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Queen Bee Knight -- Thank you! Please read the new post


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I started a test fit last night for some company, and it inspired me to get the legs glued. I still have some work to do on the brass/copper trim, but with the leg armor on I was able to do a full-on test fit. This is very close to what she'll look like when she's done, sans a few small additional details. Base colors are on everything and most is actually finished. Without further ado, here's a massive pic dump.













And that's it for now. I think I'm in love.

Like I said, not finished but very, very close.



Best knight ever

This. Absolutely beautiful. The amount of detail and texture is truly stunning -- it actually looks like an ancient, hallowed machine, rather than a plastic toy. Absolutely fantastic job!



this model is the epitome of the hobby and you deserve kudos and glory and will forever have my respect as an inspirational artist and hobby legend

Best knight ever


I literally planned to say that myself but you got there first.


I look forward to seeing this in the pages of Warhammer Visions, because it MUST end up in the pages of Warhammer Visions.



Best knight ever


I literally planned to say that myself but you got there first.


I look forward to seeing this in the pages of Warhammer Visions, because it MUST end up in the pages of Warhammer Visions.




Definitely agree

Thanks again for all the comments, peeps. I'm doing a presentation tonight for work and the little confidence boost is appreciated. smile.png

Well, if your Knight Titan is any indication, just must have prepared one hell of a PowerPoint/Keynote... msn-wink.gif


Now the only issue with that is it would likely lose to something that's overly airbrushed and following current trends. Where this has so many added extras which would be missed as it's been a labour of love and has been a joy to watch it come together.

Thanks again for all the comments, peeps. I'm doing a presentation tonight for work and the little confidence boost is appreciated. smile.png

Well, if your Knight Titan is any indication, just must have prepared one hell of a PowerPoint/Keynote... msn-wink.gif

LOL. Well... It's on email calls-to-action, and my co-conspirator put it together since he's the designer. I just write copy. So, we do have a Keynote deck but I save most of my creativity for my hobby. :D


Now the only issue with that is it would likely lose to something that's overly airbrushed and following current trends. Where this has so many added extras which would be missed as it's been a labour of love and has been a joy to watch it come together.

I couldn't agree more, sir. As much as it pains me, I know I won't ever win a painting competition with her because I only used my airbrush for basing, my wet-blending doesn't really factor into this model much, and all those little conversions and details are out of sync with the style of current Crystal Brush and Golden Demon award offerings. Does that mean I'm not proud of her? Absolutely not. She's my finest work by a mile, and I think she's wonderful in her way. Is she spit-polished, perfectly wet-blended, and ready for a macro closeup? Not really, because that's simply not my style and I doubt I have the skill to produce anything like what a Meg Maples could do even if I had all the time in the world.

I will enter her into something, some day, because I know that people want to see her. I've had the good fortune to meet people from the board here in real life, and the amount of excitement the Queen generates is well beyond what I can own myself. She is OUR champion in many ways, and I want to share her with as many people as I can. So maybe I never get a Golden Demon statue. I live in the states so that's a bit of a foregone conclusion anyway.

It WOULD be really cool to see her in Visions, so maybe I'll look into how I can do that. Of course, if I do so, I can't put her in any competitions as far as I know, since it's published work at that point.

Does anyone have any advice on that front? Like, should I be holding her back or putting her into something in particular?

At any rate, she's not even 100% finished. This is a TEST fitting, after all. But as always, the outpouring of support warms my heart. Thank you all.

You have every right to be proud and I'm sure if Meg saw this she would be very complimentary about it.


You've added details that those like Kiril who won this year's Crystal brush haven't factored in, like painting over other paint, and you've kept it to scale with other models in the same range rather than just treating it as a big model. Once it's done make sure you get some good pics and send the to Portal and the Figure Painter Magazine of Facebook. Beck, send them to Meg too (she posts almost daily on there, as do lots of the big known painters).


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