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Hi all, after posting most of my finished Night Lords models on my showcase thread, it's time to get back into the saddle of modelling again! I'll try to post as regularly as I can. Of course, inspiration sometimes fades, but I've found it is great to have a community to share your work and hobby with, so when I model and paint, I'll be sure to keep you updated.
I hope you enjoy and maybe get inspired as I have been by what I've seen here. Please let me know what you think, be it praise, criticism, or suggestions. Some of the models I like the most have details on them that were inspired by other people's feedback, so feel free!

In this thread:
NIGHT LORDS run from the first page up to page 51, and between this post on page 153 and page 165
WORLD EATERS feature occasionally from this post on page 23, and heavily from this post on page 108.
PRE-HERESY WORLD EATERS can be found from this post on page 235 and onwards.  
IMPERIAL FISTS are the main focus from this post on page 52 to about page 138

DEATH GUARD are featured from this post on page 145
NECROMUNDA ESCHER, GUILDERS, and TERRAIN can be found from this post on page 211.

Please find my 47th Company Night Lords Showcase thread here.
Please find my 5th Company Imperial Fists Showcase thread here.

Want to name/claim a marine in my Imperial Fists army? Here's your chance.

TUTORIALS in this WIP thread:

  • How to: Build, pose, glue, and pin a Brass Scorpion of Khorne
  • How to: SPEEDPAINT / what practices did I implement to increase my productivity?
  • How to: build a Storm Eagle without going crazy (several posts, link is to the first one)
  • How to: paint Night Lords with my recipe
  • How to: paint Imperial Fists with my recipe
  • How to: magnetize contemptor weapons
  • How to: sculpt muscles on daemonic engines
  • How to: sculpt flayed skin trophies
  • How to: use nails to make spiked trophies
  • How to: create my Khorne Daemonkin bases
  • How to: paint my Khorne Daemonkin bases
  • How to: make life hacked super macro shots of your models
  • How to: create a relic magna melta predator from regular plastic GW bits
  • How to: apply decals (especially on Space Marine Shoulder Pads)
  • How to: paint Necromunda terrain '90s style
  • How to: create raised scenic bases 

I use something similar to this thing for my photo-setup. I use these photobackgrounds on A2.

Tutorial by other frater I highly recommend:

  • How to: Sculpt Loin Cloths by Nemac Vradon
  • How to: Paint Rotting Flesh by DuskRaider
  • How to: Paint Death Guard Armour by DuskRaider
  • How to: Sculpt Chaos-ified claws on Vehicle Armour plates by Pandoras Bits Box
  • How to: Smooth GreenStuff by Brother Chaplain Kage
  • How to: Create Oyumari casts for Modellign putty by BCK
  • How to: Create Truescale firstborn MkV and up armour by Kizzdougs


Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Here's my second Land Raider. 


I used the FW spaced armour and two of the new Legion doors on it. For my first Land Radier I used the new Legion hood and the Chaos doors. The Chaos hood's NL symbol was used on my Fire Raptor's wings. The hood was made using a word bearer's FW door symbol's daemon head, plus two wings of the NL cereemonial heads from GW. I glued these to a piece of plasticard with some beads for rivets. The TL Heavy Bolter was made using a defiler's reaper cannon, of which the barrels were shortened a little. The NL symbols on top are DE SCourges wings with a Lord of Skulls Daemon crest's skulls. I did a tutorial on them on page 1 of my Showcase thread.








I plan on putting some trophies on it and maybe do a large freehand of a reaper on the side. Let me know what you think!


I think that land raider is looking pretty fab- the rivet work you're doing for example is impressive.  That idea for the plasticard mountplate on the front land raider door hatch is also a good one- covers up that :cuss ugly aquila pretty well.  


Keep up the good work! 

I feel where Heinrich and I shoot for an sort of understated, utilitarian look, you are the master of intricate and almost ostentatious Nightlords. It's like they are so confident in their superiority, that they don't even consider the possibility the scum they crush underfoot could even scratch their gorgeous gilt and ornamentation.


Love it!

Love the decorations and the tracks!


However, I can't really say I'm fond of the spaced armour, though it's no fault of yours. Usually, I'm able to go with rule of cool with 40K tanks, rather than thinking of the problems they have, but that extra armour accentuates the fact that the land raiders tracks are far too close to the armour plate too much for me.

  On 2/13/2014 at 3:02 PM, The_Chaplain said:

I think that land raider is looking pretty fab- the rivet work you're doing for example is impressive.  That idea for the plasticard mountplate on the front land raider door hatch is also a good one- covers up that :censored: ugly aquila pretty well.  


Keep up the good work! 

Thanks! I am really pleased with the rivet work myself. It's the first I tried them, after I got tipped off to the gold coloured glass beads. Plasticard is also something I haven't used too often. I've learned that multiple easy slices in stead of one powerful one give the best -and the straightest- cut. Better control of the knife. 




  On 2/13/2014 at 3:08 PM, Flint13 said:

I feel where Heinrich and I shoot for an sort of understated, utilitarian look, you are the master of intricate and almost ostentatious Nightlords. It's like they are so confident in their superiority, that they don't even consider the possibility the scum they crush underfoot could even scratch their gorgeous gilt and ornamentation.


Love it!

Ha! That's a superb way of putting it! Let's face it, when we are the masters of fear, why would we fear anyone? 


  On 2/13/2014 at 4:08 PM, Brother Heinrich said:

Coming along nicely man. 



  On 2/13/2014 at 4:15 PM, forte said:



Best. Compliment. Ever. :yes:


  On 2/13/2014 at 4:16 PM, Koriel said:

Looking good, the winged skulls on the roof is a really nice touch :thumbsup:

  On 2/13/2014 at 6:20 PM, helterskelter said:

That land raider is brutal, I do enjoy the winged skull decorations you have placed upon your raiders

Thanks to the both of you! I do think they're a tad over the top, but after Flint's comment, I revel in the honour of being recognized as the Night Lords drag queen. HAHA 


  On 2/13/2014 at 5:09 PM, Honda said:

Some excellent modeling on that LR. Did the FW extra armor give you significant trouble? I'd heard from a friend that it can be a little character building at times.

The FW doors are a pieve of cake compared to their whole models. Just bathe them in boiling water and then test-fit them when they're still soft from the heat. When cooled off, dry them and glue with super glue or UHU plus sofortfest 2-K-Epoxidharzkleber. Schnellfest is also good for these smaller fits.



  On 2/13/2014 at 9:30 PM, Telhdrat said:

Love the decorations and the tracks!


However, I can't really say I'm fond of the spaced armour, though it's no fault of yours. Usually, I'm able to go with rule of cool with 40K tanks, rather than thinking of the problems they have, but that extra armour accentuates the fact that the land raiders tracks are far too close to the armour plate too much for me.

Thanks. It's a matter of taste I guess. 30/40K is a science fiction fantasy game. I have long ago released my need for realism and embraced ridiculousness. I totally agree with your point on the armour being too thin near the tracks - but in the same line, why in the hell would one want to not armour the tracks on top? Look at the Sicaran tank. Why in the name of all that is sacred is that middle piece of top armour not covered with armour??? Simple. Because it looks cool. :thumbsup:

  On 2/13/2014 at 11:45 PM, Flint13 said:

... Nightlords drag queen totally needs to go in your sig.

Thy will be done.


  On 2/14/2014 at 12:16 AM, batu said:

I like it so far :thumbsup: Put some paint on it !

Not yet, first some more skin, bodies, heads, and other trophies. And perhaps some more iconography

I finally came around to making a suitable Rhino for one of my two plague marine squads. There's another in the pipeline, but I'm still waiting for some of the bits I'll be using for that one. I accidentally drilled a little hole in an area and thought it actually looked wuite good, so I covered the model in tiny rusty holes. The green stuff with rivets is meant as stretched skin, to make it a little more gruesome than normal. Also, the PVA glue with sand is going to be painted as corrosion. Looking forward to painting this tank very much!








Flint13: Thanks. The centurions are actually a pretty cool kit. The problem with it are mostly based on the horrible poses GW made of them, and the bad pics. The only problem I really have with them are the weird hands. Fluff-wise I see them as space-suits designed for extravehicular starship repairs.


ppots: Cheers. I kinda see what you mean, butt also feel like they're such hard-asses they don't need plates. OOOH snap. :D


KrautScientist: Thanks mate! The breastplates are both parts of the wheel covers from the Skull Cannon of Khorne. 


Koriel: Thank you. The muscles are actually not that hard to sculpt. If anyone is interested I could make a tut.


Telhdrat: Thanks! Go for it :)

I love the Obliterators!! The GS muscles looks powerful indeed!!


The sprinkle of grit or sand on the Rhino is going to really come out nicely!!


And lastly, the Wings on the Land Raider are just perfect.


End of Line

Thanks Rune_Priest!


I'm currently painting up the Rhino, as I have two days off! Maybe I'll even get to finish the Land Raider this weekend!


In other news, I am VERY much looking forward to the new Chaos Space Marine kit. There's rumours about a normal squad and some havoncs, along with a customizable helbrute kit. Here's some pics to be found of this model: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?41871-New-HelBrute-model


Ace looking rhino, the holes, sand and gs work blend really well and gives it a suitably corrupted look.

I've seen a few guys use sand on their wip shots but I've yet to see a painted version to be honest, so I'm eager to see the finished product.


As always, great work and keem them coming ;)


Edit: Oh and thanks for the link to the new Hellbrute

Edited by Koriel

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