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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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Guys, girls, community question time.




How many of you knew about this ^^ business? 


This was a completely new find for me. Wasn't entirely sure if it was like a well hidden secret of the 8th legion community that was sadly overlooked, or if I was just the only clueless one of the bunch.

Guys, girls, community question time.




How many of you knew about this ^^ business? 


This was a completely new find for me. Wasn't entirely sure if it was like a well hidden secret of the 8th legion community that was sadly overlooked, or if I was just the only clueless one of the bunch.

Wait....is this a full audio log of the Soul Hunter books or am I missing something?



I never knew this existed.

Me either... all the times I have googled "Night Lords" and related stuff. How has it been so stealthily hidden from me? 


... are these bros living and posting among us, having never been brought to light before now?


... are these bros secretly the best 8th legion ever?... :blink.:


I must know. 



Guys, girls, community question time.




How many of you knew about this ^^ business? 


This was a completely new find for me. Wasn't entirely sure if it was like a well hidden secret of the 8th legion community that was sadly overlooked, or if I was just the only clueless one of the bunch.

Wait....is this a full audio log of the Soul Hunter books or am I missing something?


It's a Night Lords based podcast concerned mainly with the history and fluff that started back in August of 2014. 

I've downloaded the first two episodes and checking it out now. 

Hail Brothers and Sisters, 

Finally got my rear in gear and started a WIP

If you have a moment, please come pay your respects to the Doomed models in my Warband lol... 



........... I think it's like some of the Asian languages where it can be both. Because Talos has a single rune on his helmet that means "Soul Hunter". But at the same time, there should still be a method of writing down individual letters.
See that was what I was wondering. I've seen the work you guys here have done on the script but I did think Talos has a Single rune. Do you think they may combine two runes to make words like Chinese Characters, and then combining these to make more words, so Soul Hunter would be Soul and Hunter combined into one.

Well, the rune for soul hunter actually has three letters, and together they literally mean 'ender of lives and collector of essences', which roughly translates to 'soul hunter' (omnibus p.116)


My guess is that Nostraman combines letters into runes to form concepts, rather than combining symbols to make more complex symbols.

Legio Ulricon was attached to the Night Lords during the disastrous Thramas Crusade against the Dark Angels. There's no official paint scheme for Legio Ulricon, but there's a certain warhound titan that pops up when you google Legio Ulricon images. ;) 

Legio Ulricon was attached to the Night Lords during the disastrous Thramas Crusade against the Dark Angels. There's no official paint scheme for Legio Ulricon, but there's a certain warhound titan that pops up when you google Legio Ulricon images. ;)


Your Warhound truly is a thing of beauty, mate!


With that being said, I suppose it would be *fairly* safe to assume Legio Ulricon was probably allied with the Night Lords prior to the Istvaan campaign? Much like Legio Mortis stayed allied with the SoH?

I honestly haven't a clue, mate. ;) Until Dragonkin Arenis told me about Legio Ulricon and the Thramas crusade, I had never heard of it. :ohmy.: To me it was just a good excuse to use my own colour scheme in a fluffy way. Go right ahead -if you like it- and steal the scheme if you want. :tu: Actually, how cool would it be if we scour the internet with pictures of Legio Ulricon titans and make it official? :biggrin.:

Legio Ulricon was attached to the Night Lords during the disastrous Thramas Crusade against the Dark Angels. There's no official paint scheme for Legio Ulricon, but there's a certain warhound titan that pops up when you google Legio Ulricon images. ;)

That's one of the worst Titans I think I have ever seen.

And by worst I mean best. I need to look through your whole log don't I.

Now I hope a son of the VIIIth wins that free Reaver and paints it in those colors. Then Forgeworld will have now choice but to accede to our demands! We will rule the Hobby! Muwahahahahahahahahahaha!

..with an iron fist! Fear will keep them in line ! All shall look upon our (resin) works and despair!

You are aware that when DA get done in the books, they will probably shoehorn in more NL stuff and the titans will get at least some tidbits. Patience, apprehension improves the taste off fear

You mean like rules for Atramentar and a personal space fighter transport for Sevatar?


You are aware that when DA get done in the books, they will probably shoehorn in more NL stuff and the titans will get at least some tidbits. Patience, apprehension improves the taste off fear

You mean like rules for Atramentar and a personal space fighter transport for Sevatar?

do you know how difficult it is not to buy a fighter and convert that scene? DO YOU?! I mean yeah man, thatd be cool

You are aware that when DA get done in the books, they will probably shoehorn in more NL stuff and the titans will get at least some tidbits. Patience, apprehension improves the taste off fear

........... Nah. As someone once pointed out to me, the lengthening of fear and suffering is a desireable outcome, yes. But, there is less risk in something quick, brutal and utterly terrifying. And I must say, the less risk to my health, the better.


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