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Queen Bee Knight -- Thank you! Please read the new post


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Every time i look at this thread I get that Queen Bee song from the Heavy Metal soundtrack stuck in my head.

Not the best song from that soundtrack but really digging the way this build is turning out.  Great job!

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Base is coming up really nice. The melted aluminium look is great and the necron metal is nice and distinctive while still looking nicely wrecked. The contrast with the Queen should be spot-on as far as i can see. Very cool.

Thanks! It's pretty important to me that they stay different. I'll be adding more stages to the 'cron wreckage. Any tips or suggestions? I figure it'll be "cleaner." Ironic, since it's the wreckage and Queen is still standing (on it, no less). I was thinking about doing real edge highlights instead of drybrusing, against my intuition. I may also glaze some with green again to reinforce the odd metal color.

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Yeah base contrast is important, while my Cydonian force always has red to link them to New Ares and to function as camouflage when there i haven't gone for mars type bases so they would stand out, that and i wanted them fighting away from home rather than at home. Though i have a plan to include a little bit of home in my menagerie, but more on that when i get the parts.

For highlighting the necron wreck i agree mainly use edge highlighting, i'd go mainly subtle on most edges with just some sharp gleams on corners and points you want the eye to rest. I would though get some streaky drybrushing in little patches on the cut edges and the torn worn and the most damaged parts to help show a distinct line between the original clean metal lines and the damage done.

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Okay. Pic dump of some base progress coming on. I'll keep the comments to a minimum and they pretty well speak for themselves.





And some closer shots:


Some minor OSL around the fire.


Around the other side. Also note the orange glow around the molten puddles.


The glowing green ooze.


Another angle on the ooze.

And that's it for now. I've gone in after I took the pics and darkened up some areas where I felt it was needed. Actually, the pic of the fire from the side up above has the darkened shadow underneath it. I tried to make the line pretty clear because the underside wouldn't get much glow from the flames.

I decided to keep the OSL pretty minimal for a few reasons, but chiefly because I didn't want to overshadow Queen herself. I think it's enough to get my point across without being over the top. Thoughts? Did I go too far? Not far enough?

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I'd say that's just about perfect.  Can't have any eyes drawn away too long for such a lady as the Queen Bee.


Thanks! I'm hoping these things become 'oh, neat' additions. Like, you're checking out her _____ and you see _____ in the background. :D 

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Another day, another pic dump. Adding yet more details based on some feedback I got on my blog, as well as weathering powders finally.













There you go. I think I may darken the glossy green necrofluid, but I might not. I still want to mess with the brick walls and add a bit more actual brick chunks around the base of them. Thoughts?

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Since you asked...

Necrofluid looks awesome from here.  

It may look different in person but I wouldn't touch it.  At least  until you have had a chance to get the full model on the base and see if how it affects the entire theme. See if it's competing to much with the yellow and such.


just my 2 cents...

I agree on the brick chunks unless the structure  was smashed a long long time ago and not as a result of flying croissant crash.

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Since you asked...

Necrofluid looks awesome from here.  

It may look different in person but I wouldn't touch it.  At least  until you have had a chance to get the full model on the base and see if how it affects the entire theme. See if it's competing to much with the yellow and such.


just my 2 cents...

I agree on the brick chunks unless the structure  was smashed a long long time ago and not as a result of flying croissant crash.



Oh, yeah, that's intended to be old rubble. Not new at all. I wonder how I can make that more apparent. Any ideas? 

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Oh my goodness is that looking sweet.

As for the ruins, the bricks look old now as the broken faces are the same colour and tone as the outer faces, whereas if new damage they'd be all fresh and an unweathered tone on the inside. The only other way i can think of to show that the damage to the brickwork isn't new would be to have some plantlife growing over it including the broken edge, creepers or moss or lichen etc.

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Oh my goodness is that looking sweet.


As for the ruins, the bricks look old now as the broken faces are the same colour and tone as the outer faces, whereas if new damage they'd be all fresh and an unweathered tone on the inside. The only other way i can think of to show that the damage to the brickwork isn't new would be to have some plantlife growing over it including the broken edge, creepers or moss or lichen etc.


That's an interesting thought... I'll consider it. The only real problem I see with it (which may not be a problem at all) is that I haven't done that on any of my other bases. I fear it might overcomplicate things. I'll think about it, though. You're right that would immediately set them apart. 

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Ahhh Brother this has been a great work to follow. The response to the base damage is inspired. I love the subtle fluid leakage from the Necrons and the molten effect occurring.


 Now,... your challenge (should you choose to accept it)...with the weight of a Knight pressing down on those mechanical bits could you make some of those awesome liquids "squirt and spray" out from the victims. I dont have an answer, but the image of a small last gasp spurt of life seems appealing....


anyway, love the work .

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Oh, yeah, that's intended to be old rubble. Not new at all. I wonder how I can make that more apparent. Any ideas?

It's probably just the camera angle. I'm sure it would be more apparent in person and especially after you add a few brick chunks.

This build is amazing as are your modeling skills. I'd rush out and buy myself a knight but I'm no where ready to attempt anything close to what you've got here! I'd probably glue the arms on backwards unsure.png ( if you've seen my space hulk post you'd understand! hahaha)

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Ahhh Brother this has been a great work to follow. The response to the base damage is inspired. I love the subtle fluid leakage from the Necrons and the molten effect occurring.

Now,... your challenge (should you choose to accept it)...with the weight of a Knight pressing down on those mechanical bits could you make some of those awesome liquids "squirt and spray" out from the victims. I dont have an answer, but the image of a small last gasp spurt of life seems appealing....

anyway, love the work .

First, thanks for the kind words. Second, that's a really fun idea. It wouldn't even be that hard! I'll see if I can incorporate it, for real. I love the idea. I have one other secret plan for that area but I'm not ready to reveal it.

Oh, yeah, that's intended to be old rubble. Not new at all. I wonder how I can make that more apparent. Any ideas?

It's probably just the camera angle. I'm sure it would be more apparent in person and especially after you add a few brick chunks.

This build is amazing as are your modeling skills. I'd rush out and buy myself a knight but I'm no where ready to attempt anything close to what you've got here! I'd probably glue the arms on backwards unsure.png ( if you've seen my space hulk post you'd understand! hahaha)

Thanks again, man. It really is a great kit. One of my all-time faves for sure. It's expensive, but there's so much you can do with it. As for the arms, I've seen more than one that were backwards and they actually look fine that way. ;) I remember your brood lord, by the way. You weren't the only one who did that, either. Seen a few online. I wonder why they didn't make one of the pegs square or something? Seems like it'd be easy to do.

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I REALLY like this work. your talent for painting comes out shining (get it? fire, shining?tongue.png ) all to easily.

my only little tiff, if you would, is that the entirety of the necron vehicle and bodies are metallic, as the paint scheme flaunted by GW shows, it gives them some more interest...... I completely understand that you have a lot going on in the base, which is soooo cool, and you wouldn't want to detract from the knight, but that being said, i feel that their armor being at least a blackish metallic to give it more definition would benefit them greatly.

(although, this is comin' from a Red-Brown type colorblind teenager, so i can't say that I'm entitled to be heard with stuff like this... smile.png )

Either way, it looks grand, and the results. not to mention, it's already done... so no easy going back anyway!tongue.png

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