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Queen Bee Knight -- Thank you! Please read the new post


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Holy cow. That last post had a full page's worth of comments on it. Thanks again, everybody! 


I am just in love with the pin up on that Titan and am eager to want to try that for myself! Just beautiful that is mate!


Yeah, the idea evolved quite a bit over time but I really like how it turned out in the end. I'm glad I listened to everyone and moved away from doing a more WW2-style 'pretty lady.' So much more characterful in my case. I still think a regular pinup would look cool on the right knight, but for me this is way better. You should totally try it! Printing out the decal with the outline really helped. I was able to focus on nice color blends instead of messing with the proportions. If you're handy with graphics programs and can print a decal, I strongly suggest trying it out. It could work just as well for banners and stuff as well, I'm sure. 

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Sloppy free-hand? Away with you, it's brilliant. The decals are great and you've applied them fantastically, they look painted on. She's definitely going to be one of the most unique Knights around despite, in terms of her general architecture, being pretty stock.

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I appreciate that, but the lettering on the breastplate scroll and the Reaper really are just sloppy. I think I was trying to rush them. The shield I was able to touch up enough that I'm cool with it.

Thanks, though. biggrin.png

And I'm glad you pointed out that she's pretty stock, honestly. You're right. All the personality and movement and drama come from the rather painstaking steps I took to change up her pose, and I love the fact that it made such a difference. I've seen lots of other reposed knights, and a LOT of brilliant conversions that take it in different directions (especially chaos ones) but there's something about staying within the parameters of the original design that really appeals to me. It would have been a lot easier to 'make it my own' and lose some of the original in the process. Take the inner thigh pistons... I've seen some really wide striding knights but according to the way that section is built, it doesn't look to me like it can actually go any wider than I've got it there. I think this was very intentional and, frankly, rational when they're conveying that much weight. That's something I haven't reflected on since the early days, but you've reminded me. She's her own bird, but she's still a knight, built like other knights. She's special because of all the little details that add up to make her unique, and there's not another one out there quite like her.

I feel about her the way that authors feel about their characters or singers about their songs. She's her own thing, and I was just helping to bring her into the world. I swear she was calling the shots, though.

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And I'm glad you pointed out that she's pretty stock, honestly. You're right. All the personality and movement and drama come from the rather painstaking steps I took to change up her pose, and I love the fact that it made such a difference. I've seen lots of other reposed knights, and a LOT of brilliant conversions that take it in different directions (especially chaos ones) but there's something about staying within the parameters of the original design that really appeals to me. It would have been a lot easier to 'make it my own' and lose some of the original in the process. Take the inner thigh pistons... I've seen some really wide striding knights but according to the way that section is built, it doesn't look to me like it can actually go any wider than I've got it there. I think this was very intentional and, frankly, rational when they're conveying that much weight. That's something I haven't reflected on since the early days, but you've reminded me. She's her own bird, but she's still a knight, built like other knights. She's special because of all the little details that add up to make her unique, and there's not another one out there quite like her.

I feel about her the way that author's feel about their characters or singer's about their songs. She's her own thing, and I was just helping to bring her into the world. I swear she was calling the shots, though.

that was beautiful. wub.gif

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Ah, thanks for looking, mate. I'm not sure how much I like the idea of a hazard marking on a giant chainsword that's clearly hazardous, but it fit the space and I liked it. Dang it. 


I was sorely tempted to get the AdMech decal sheet, but honestly I just don't know if I'd use more than a few of them. Part of me wishes I had held out, as I think I'd prefer a smaller Maker's Plate but now that it's on her, I like the one she's got. 


It's a cool decal sheet, for sure, but I doubt I'll ever have the cash to do an AdMech army, much as I'd like to. 


I'm not sure that it really IS a hazard marking, other bits about the decals on the knights are inconsistent as it is, but as it has the same ritual markings on some of the maker-plates i think it might be more of a sacred seal that may once have descended from hazard markings. Something that started as 'biohazard, do not change oil without breathing apparatus' becomes morphed into the signiature of a master-builder when especially proud of a piece of work or the final part of a maintainance ritual when a piece is rebuilt and repaired that has long been disassociated with it's original purpose and now is looked at as being as vital to the repair as the welding.


I've done that a bit with my House Cydonia scheme, the hazard stripes being i imagine originally a thin strip marking around the heat-vents/air-intake and placed on temporary chainblade covers they've now taken up the whole heat-vent/air-intake panels and been painted on the whole chainblades of the knight and that's spread to the Taghmata and also the tilting plate and one knee as a practical marking has turned into heraldry.


I think the makers-plate looks good as is especially if you are going to weather it down a little (though i think the tilting plate looks great as is and disagree with those suggesting you weather it further, it's spot-on already).


As for the ad-mech army, well you'll just have to live vicariously through mine :D


The only problem i see with this entire thread is how we are going to cope with it finishing.


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Hahaha. Well said, man. You'll just have to watch my Land Raider take shape, clad in extra armor, freehand finery and more of this fun weathering stuff.


And yeah, looking at that decal sheet there are small hazard triangles, and then larger pyramids with the cog halo thing. I think it's as you say: something that's taken on new meaning.


So, I've weathered the red plate now, but I haven't taken the pics yet. I want to make a little more progress before I get there.

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I appreciate that, but the lettering on the breastplate scroll and the Reaper really are just sloppy. I think I was trying to rush them. The shield I was able to touch up enough that I'm cool with it.

Thanks, though. biggrin.png

And I'm glad you pointed out that she's pretty stock, honestly. You're right. All the personality and movement and drama come from the rather painstaking steps I took to change up her pose, and I love the fact that it made such a difference. I've seen lots of other reposed knights, and a LOT of brilliant conversions that take it in different directions (especially chaos ones) but there's something about staying within the parameters of the original design that really appeals to me. It would have been a lot easier to 'make it my own' and lose some of the original in the process. Take the inner thigh pistons... I've seen some really wide striding knights but according to the way that section is built, it doesn't look to me like it can actually go any wider than I've got it there. I think this was very intentional and, frankly, rational when they're conveying that much weight. That's something I haven't reflected on since the early days, but you've reminded me. She's her own bird, but she's still a knight, built like other knights. She's special because of all the little details that add up to make her unique, and there's not another one out there quite like her.

I feel about her the way that author's feel about their characters or singers about their songs. She's her own thing, and I was just helping to bring her into the world. I swear she was calling the shots, though.

Fair enough, mate, you've clearly loftier standards than I when it comes to freehanding. Hell, if I attempt to paint some words I'm usually satisfied if you can work out what all the letters are.

That second paragraph neatly sums up why we've all become so devoted to this log, it's such a labour of love and the enthusiasm, care and determination to get your vision right are contagious.

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What an unfortunate time to be out of likes! I'm almost shaking my screen to demand the model's completion laugh.png The attention to detail you're putting in is brilliant, the Omnissiah is surely pleased with your devotion! I've done only basic work on my Knight, just sorting some bits out ready for assembling but this has inspired me to do the very best I can with it so it is waiting for me to have more reliable free time so I can devote the energy and time it deserves smile.png

Keep up the excellent work Jeff, she will dominate the table in every sense of the word when complete thumbsup.gif

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Thanks again, everyone. I keep feeling like I'm getting really close, and then I think about all the stuff I have yet to do... Yes, it is closer for sure. All the encouragement definitely keeps me motivated to charge boldy forward as well. Thanks again, from some of the biggest names on this board. It's great to see that some of the people whose work I admire the most have taken notice. The schoolboy in me considers this well worth the effort I've put into it. The more mature me recognizes that I've been inspired to do this because of those very people, and I owe it all to them in many ways.


I've gone in and amped up the contrast on the shield-mural's deaths head as K-Sci suggested. I've also painted the glass on top of the pilot's hatch and a couple blue cables on the armor plates. Next up are some metal details and finishing up the brass trim bits before I apply the rails. At that point I should be clear to glue the leg armor plates on. I plan to leave the top carapace loose so I can eventually do the interior, and possibly magnetize the shoulder armor to reveal the small details above her arms. After that it's just finishing touches like the servo skull in the rear and lightning on the foot crushing the necroissant.

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Yes sir. The guy who gave me the Annihilation Barge requested that I make some lightning arcing from the machine to her foot, like the first Terminator movie. Since I got it for free, I figured it was the least I could do.
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I'm going out on a limb here. I don't want to start a flame war or anything... But let's just say I find most of the Infinity range to be, how should I say it... Pervy? I don't care for it, and even though that knight is amazing on many levels, I don't care for the choice of pilot model. I appreciate the thought, really. And I don't want to come across as elitest or a jerk or holier-than-though, it's just not my style. 

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I'm going out on a limb here. I don't want to start a flame war or anything... But let's just say I find most of the Infinity range to be, how should I say it... Pervy? I don't care for it, and even though that knight is amazing on many levels, I don't care for the choice of pilot model. I appreciate the thought, really. And I don't want to come across as elitest or a jerk or holier-than-though, it's just not my style. 


That's fine :)

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I can hardly wait to see the finished shield! Pictures at your earliest convenience, please msn-wink.gif

One thing about doing an interior for your Knight (because mine may not be painted yet, but it does have a cockpit -- Yay!): Leaving the top part of the carapace unglued is certainly a good decision, but you may also want to keep one of the side panels of the torso unglued, if that is still an option at this point: In order to get all that stuff to fit in there, you will want maximum access to the Knight's interior. In fact, I don't even want to imagine what building the cockpit would have been like, if I'd only had access to the model's interior from above...

As for possible pilot models: That one vampiress from the Coven Throne kit (the one with the flowers in her hair) may just be GW's best female face ever, but maybe that's just me ;)

Anyway, keep up the fantastic work and post some more pictures, dammit! msn-wink.gif

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Oh man... I wish I would have read that earlier, K-Sci... It's glued. I know it's going to be really hard. I'm hoping FW releases a kit some day, or I can score an interior kit from someone's FW knight. I have my own ideas as well, as evidenced way earlier in the thread, but I don't mind sticking with what's more official. It may never get done, if I'm honest, but sooner or later I'll AT LEAST do what Batty has done and make an objective counter with an Aurelia model. 

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Okay, as requested here are a couple more pics. Haven't had a lot of time lately, but why not post 'em?


Simple blue glass window. I don't want to make it glow or anything as of right now, since the cockpit most likely won't be lit.


Banged-up Maker's Plate. Actually, in my vision it's painted on as opposed to being a fixed plate. If it were a plate it surely would have been demolished long ago, so maybe this is a painted representation of it.


Weathered up mystery hazard marking. The new Skitarii sheet shows these as hazard or warning markers. Batty and I decided they may have started that way, but over the years they've been ritualized into a sort of decorative/sacred markings in their own right. I have no idea what they would actually be, but it sounds cool to me.

And that's it. It's been a weird couple of weeks between me being sick, my daughter being sick, and being really busy at work from taking some time off to mend. I should be getting some more time in soon, though.

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I hear ya. It was the most expensive model I'd ever bought (still is, I'm not sure why I'm using past tense there). I'm quite envious of those on the board who regularly buy these beautiful FW models... Part of the reason I wanted to put so much effort into this project was to prove that it was worth the money. 

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