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Yeah, when I gave my March of the Legions Imperial Fist an Anvillus power pack everybody kept asking, "why does he have a Chaos back-pack?"... pretty annoying :rolleyes:


The Typhon looks excellent! The weathering is particularly great :tu:



@ Mechanist: Glad you like it. I agree it's not perfect at all, but I just had to finish it, and it was really bothering me that I had procrastinated on it so much. Do you like the barrel like this? ^^

Before it looked excellent but the very clean assorted gun barrels stood out like it wasn't quite finished, now it looks completed and is a fantastic addition.

Have the lascannon barrels have had some heat staining or something as well it's hard to see from the photo?

As for perfect, only slayer sword winners get close to that but for a gaining piece I would rate it at a very high standard and worth entering into a GD with a good chance of a finalist pin, to think it got from base coat to this in a few days is a great achivement.  

One more thing about teh Typhon. As it has the option of no sponsons, and I foresee games where that might be preferable to sending 40 points on them, I thought I´d make some cool looking covers for them.


Enter a 25mm slottabase and some sand paper to make the top smooth, some greenstuff-milliput mix, and a big old magnet, and of course a Fist icon from the GW site (sadly, they've been discontinued... :sad.:):
EDIT: This slottabase as sponson substitute idea is not mine. I think I got it from either BCK or from kizzdougs, over a year ago.



And here's how they look on the sides of the tank:





Hope you like :smile.: Thanks for looking and as always - comments much appreciated!






@ Biohazard: That sounds good to me. Looking forward to your work!


@ kizzdougs: I know right? While it's just an older mark. Oh well. "Don't be annoyed, just surprised."is what my dad used to say. Thanks for the comment :smile.: :thumbsup:


@ Mechanist: The lascannon barrels are matt black, so no heat staining. Plus, lascannons being short for laser cannons, I never thought of lascannons as generating heat in the barrel, only in the power source... But that's just my interpretation.  Thanks for the kind words, dude. You're right, I do paint for gaming, but strive for the highest standard on my miniatures.



@ Brother Chaplain Kage: Oh man, that's a toughie. But who can blame you? Those tanks look awesome. :wink: They're also pretty good in the game, but seeing as you no longer play the game, that's kinda moot. :biggrin.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass


@ Brother Chaplain Kage: Oh man, that's a toughie. But who can blame you? Those tanks look awesome. :wink: They're also pretty good in the game, but seeing as you no longer play the game, that's kinda moot. :biggrin.:


But not playing only gives me more freedom to do stuff with them that isn't legal in the game! Like the pintle-mounted choom on my Sicaran Venator or the autocannon hull weapon on my Macharius. :biggrin.:


As for my upcoming Typhon, I only wish I could have ordered the older version with the separate tracks to make it a lot easier to put the viny tracks I prefer on it.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

Holy Stromboli! That looks sweet!


I also would like some tutorials or even pointers for backpacks. I have built a missile launcher marine using the Calth bits but I changed the pose ever so slightly. Long story short backpacks get in the way of the rear of the launcher and I feel like I made a huge mistake. I'll pm you if that would be alright?

Thanks guys! I started painting the last five-man combat squad in the SKyhammer Annihilation Force on which I'm working for the tournament that's going to be on next Saturday. 




It´s the following list:
Skyhammer Annihilation Force Formation (1000 points / restrictions: only one CAD, Formation or Formation Detachment allowed)

- Devastator Squad (Sergeant w/Signunm, 8 Marines, Imperial Space Marine, 4 Grav Cannons, Drop Pod)

- Assault Squad (Sergeant w/Meltabombs, 9 marines, 2 flamers, Jump Packs)

- Devastator Squad (Sergeant w/Signunm, 9 Marines, 4 Grav Cannons, Drop Pod)

- Assault Squad (Sergeant w/Meltabombs, 9 marines, 2 flamers, Jump Packs)

All units will be combat Squad-ted before the battle, with the weapons distributed equally. The Imperial Space Marine will most likely go in the combat squad that includes the Sergeant, for the signum, to ensure low toughness character (monstrous creatures?) kills.


This list worked great in combination with my buddy's Harlequin/Ynnari melee/psychic list. Unfortunately, the tournament was cancelled. So now I'm going to my local store, which also hosts a 1000 points army without restrictions (except no LoW or FW). And the above list on it's own is a bit lackluster. So I'll probably take Heavy Bolters in the Dev squads (making great use of Bolter Drill), and Eviscerators on the Assault Marines, in combination with some grav-biker formation combinations.


There's no time to paint those Heavy Bolter Devastator Squads anymore, though, so that will be the next large project. But before I'll go do that, I need a bit of a break from infantry - perhaps a Mortis MkIV Dreadnought? :biggrin.:





@ Race Bannon: Can you please stop humbling me with those heaps of praise? :eek: :blush.: I do appreciate your comments though, seriously! 


@ Noctus Cornix: Do you want her number? 


@ BCK: I know right? It's why I envy you. I'd love to give my sergeants all kinds of cool wargear, but oints-wise that makes no sense at all.


@ helterskelter: That's bloody nice of you to say! :smile.:


@ The Traitor: Cheers, buddy. I'm quite pleased with those sponson options, too. 


@ hushrong:Sure buddy! I'd be happy to help you out :smile.:


@ KrautScientist: Thanks! That's a very nice way to describe the yellow. (I always stutter something about 'warm, yet lively', when I try to describe the yellow of my fists... 

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
Augustus, I don't know how you manage to so consistently knock things out with such skill but I am forever envious. I adore the Typhon, and honestly think I like it better without the sponsons because the covers you made are so bloody unique.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of a local player, we have a game club in Amsterdam that is open four times a month (twice on Saturdays and twice on Sundays). For some reason, I've not been very active there, but it's pretty awesome to get some bigger-points games in. So yesterday, I grabbed the opportunity to play my Imperial Fists against a 2500 point Chaos Iron Warrior + Daemon Alliance army led by new member Max, an expat from Russia. 

My list was as follows:

Hidden Content

Primary Detachment: Gladius Strike Force (Formation Detachment)

Demi Company (Core Formation)

Captain on Bike, Power Fist, Lightning Claw (Warlord)

Ironclad Dreadnought, Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod

5-man Tactical Squad, Lascannon, Razorback

5-man Tactical Squad, Lascannon, Razorback

5-man Tactical Squad, Missile Launcher, Razorback

5-man Bike Squad, 2 Gravguns

5-man Devastator Squad, 2 Lascannons, Razorback

Demi Company (Core Formation)

Chaplain on Bike, Power Fist

5-man Tactical Squad, Lascannon, Razorback

5-man Tactical Squad, Lascannon, Razorback

5-man Tactical Squad, Missile Launcher with Flakk Missiles, Razorback

5-man Bike Squad, 2 Gravguns

5-man Devastator Squad, 2 Missile Launchers with Flakk Missiles, Razorback

10th Company Task Force (Auxillary Formation)
5-man Scout Squad, Missile Launcher
5-man Scout Squad, Missile Launcher
5-man Scout Squad, Missile Launcher
Detachment: Skyhammer Annihilation Force (Formation)
10-man Devastator Squad, 4 Grav Cannons, Drop Pod (combat squads)
5-man Devastator Squad, 2 Grav Cannons, Drop Pod
10-man Devastator Squad, 2 Flamers, Jump Packs (combat Squads)
8-man Devastator Squad, 2 Flamers, Jump Packs

That's 73 marines, 15 scouts, 12 bikers, 3 Drop Pods, 8 Razorbacks and a Dreadnought!

It looked like this:


I didn't see his list, but from the top of my head he ran the following:

Hidden Content

Primary Detachment (Chaos Space Marines): CAD


Lord on Bike, Power Fist, Fleshmetal Exoskeleton, Gift of Mutation (Warlord)

Sorcerer on Bike, Power Fist, Level 3, Spell Familiar



5 Possessed, Rhino


5 Marines, Meltagun

5 Marines, Flamer in a Bastion Fortfication

10 Cultists
3 Obliterators

Fast Attack

3 Chaos Bikers

Heldrake, Baleflamer

5 Spawn

Detachment (Chaos Daemons): Allied Detachment

Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Exalted Locus of Wrath

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (which in hindsight, I'm not sure if Chaos Daemons can take, unless it was legalized in a WD)

3 Nurgling Bases

10 Bloodletters, Instrument, Banner of Blood

20 Fleshhounds

Actually, he mentioned the CSM detachment being a Chaos Warband formation, but that isn't possible due to the inclusion of the cultist squad, the obliterators, and the heldrake. I don´t really mind, though, seeing as he didn´t really make use of the ObSec rules.

I didn't get a chance to make a photograph of the battle in progress, but here's a pic of the table, with his army deployed on the right, and mine in the process of being deployed on the left.


Despite the fact that my list was obviously the stronger one, Max put up a really good fight - using his army and the terrain perfectly to compromise my strongest elements. This guy knew what he was doing. He put his marine characters in the Spawn unit, and the Herald in the fleshhound unit. Highlights of the match were:

  • Him casting Invisibility on his Bloodthirster and Shrouding on his Obliterators, which were already in ruins - and my 900+ point Skyhammer Annihilation Force killing a grand total of 2 Flesh Hounds and one rhino, after which he proceeded to kill the entire formation (except the 8-man Assault Squad) in turn two. :eek:
  • My Captain charging the Lord, Sorcerer and his Spawn unit, and killing his Lord in a challenge, after which in the subsequent round and Challenge, his Sorcerer cast Force on his Axe, and killed my Captain. 
  • His Sorcerer and the remaining Spawn killed two units in one turn: an entire tactical squad with Psychic Shriek, and another in combat - including the squad's sergeant in a challenge, which led him to be gifted with Daemon Princedom!!!
  • His Bloodthirster chewed his way through a scout squad and a Bike squad in two turns, after which it was pretty badly shot up. With just one wound remaining, it succesfully charged the remnants of IV Tactical Squad, including sergeant Fidurik Kolan. It's rage induced challenge was heroically answered by Sergeant Kolan, who proceeded to headbutt the Bloodthrister to death with his single attack!!!! 

I did win by a large margin, but only because of maelstrom points and my dominance with Objective Secured. The table showed a different story - by the end of turn 5, his Spawn and Daemon Prince had jumped right in the midst of the remains of four tactical squads, a total of 9 marines. I also had 5 scouts left over in two seperate squads, as well as 7 Razorbacks and a lone non-objective secured Drop Pod. In total, he had killed 64 marines, 10 scouts, 10 bikers, both of my biker characters, the dreadnought, two drop pods, and one razorback! He still had an ObSec tactical squad on an objective in the Bastion, an obliterator, and said Daemon Prince.

It was a total slaughterfest, and a very fun game against a skilled and fun opponent. We had great fun coming up with narratives for all the challenges that he made (and that were all accepted by me -despite it being tactically disadvantageous- because Marines aren't cowards). You can be sure that Sergeant Kolan will get something on either his base, his banner, or himself to show his victory over the Bloodthrister.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the batrep. Let me know if you like this kind of style of reports.


@ Noctis Cornix: Her number is 555-2666-77528. Read that alphanumerically. :wink:

@ Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks, buddy! :thumbsup:

@ Black_out: It's a combination of having an airbrush, and having too much spare time due to a lingering back injury. This is quickly healing up, though, and seeing as I'll start a new job by the end of april, my hobby productivity will most likely falter somewhat after that date. I appreciate the sentiment, though! :smile.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Dammit, I just spent 40 minutes writing that post ^^, only to find that B&C didn't post 60% of what I´d written after pressing ´post´. I'll get back to it after I have dinner, where I'll rewrite the entire batrep. For now, I´m slightly miffed. :sad.:

EDIT: rewritten :)

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

@ hushrong: it's up now, buddy!


@ Maarten: Yeah, that was kind of hilarious, especially considering mine trashed your Dark Mechanicus army so badly, last time! I didn't mind though - Either way: or I would win, or Chaos! ;) 


@ Race Bannon: No! He was there - remember Targus Vor's miniature's Eviscerator is magnetized and I have spare arms holding a normal chainsword and a bolt pistol. So he was there, he just left this Eviscerator on the Strike Cruiser. :) He heroically held off a Chaos Biker unit for seven (!) assault phases before getting killed in a challenge with its Aspiring Champion. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah!  Victory was mi ... his!  :tu:  Seven turns.  Man, if he made back it that would have deserved a Coke.


Or a promotion.  He'd be cool with either.

Seven turns (well, phases of 3,5 turns, but still) indeed! Pretty appropriate for an Astartes from the VII Legion, no? BTW: he wasn't actually killed - just knocked out by a cowardly move from the Aspiring Champion. His squad mates proceeded to kill the rest of the bikers in the following turn, and I am reliably informed that Sergeant Vor survived with no permanent injuries and a zealous taste for revenge! :tu: 

I ... he lives!



Taking a deep breath, Targys could smell the fresh paint the artificers used on the replaced pauldron now fixed onto his right shoulder.  The squad sigil shined from the available light in the room.  Swiveling his arm, he registered soreness from the previous battle and pushed annoyance out of his mind.  On the table rested his helmet, it's crimson colour cleaned from most of the grime still showed the mark from where the traitor's sword made contact.  The artificer's expertise kept the helmet functional, but they refrained from the paint work at Targys' command.


Next to the helm was his preferred weapon of combat: the Eviscerator.  The massive teeth of the chain-blades gleamed bright against the dark casing.  He refused to name the weapon due to the fact that it was just a tool ... an extension of himself.  He was the weapon of the Chapter.  For Dorn.  For the Emperor.


"Imperator Vult," whispered Targys as he etched another mark at the hilt .  Another vendetta to maintain.



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