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Well thanks you two! I figured Raptor bodies were full of movement, plus that body was a duplicate, so I didn't want the same body style in the same unit. I also used an EC's body and several SoH bodies as well to give the terror squad a more hodgepodge look about them; something that screams a less unified squad based on equipment and rather a squad unified by mentality.


Also, there are 8 volkites in that squad, 1 heavy chainsword wielder(cause yah, it looks cool) and of course my Sergeant with lightning claw(which I will also great a magnetic version for a chainglaive and maybe a regular chainsword and power weapon.


Anyway, again thanks for the praise! C&C always welcome!

Heavy-Chainsword-daemon-faced-Marine is one the best NL's I've seen. Name him Xarl the First msn-wink.gif

I shall name him a name of your choice. Glad you like him!

They all look awesome, and are easily visible as a veteran squad.

Thank you! I tried to make them a unit of a mix of armor pieces and styles. I figure it would work well with the Reaver bodies since they look pretty brutal!

Just to echo what everyone else is saying, your posing is excellent. Can't wait to see some paint on these guys!

Thanks to you as well! And don't worry, paint will start once I finish the assembly of models for vow #3. Next on the chopping block for glue and files are a 5-man Raptor Squad, a Legion Champion w/jump pack, and a Primus Medicae wielding a Volkite to add some FNP saves to the Terror Squad!

Centurion(Legion Champ)







#1 Chainglaive



#2 Sergeant w/Pair of Lightning Claws



#Power Weapon



#4 Power Weapon




#5 Chainglaive (yes I bent it, ran it under hot water, bent it to where I wanted it, then ran it under cold water till it set)



Putty work to be done on the Terror Squad, a few add-ons really, nothing crazy.  The Legion Champion will have something added to one of his legs probably.  The Powerfist on him is Master Crafted, so thinking maybe add a little more than the wrapped chain with fanged skull.  


Thoughts?  C&C always welcome!

I've been watch your work come in on the ETL Strategium for a while now, and scouring the HH subforum looking for a WIP thread. I just had a real Darth Vader 'I have you now.' moment when I found this thread just now. Looking back, I suppose the WIP subforum is the first place I should've looked. D'oh.


I love these Night Lords so much. I've gone all traditional with mine, red on the wings, lightning on the armour. The darkness on yours is jealousy inspiring. :P I can just imagine them stalking out of the darkness, and all you can really see is the barest edge of the armour, and these bright white skullish faces looming towards you. Perfect.

Especially like the Terror Squad champion. He's my favourite so far. Best of luck with your vows!

Well thank you, glad you like!  I am rather enjoying the route I have taken so far, and i certainly look forward to getting more completed.

I am taking about 2 weeks off, I am on leave from work and will be travelling around a bit here in Alaska with some family and friends.  So my thread is going to probably go stagnant for that time period.  But who knows, I may have a moment or two to knock something out.  I still need to do my Primus Medicae along with a Recon Squad I have sitting in a bag.

At first I thought the wings on the jet pack might clutter the model a little, especially because the pack is a bit too 'far' from the Marine, but they're growing on me.


Conversion-based threads are a favourite. And your is especially inspired, imaginative without overdoing it. Go Armond!

That was a concern for me as well. I know what you mean by too far away, and the jetpack is magnetized so I can definitely work on it. Now that I have paused my assembly for a week or two, when I get back to it we shall see if it still bothers me or not. I am also contemplating the wings... I just had them and figured why. It try and see what it looks like.


Thank you for the C&C!

Wow, great stuff. Your conversions really add to the look and, once again, your posing is excellent! They really do look like they are jumping. I just finished some assault marines myself and yours are much better posed.


Are you going with a traditional Night Lords paint theme?

I am going with the same scheme I have been going with.  A dark, dark blue with some terror markings and lightning effects.  Minimal red.

I did put in an order today of 5 more Cataphractii Termies, 5 more MK IV marines, Tigurs-Pattern Bolters set, more Volkite Chargers, and a MK IV Power Weapons set.  Obviously I plan on filling out a Termie unit, and I plan on trying to build up another unit of 10 Terror Squad with Volkites probably, or maybe just the Bolters.  Haven't fully decided.  I have 5 MK V armor pieces coming in soon, so should add a little more variety to my Terror Squads as well.


But the final plan for me is to get a Spartan.  Why?  To drop two units of 10 terror squads into the enemy lines along with a Primus medicae and a Praetor or Centurion.  Also, I want to have the full ten man terminator squad able to teleport in and smash face.  Thinking some power weapons and combi-weapons for the next 3.  I may use one of the bodies to convert into a Centurion/Praetor and another to make into Primus Medicae options.  Who knows for now though.

Prospect for my ETL Vow #3


Terminator Squad

-5 members

-teleportation Transponder

-Sgt w/grenade harness, pair Lightning Claws, 

-1 x Heavy Flamer, Lightning Claw

-2 x Powerfists, combi-bolter

-1 x Chainfist, combi-bolter

Total: 250 pts


Terror Squad

-10 members

-Sgt w/Artificer Armor,  Lightning Claw, Melta Bomb, 

-8 x Volkite Charger

-1 x Heavy Chainsword

Total: 275 pts


Night Raptor

-5 members

-Sgt w/pair of lightning claws, artificer armor, meltabombs

-2 x Power Weapons

-2 x Chainglaives

Total: 225 Pts


Legion Champion

-Jump pack


-Trophies of Judgement

-refractor field

-Artificer Armor

-Melta bombs

Total: 150 pts


Primus Medicae

-Volkite Charger

-Artificer Armor

-Refractor Shield

Total: 115 Pts


1015 points

Thankee, spent about an hour and a half working on him. It was pretty cool. Although I may resign him to being a standard apothecary if I come up with something cooler or if I go Cataphractii adorned Primus Medicae! Hmmmm, I am getting 5 in the mail sometime in the relatively near future!

I, Armond, proud member of the Horus Hersy forum vow to complete the following units of total value 1049 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Eighth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Terminator Squad @284 pts
-5 members
-Teleportation Transponder
-Sgt w/grenade harness, Pair Lightning Claws, Trophies of Judgement
-1 x Pair Lightning Claws
-1 x Autocannon, Powerfist
-1 x Powerfists, combi-bolter
-1 x Chainfist, combi-bolter

Terror Squad @275 pts
-10 members
-Sgt w/Artificer Armor,  Lightning Claw, Melta Bomb,
-8 x Volkite Charger
-1 x Heavy Chainsword

Night Raptor @225 pts
-5 members
-Sgt w/pair of lightning claws, artificer armor, meltabombs
-2 x Power Weapons
-2 x Chainglaives

Legion Champion @150 pts
-Jump pack
-Trophies of Judgement
-refractor field
-Artificer Armor
-Melta bombs

Primus Medicae @115 pts
-Volkite Charger
-Artificer Armor
-Refractor Shield

1049 points

Ave Dominus Nox...  In midnight clad we stand...  Death to the False Emperor!



Small update for my stuff, nothing too big.
So as we discussed somewhere before...
Err'body on bases
One of my favorites...
Annnnnd, working on Vow #4 assembly, I didn't have enough time to paint today.  He is magnetized.  I will be fixing up the las cannons as well for it.  
C&C always welcome.  I am still looking to add some putty work to my guy.  Nothing too crazy, since FW did a great job of decorating these guys stock out of the package.


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