Blue with a thinner line of white on top.

Hi Phantom,  i'm not familiar with Ashen:ohmy.:.

Oh sorry I just moved over to using mainly reaper paints last September after checking out their free painting room at PAX PRIME 2013.


09057 Ashen Blue is the high light color in its triad.  For a GW comparison I'd say it's between Caledor Sky and Lothern Blue but closer to Caledor.


My Night Lords go from (Reaper mini paints) Ultramarine Shadow → Midnight Blue → Ashen Blue → White Primer (now called Brush on Primer) with thinner strokes each time to get the lightning.  I like the look of that, I'm not entirely sure how to word this, fading brightness it gives like what you see with actual lightning.


If I had a better camera and not a potato I'd take more pictures.  You can sort of roughly see it on one of my Legion Mastiffs I posted awhile back in the Night Lords gallery.


EDIT:  BAH the image quality is more horrendous then I remembered.  Either way here is a link.  It'll be my second pic below Augustus b'Raass' lovely bikes.


aah! okay i just went to look up Reaper paints!


A little hard to see in the pictures but i get what you are saying :tongue.::teehee:


Out of curiosity, what are the Dogs going to be in your army? I have some old Chaos hounds that i have no idea what to do with anymore. looking for ideas :turned:



Currently they are run as count as Flesh Hounds.    Haven't tried it yet but the other option is running them as Chaos Spawn.

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Nice job so far man, are these your first painted models then? Few suggestions though. Your paint looks a bit thin in a few areas, have you tried layering at all? Second would be thinner lightnings, but that comes with practice. Flint should be along soon (hopefully) to update the roster. Welcome to the VIII.

ZZZZzzzz... *Snort* I'm awake! ...just resting my eyes...


Welcome to the 8th Haelim Lev! You stand proud in Midnight clad. May the lesser legions tremble to hear your name. 

(And your chosen number is just fine. I'm sure Balthamal won't mind the... company :cool.: )


On another note, that puts us up to 63 individual and unique companies. That makes me happy down in the cockels of my heart. Maybe even into the sub-cockel area. 

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Excellent choice buddy!


Welcome to the 8th. Let us know if you need anything, and do our legion proud! (cause we're waiting with knives if ya don't ^_^ )


As soon as you decide on a company designation, commander and/or sobriquet, let me know and I'll take it down.

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