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You know you're an Imperial Guardsman when...


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You don't stop to consider the families when you yell "send in the next wave!"


Families? Your father is the Emperor, beloved by all! Your mother is the Commissar and your siblings are the guardsmen to your left and right! What better way to die than in the bloody embrace of your loved ones! For the Emperor! For Glory!


You don't stop to consider the families when you yell "send in the next wave!"


Families? Your father is the Emperor, beloved by all! Your mother is the Commissar and your siblings are the guardsmen to your left and right! What better way to die than in the bloody embrace of your loved ones! For the Emperor! For Glory!

What does that make the Lord General?



You don't stop to consider the families when you yell "send in the next wave!"


Families? Your father is the Emperor, beloved by all! Your mother is the Commissar and your siblings are the guardsmen to your left and right! What better way to die than in the bloody embrace of your loved ones! For the Emperor! For Glory!

What does that make the Lord General?


"I am Lord General Davion. You may refer to me as 'Sir!'. If I am not wearing my hat, we are in an informal setting! Under these circumstances, you will refer to me as 'Grandfather'. Anyone overheard calling me 'Gramps' will be on latrine duty for a month!"


"I am Lord General Davion. You may refer to me as 'Sir!'. If I am not

wearing my hat, we are in an informal setting! Under these

circumstances, you will refer to me as 'Grandfather'. Anyone overheard

calling me 'Gramps' will be on latrine duty for a month!"


...When you look at your board, filled with artillery pieces, and just think to yourself' "How can I get more?"...

...When Overkill is no longer a part of your vocabulary...

...When you need to find a word stronger than Overkill...

Maxim 37: There is no 'Overkill', there is only "Open Fire" and "Time to Reload". 

Ha! You're right of course. I've only got a couple of 5 point friends in the Marines then.

A couple of those might be seven point veterans, lol. I, on the other hand, with full marks for hubris, am well past company command.  Mark me down as a (30 point) regimental advisor...of course, I'm still only T3...

  • 2 weeks later...

...you're already designing tank only lists for the new codex.


...your only actual beef with the Taurox is that it needs more treads.


...you smile every time the Templar player says his list is full of AV14 just because he had three Land Raider Crusaders.


Come on fellows, keep it up.

When a million dead and rising, the loss of 30 armoured companies, the destruction of a battle group of titan hunters are considered reasonable losses for a delaying action.


(looking at the 15 thunderhammer comment). My mate deepstruck and full 10 man deathwing squad into the middle of a pure cadian infantry army. Killed the command squad. Let us not discuss the power of that many lasguns at that shorter range. Suffice to say, the emperors finest were reduces to the emperors holiest.


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