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Queen Bee Knight -- Thank you! Please read the new post


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Battbats explination is glorious, though I do admit that when I first say the pictures of the new weapons that I thought the autocannon turred was going to be crew-served WWII flak-wagon/IG Hydra style. 


I think a manned-turret conversion would look amazing on an AdMech-aligned knight, actually. I think all the pieces are in place to make it a pretty easy job and it would be really characterful. Just not my Queen. She's far too independent. 

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Ah, I was actually visualizing the opposite. A fully supported knight will have everything ship shape. But a free blade needs to be more self sufficient, and can't repair some of the autotargeters. They also can't guarantee air cover.

So I could easily see a free blade like the Queen who has kept or acquired an entourage of serfs bartering for training for a serf to man the top gun. For what better way to serve like an armsman of old than to provide ranged fire as the armored knight charges forward. But she's your Queen, and you know her moods.


On the other hand, *curses*, I might have just talked myself into getting a knight, after resisting for this long.

Fairwell poor wallet. You led a good life.

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Ah, I was actually visualizing the opposite. A fully supported knight will have everything ship shape. But a free blade needs to be more self sufficient, and can't repair some of the autotargeters. They also can't guarantee air cover.

So I could easily see a free blade like the Queen who has kept or acquired an entourage of serfs bartering for training for a serf to man the top gun. For what better way to serve like an armsman of old than to provide ranged fire as the armored knight charges forward. But she's your Queen, and you know her moods.

On the other hand, *curses*, I might have just talked myself into getting a knight, after resisting for this long.

Fairwell poor wallet. You led a good life.

That's an excellent rationalization, and now you HAVE to actually produce said knight. As for my fair lady, I think she can handle the extra pressure of the guns on her own. It wouldn't be right to risk someone. She's already got the eggs to look after, and that's hard enough.

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Hi Jeff, I was looking for some inspiration for my knight and came across this which might interest you for making an interior. You might have already seen it but i think it looks great and might be what you're looking for. Also, just to echo what others have been saying but it's looking awesome!



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I have seen it, but it's still one of my faves. Pretty close to the utilitarian style I want to go for. I posted a bunch of interior brainstorming stuff way earlier in the blog, but the short version is I think the high-tech look is a bit too much for me. I really had my heart set on the Throne Mechanicum looking as much like a piece of medieval furniture as anything, since in the fluff that's just what they are when they're not inserted into the Knight. I drew up pics of one as a medieval throne with the high, straight back on it. I also think there would be relatively few screens. They're not piloting them like a video game, they're neuro-jacked in and piloting them like their own body. So some status gauges and screens would probably exist, but it seems like virtually no thought would be given to the pilot's comfort since they don't really want them to think about their own body when they're piloting. If your neural connection is compromised, who cares if you can control anything manually? You're probably in your own tomb at that point. I planned to drive this point home with a very stripped down interior, and the one you posted is pretty dang close. Also, since my Queen is a Freeblade, her throne never comes out anymore so I figured it would be safe to model that in some way as well. 

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Yeah, I know! I think the rocket pod would look awesome, because it's in a hex pattern already. I could just paint the honeycomb around it and it would look awesome. I really like the quad gun, though. I think I need both, magnetized, natch.
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, man! I'm not done yet, though. Keep one eye half-cocked in this direction. I have yet to finish the brass metalwork in most places, and after that I'll still be adding a few more details. Right now I'm gearing up for my wedding in a few weeks and work is very busy, but I'll be getting back to her after that. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, man. Turns out, if you don't visit the forums for months even the really slow projects have progress. I still haven't finished her, because I'm gearing up for a wedding, but she's absolutely within striking distance. 

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Jeff, first off I want to thank you for an awesome read. For some weird reason I remember seeing this thread come up last year's winter and seeing the first photoshopped colour, and have never come back to the thread. Serves me right for not commenting. But I've been pretty sick these days and have read through the entire thread in the last two. And ehat a blast it was. Second, she's come together amazingly. I can't shower you with praise enough, or without repeating things that have justly been said by others before me. So I'm just goingt o say thank you for sharing all this. And I really hope to see the finished model with super high quality pictues someday soon. She really deserves it. Well done, mate!! :tu:
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Yeah! Really great work. I love how natural the arms are. I'm not a huge fan of the overly sexy pilot, but I'm not going to poopoo the incredible work.



Jeff, first off I want to thank you for an awesome read. For some weird reason I remember seeing this thread come up last year's winter and seeing the first photoshopped colour, and have never come back to the thread. Serves me right for not commenting. But I've been pretty sick these days and have read through the entire thread in the last two. And ehat a blast it was. Second, she's come together amazingly. I can't shower you with praise enough, or without repeating things that have justly been said by others before me. So I'm just goingt o say thank you for sharing all this. And I really hope to see the finished model with super high quality pictues someday soon. She really deserves it. Well done, mate!! :tu:

Thanks! I'm a newly married man, and I've got to get this honeymoon out of the way first. Indulge me for another couple weeks and then hobby time should be a thing again.

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