Forté Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 Do like the spawn idea. Going to have to keep an eye on your stuff eh ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 I seriously need to find a pair of legs for the Seeker, or find a new mount. Forté 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 I seriously need to find a pair of legs for the Seeker, or find a new mount.Centaur? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 No. I was thinking of making a Ravener look like a Hydralisk and using that, but I'm thinking of experimenting with Thundercav rider legs and hoping they're not that wide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted September 15, 2014 Share Posted September 15, 2014 do you not have a set of hellseeker legs? they look ok on normal power armour, very ornate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted September 15, 2014 Share Posted September 15, 2014 The problem with them is I have to cut the waist down from the rest of the Torso. Warp forbid GW would have rectified this years ago and I'm discovering it now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted September 17, 2014 Author Share Posted September 17, 2014 (edited) The problem with them is I have to cut the waist down from the rest of the Torso. There's a reason why you're adverse to doing so? Very much look looking forward to getting my hands on that kit. Those helmets. The whips. I may keep one mount to, as if I remember correctly Incinerator950 plans, mount a lord on. The rest I think I'll combine with the rider bodies, those lance-claws and see if I can make some counts-as fiends. Anyway, best get some more bikes ready... Edit: one quick Q. If you wanted to model skintight leather masks on some models (Necromunda Goliaths, Catachans, etc.) how would you do it? Thin GS? Sand/file down the facial features (not entirely, of course) and use paint to so the mask? File down details and then GS? Edited September 17, 2014 by Kierdale Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 Smooth out the for sure. Likely GS smoothed over the ears and nose areas. Little round the eyes and sand the hair down. Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted September 29, 2014 Author Share Posted September 29, 2014 (edited) Some more progress.Firstly I got a box of Hellstriders for my birthday (and a box of Raptors are enroute, I'm told). I also bought myself a box of Daemonettes (so some Darth Mustardeqsue Daemonettes are on the drawing board. Some of the leftover Sister of Slaughter masks will go towards Chaos Assassins).A whole lot of grey plastic on my desk.But my Gauss Blaster Green, Baharroth Blue and Dechala Lilac also arrived.I tried out the Blue on one of the test marines. Just basecoated so far...Some will be blue and pink, some pink and green, pink and purple, combinations of pink and two or three colours...some halved, some quartered... I did very nearly pick up some day-glo acrylics today (pink and orange) but stopped myself. If I'm going for pastels, throwing in some neon would draw attention too much. WIP of one of my three bikers.The Hellstrider helmets fit perfectly! Removed the decorative trim from the front fairing on this one so I have more room for freehand. All the bikes will be a little different. Again, halved schemes, quartered, whatever takes my fancy at the time.From this angle the bare Hellstrider right arm looks a little weird but rest assured it looks better IRL.Removed the side spikes from the bottom of the bike so I can add some of the spiky fins from the Raptors kit (as I won't be making Warp Talons). Dark Apostle progress:Removed belly Aquila and leaves from chestplate and left shin...and removed entire left shoulderpad.Then gave him the `face` shoulderpad from the NM kit.Then removed the purity seal from his right shoulderpad and added some hooks from the CSM squad Khorne icon (since that won't be getting used!).Will add some chains hanging from the hooks later. Perhaps with skulls...scrolls...books?...or hooks on chains into her:Lounging at his feet, his pet Daemonette. Head will be swapped to that on the right. He'll be caressing her head with his right hand. Decapitated head will be kept as an Eldar trophy for another model.Will replace one hand with a claw, perhaps add a tail. Oh, and handsome himself?He's half Daemonette. Just need to add his forked tongue and the head is done.Was a nervous bit of work sawing both heads in half.Might need a liiiiittle GS on the left side of his/her neck. I've been doing this and that on so many units while waiting for the paints to arrive. Now they have, I'll probably be putting the Dark Apostle on the back burner, getting the two NM squads undercoated ready for CoC, getting the bikers and daemonettes built as possible CoC units (though I expect the NMs to take me a long time). Edited September 29, 2014 by Kierdale Xenith, A D-B, Beachymike123 and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slave to Darkness Posted September 29, 2014 Share Posted September 29, 2014 :O so beautiful!!! Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted September 29, 2014 Share Posted September 29, 2014 I just don't feel like gutting models. I'll order a body along with a thundercalv leg bit. You're inspiring me to use a Red with purple trim scheme. Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted September 29, 2014 Share Posted September 29, 2014 Full steam ahead Kier. All looking top class. Love the half head for sure. Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted September 30, 2014 Author Share Posted September 30, 2014 Thank you! I forgot to mention that some of the bikers will have one leg replaced (from the knee down) with Hellstrider legs as the detail on them is excellent. Someone here in the CSM forum mentioned that they're a good fit and they are! The Raptors my brother got me for my birthday arrived today... ...I'd heard it was a beautiful kit but I wasn't expecting this good! I'm giddy. Don't really have any idea how to use them...perhaps I'll go for double plasma guns and keep them as a rapid reaction unit...though that would prevent charges...but then again do I need more melta alongside the bikers I have?...perhaps flamers then...anyway I have so much to build and paint that they're going away in the cupboard for a bit. Might swap in some other spare shoulder pads though, so I can use some of the cool Raptor ones for other projects. Aaand he had also bought me the Chaos Terminator Lord! Most unexpected! Bitz a plenty! And what to do with him? Add in a box of CSM TDA and I could do 2 threes of plasma termicide. Make this Lord as the Champion, perhaps. Aaaand I'm planning to do this army for next year's Armies On Parade, which probably mean basing a lot of the army at once. Anyway, back to models which are made! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted September 30, 2014 Share Posted September 30, 2014 Good to see you so excited with your army and models. It's what is should be about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted October 5, 2014 Author Share Posted October 5, 2014 I was working on the first pushfit practice NM, and tried some Gauss Blaster Green on the bolter: But didn't really like the way it looked. I then heard we'd have a typhoon this weekend (it now rages outside) so got my two squads of 5 NM undercoated outside. At this point I realised I'd lose one of their backpacks, so this pushfit's going to sacrifice his backpack until I get another. Went on to practice more with one of the other pushfits and completed him... Only after taking the photo did I notice the spots of red ink on the blue of his right knee. Will have to touch that up later. The tongue looked a whole lot fatter after painting it. Right eye lense is green, left is red. Perhaps reality's not 3D enough for this boy. I may get more fancy with the warband icon on future models. Highlight the black or do it (the Slaanesh bit) white with a black trim. Basing will have to wait. As I said, I plan to do the army for next year's Armies on Parade, and this presents a question: to `sink` the bases into the terrain so they stand flush with the `ground` (the harder option and needs more planning) or base them appropriate to the terrain I plan to place them in, and simply place them atop the board when it is later made (the easier option)... Any advice or suggestions? Darth Mustard, Dallas Drake, Strazhakov and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 Really liking your pastels and avoidance of black. As for the "armies on parade". Sunken bases look much better. More work but still looks better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted October 15, 2014 Author Share Posted October 15, 2014 Alright, sunken bases it is then. I'll be going to see this year's AoP on the 25th. Will give me an idea how much effort I have to put into it for next year! Some updates: First up, Big crab claw girls! You make the rockin' world go round! Second from right will be the alluress. She got the big claw and bigger hair. I plan to model this squad as if jumping over a river. I'll finish the rest of the squad (and the second squad consisting of daemonette bodies and sister of slaughter heads) after CoC. And a bit of work on the Chaplain Dark Apostle's...slave. Removed her head (to replace it with a daemonette one). I will replace one hand with a claw...and might remove the left boob, as per GW daemonette models. The removed head... ...will be kept. Perhaps used as a Battle Sister head trophy. If it looks a little rough that's not caused by my careful decapitation of the mini. Put it down to finecast (must admit I've had very few issues with it in the past though). And work on my cultist leader for this week's Inspiration Friday... Pistol removed and replaced with shotgun, mouth greenstuffed over, ears filed down a fair bit, a line cut into the neck to define the mask. Thought about using a different, more `normal` chainsword, but this Goliath one does give more room for freehand on the blade. Undercoated In the past I painted some veins onto a tyranid weapon with very watered down blue. I wanted to try something similar on this model (used Hawk Turq). I then gave it a sepia wash and painted over a fair bit of it again with watered down Kislev Flesh to tone down the turquoise. And here's where I'm up to now: Will take some better photos when he's finished....which'll be soon. Aaaaaand my CoC units: Five noise marine, one blast master Another five noise marine, one blast master Three bikers, two melta guns Forté and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted October 16, 2014 Author Share Posted October 16, 2014 Bring out the cultist. Cultist's sleeping. Well, I guess you're gonna have to go wake him up now, won't you? I hope the veins and blood splatter (which I did keep to a minimum on areas other than the weapon, such as his right arm, chest and armour) show up. First time to paint veins (or nipples, for that matter) on a body. Now to get on with my CoC VII vow... Fenbain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted October 18, 2014 Share Posted October 18, 2014 So, I'm currently catching up on project logs through the simple method of going through everyone that's put a CoC vow in. I kept seeing this thread but never got around to looking in it, and my god I'm glad I finally did. That blue and pink work really well together. The biker with the whip looks the absolute nuts. I'm not totally sold on boob-mace guy, but I'll reserve judgement until he gets a paint job. You even put the slave model into acceptable territory for me, as I hate the face on it. Seriously, is it that hard to sculpt attractive female faces when it's called for? Oh, and the Dark Apostle Two Face? Brilliant. Gotta steal that at some point. Dragonlover Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted October 23, 2014 Author Share Posted October 23, 2014 Thank you, Dragonlover. Got the Leadbelcher and Mithril done on my bikers and noise marines. Shaded the bikers and will get the NM done tonight (hopefully), and heat staining on the bike pipes. Then on to pink! I'm thinking of doing one bike pink-front/blue-rear, another pink-right/blue-left and the third quartered: opposite quarters pink, one blue and one purple. A few thoughts I had during my commute this morning: Firstly I plan to have three more bikers: the chaos lord (w/L-claw, probably magnetized), biker champion (melta bombs and an arm magnetized for future options) and one more biker to round the basic squad out to five members. The chaos bike models are nice enough but... Space Marine Bike for Chaos Lord - more space for freehand on the front faring/wheel cover thingy. Plus I have enough bitz that the driver is not necessary (other than to provide more bitz). He'll have a chain extending from the back of his bike with an Eldar guardian hooked on it. A chaos bike for the biker champion, with some of the Slaanesh shields from the Hellstriders added like hubcaps where the spikes would go on the front forks. And perhaps a Scout Bike for the additional biker simply for a change. Again, I have enough bitz for the rider. And I have plenty of spikes/bitz to Chaos-up the loyalist bikes. Another couple of thoughts for further in the future: perhaps for a future NM champion, as I have a lot of spare heads in my bitz box: Necklace of ears. And I'd like to do a sorcerer as a homage to the old four-armed, two-sworded, serpent-tailed chaos champion top-right here: ...though obviously in powered armour. I'd model him on foot...and perhaps get a SM attack bike and convert the sidecar so the sorcerer can be placed in there when I want him riding a bike. Anyway...back to my CoC vow... Oh, a question: considering the colour scheme of my NM, what colour scheme (or which craft world) would go well (or rather, contrast well) with them? As there's a guardian on the base of one of the NM champions I need to think about this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 I'm totally stealing the trophy eldar rifle idea. My friend has cron, deldar, and tau infantry in his garage and eventually I'll grab some of them. Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 27, 2014 Share Posted October 27, 2014 Are you using WHFB bits with those daemonettes? They look great, maybe worth stealing... What's the black and yellow Eldars craftworld called? They'd make for a contrast to your Marines I think I also like the different colour eye lenses so I might have to nick that too Hope to see some more work soon as I still need to finalise some of my ideas so it's great to see your stuff Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted October 30, 2014 Author Share Posted October 30, 2014 Yes, the Daemonettes are made from Daemonette models combined with Dark Elf Witches/Sisters of Slaughter (a fantastic kit! I'm likely to have a few excellent knives and whips left over). The idea was taken from Darth Mustard's work. The Daemonette model bodies will get Sister of Slaughter masked heads and again a one-claw, one-melee weapon set of hands, to make up a second squad of Daemonettes. With their less dynamic poses I plan to base the second unit as if they've just chopped up some Eldar Guardians and are basking in their kills. I chatted with the staff of my local GW and he suggested Biel Tan craftworld. As I plan to put a forest and other vegetation on the display board, I think it's a reasonable idea. I also thought about Saim Hann for that bright reddy orange. Always liked the look of Yme-Loc too... WarriorFish, you might be thinking Ulthwé? Black and Bone. That's also a great suggestion... :D WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted October 30, 2014 Share Posted October 30, 2014 When I see a xeno I shoot first and ask questions later :P I'll look into it when I get round to adding some warp critters to my army but that won't be for a long time plus I don't have the Daemons codex. Also Eldar corpses, because Slaanesh likes to nibble on their souls - all good ideas I will be considering. I'm starting to form some ideas for a background and stuff too so keep up the good work so I can steal more ideas watch your progress! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted November 5, 2014 Author Share Posted November 5, 2014 I've decided on Biel Tan And, CoC progress! Biker heads. The pink is finished on all three bikers and riders (gave it a heavily Lamian-diluted glaze of Carroburg today to get rid of the chalky look the pink had, and add depth). Will go back to add freehand after finishing the other colour on each. Currently furthest along. Highlighting the blue next. Quartered pink/purple. Purple's only had its first coat here. Many more still to go... Rear green, front pink. Again, only a little green done so far. Beachymike123, WarriorFish and Arkaniss 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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