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Shattered Legions : Vulkan Lives! Edition... (new scheme)

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I see what you mean! However, I would need to change the chest for that, as it is a one peice with the head. I'll see what I can do about it.

Also, you guys should feel feel to ask questions away. I am not much of a blogger, I do better in a Q&A format msn-wink.gif

Ah, I did wonder about the chest and head being one piece. Just leave it as it is then! Looking forward to the paint job :)

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Looks great but sadly it didn't end that way :/

Imagine the outcome if the IH hadn't lost their primarch


Cue ferrus going super Sayjin and turning into loyalist angron


Yeah, he would of walked over to Lorgar and finished the job, while strangling perturabo with his WWE Heavy Weight Championship belt.


Queue in after that a Tag team championship match inbetween Angron and Cruze VS Ferrus and Vulkan!

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The Broken Blade! The Broken Blade!




Highlights for me are:


- The sheer attention to detail.

- The faces modelled to look at one another.

- Colour palette on the servo harness

- Cape colouring

- Awesome Copper/Bronze work

- Best part of all, your interperation of his quicksilver hands.


Epic duel Wolf Pack

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I went back and reworked all my ETL marines after some tough decisions.

I did all the rivets and bolts, coloured the wiring and gave them a more uniform sheen. A friend suggested silver faceplates for contrast, and I think it works really well.

Hope you guys enjoy, here's my updated infantry! 30 marines so far, and I will start next week on breachers / Immortals.


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Your Sicaran rocks, but it's your infantry that is really impressive. The silver faceplates are indeed a very good choice and snow bases are even better to give contrast to black/silver marines.


With Immortals and Gorgons, this army will have an awesome look on the table. Can't wait to see more !

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