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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Such a clear and exemplified answer about your airbrush highlighting, I can so easily see it!  Makes perfect sense, I think it would require some practice for me though.


Thanks for the cleaning bucket answer too!


I'm working on some Death Guard at the moment, so can't wait to see yours.  I've got my second squad of 15 Poxwalkers on the go at the moment, they are proving a little more painstaking than I'd like.

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Cheers, guys.

A point about poxwalker conversions. There's only 15 or 16 different poxwalkers miniatures, while no-one wants to have duplicates, and you need about 60 of them to create a decent horde. Yet because of their nurglite nature, they're fairly forgiving miniatures to convert or sculpt. I thought it'd be nice to show my poxwalker conversions. 

Most of these are arm or headswaps, with some greenstuff or PVA mixed with microbeads to mask sharp edges and transitions. The PVA-microbead mix results in a surface that looks pockmarked and which transitions smoothly into the rest of the miniature. There's also some chaos marauder arms in there. It took me about an hour to convert these. 


Here's shots of all original poxwalkers next to their converted counterparts:






















Cheers! I hope you like them and are inspired to convert your own.




@ Bjorn FIrewalker: Ha! Those are both posted way back in my thread. If you missed those before, you should definitely go through this thread again!


@ hushrong: hahaha indeed!


@ Chazzmos: Check out DuskRaiders thread for an excellent rotting flesh tutorial. :) 


@ DuskRaider: SO IT BEGINS INDEED :) Thanks for your inspirational support!


@ BubblesMcGub: lolz :D


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: I'm thinking of the recipe myself, but it will involve both airbrushing and drybrushing. :tu:

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Are those macro.micro beads for extra awesome looking boils and sores? Whatever it is it's awesome looking!


Also, the poxwalker on the right in your first pic, I am naming him Tyrone Biggums.

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Those pox walkers look suitably disgusting. I still think it's a shame that a son of the eighth has fallen for the "charms" of papa nurgle but I'm glad that you found clearing out so positive and look forward to watching your Death guard develop.
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BOOM, BABY!! Twenty Poxwalkers down, sixty more to go. 






I bought my second set of easy-to-build poxwalkers today (so I can convert one set) plus a box of GW zombies. I also put the twenty servitors I made as stand-in cultists for my Night Lords into paint stripper. Together with the twenty poxwalkers from the second Dark Imperium Death Guard I bought, that makes sixty possibilities!

Hope you like!



@ Sagentus: Yeah I don't like repetition - especially with chaos. All of them will be different.


@ BCK: You don't lick your brushes?? weirdo.


@ hushrong: Yeah they are. Tyrone Biggums it will be!


@ BubblesMcGub: I will run around forty, but I like to have some spare. Together with the 20 zombies I bought today, I guess I'll be building another sixty!


@ guardian31: Done! Whaddayafink?


@ DuskRaider: They were so much fuin to paint! No regrets at all! And thanks again for that awesome flesh recipe!


@ Punk Possum: Who says I have fallen? ;)

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Thanks guys!

I figured now that I'm on a roll with the poxwalkers, I might as well go ahead and convert the next batch of twenty. Here's what I made last night, using a standard Dark Imperium poxwalker set, plus the zombies I bought yesterday.
























As you can see, the zombies are slightly smaller than the average poxwalker, which makes some of them have weird proportions. Luckily, them being poxwalkers, they're pretty forgiving about that problem. I don't think I'll be using a lot of the other zombie bits, though. I'll consider buying a set of Genestealer cultists, just for their outfits. Well see. 


I've already started painting them, and am almost done with the washes. So yeah, I'm pretty inspired at this point. lol


In any case, thanks for looking. 



@ DuskRaider: Thank you! Not sure if that's true - I did exactly what you said in the tutorial  -I just added GW Averland Sunset to the boils, and washed those with diluted BFTBG - that'sactually the only divergence from your recipe! :D


@ Sagentus: Indeed! But with an airbrush and the recipe involving mostly washes, painting these isn't too hard!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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You're really knocking it out of the park with those Poxwalkers, buddy! I love how you are actually putting some conversion effort into them, even though they are just cannonfodder. But then, I would have expected no less from you :)


The colour scheme is also very effective -- they look great as a group!


Fantastic work all around! :)

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Cheers, you two!

I'm pretty far along painting the second set of twenty, but as they are drying from some heavy washing, I thought I'd make close-up shots of the first twenty I did - take a look:











Thanks for looking! 


@ Kizzdougs: Cheers! They were a ton of fun to paint!

@ KrautScientist:  Hey buddy! How's life! Thanks for the comment - I agree the scheme is simple - I have to paint eighty of these suckers, after all. :D But stil, it's quite an effective recipe. All thanks to DuskRaider's fantastic rotting flesh recipe :)

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Amazing work Aug! when i finally get round to getting a DG force started ill try DRs and your approach to painting the pox walkers.


The only on that doesnt quite look 'finished' is the one on the far left in the 2nd to last photo. I think it will benefit from you picking out a few more details on the coat/overalls and painting the pustule on the inside of the right arm. Sorry for nit picking

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Must have read over it but what or those little "beads" you use to get the extra puss bubbles on there skin?
Keep up the cool work and i hope to be able to play against these rotting suckers soon!

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