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Queen Bee Knight -- Thank you! Please read the new post


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  • 2 months later...

Congratulations, mate! This is unbelievably awesome, albeit very well deserved! So proud to have been a teeny tiny part of this msn-wink.gif

EDIT: But seriously, shouldn't they have given you, of all people, an auto-unlock for her...? ;)

Congratulations, mate! This is unbelievably awesome, albeit very well deserved! So proud to have been a teeny tiny part of this msn-wink.gif

EDIT: But seriously, shouldn't they have given you, of all people, an auto-unlock for her...? msn-wink.gif

K-Sci... Don't be modest. I'm going to do a full post about it at some point, and you shall be heavily credited with the drive to get it done.

As for an unlock, I haven't asked for one. I'm sure they'd do it. They've been super cool to work with. Maybe I should ask them for a bunch of in-game currency so I can get her, but she's also behind a 15-level limit wall so I've got some work to do.

That's unbelievable! Congrats!

Thanks so much! Still seems a bit surreal. I can't wait to unlock her so I can stomp around and blow stuff up.

That's very nice of you to say, Jeff!


More importantly, though: Does the in-game model have the little bird's nest...? ;)


Seriously, though: This is so cool -- even the representation of the heraldic shield alone would be awesome enough. I can't stop smiling, and it's not even my model.

That's very nice of you to say, Jeff!

More importantly, though: Does the in-game model have the little bird's nest...? msn-wink.gif

Seriously, though: This is so cool -- even the representation of the heraldic shield alone would be awesome enough. I can't stop smiling, and it's not even my model.

They were pretty upfront about not being able to do a lot of the physical details. It's just the skin and I'm fine with that.

The truth is I'd be excited about this game either way. The customization options are a blast, even if it seems a lot is behind an in-app purchase model (that never really bothered me anyway) and the gameplay seems pretty dang fun so far. Having my lady in it is just icing on the cake.

That is so cool. I'm gutted I can't get it on android stomping around in the Queen bee will be ace, enjoy every moment.


Hey man... I'm sure they're working on bringing it out all over. I'm toying with the idea of trying to do a Twitch stream once I unlock her. :D Maybe you can watch me play it one of these days.

Oh dude this is so awesome. I'm super glad to have been a teeny tiny bit part of this, and to have contributed to the Queen Bee getting a well deserved place among the unlockable skins. Well deserved, Jeff, well deserved!


If you want us to tweet them to give you the skin, count me in.

Oh dude this is so awesome. I'm super glad to have been a teeny tiny bit part of this, and to have contributed to the Queen Bee getting a well deserved place among the unlockable skins. Well deserved, Jeff, well deserved!


If you want us to tweet them to give you the skin, count me in.


Hahaha! No, no. There's no need to bother them at all. Unless it costs over $5 in real money, at which point I will probably email them to beg... 

Here she is in the game, fans. I'll write more up once I unlock her, but it's really cool to see her in motion.



SO AWESOME. woot.gif drool.gif

I've written up a long post on my blog about the Queen Bee, and just how she got into the Freeblade game. In it, I thank a lot of you long-time supporters. I'd appreciate it if you would hit the blog and leave a little comment there if this project meant something to you.




I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tearing up a little as I type this. It's hard for you all to know how much your commitment to this project has meant to me. This model isn't just a centerpiece for an army. It's not even a contest entry. It's not even just a personal milestone. It's the culmination of so much feedback, love, sweat, frustration, and triumph that I think we all shared together. Everyone who's left a comment here, or even liked a post, can rightfully be proud of what the Queen Bee has become. 


She's bigger than me, by far. She's what's excellent about the Bolter and Chainsword, and indeed our hobby community in general. She's the best of all of us. 


Thank you all, so much. I wasn't able to name all of you, of course, but I really mean it when I say that she belongs to us all. 

I get a mention! Woo! Very happy for you, Jeff. As I've said before - the Queen Bee and House Tibbetts are now canon. Let's face it, with the amount of time you spent personalising and individualising her, you deserve it.  

Oh no... Now everyone who didn't get a mention is going to feel slighted... Actually, I've been updating the post with other names as I remember them, going "I can't believe I forgot _____." 


It's a good problem to have: so many supporters I literally can't thank them all. 

Seeing her in the game is friggin awesome. It speaks volumes not just for the coolness of the game developers, being in touch with the hobby base, but your skill and drive in the hobby as well. This is just... so so cool.


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