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Numerican Night Watch (PLOG)


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I don't remember these guys painting up so quickly, lol. I finished five bases, painted 2 autocannons, and primed the other three, with some work done on number three. I should be done with this in 1-2 days and back on track with the avenger and the stormtroopers. Yay, me!

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Autocannon squad done...here they are with the preexisting squad in the background:


And here are the new ones by themselves:


...and my plan for next week changed slightly, I only need four new autocannons, so one to go before it's back to work on the avenger.

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Made some progress on the avenger...took three tries to get the tail sections to stay on long enough for the glue to harden. Painful! And then the touch-up...



More progress to report, but pics will come later...the undersides of the wings are basecoated and the center landing gear is almost finished. I might get that, the details on the undersides of the wigs, and maybe the big gun done today.

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Avenger just needs the cockpits done, I'm soooo close now!




And I also primed and basecoated the shadowsword while still on the sprue. Pro Tip: If you prime a superheavy while it's still on the sprue, buy two cans of primer...I ran out on the last frame!

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Well, the rear-facing cockpit is done, and it will probably turn out to have been the harder one, due to the gun penetrating the canopy. I guess in the fluff this "defensive heavy stubber" would be useful against gargoyles, harpies, and hang-gliding cultists, but how often is a valid target going to be above and behind an avenger on the tabletop? It's purely decorative!!! (actually, the guy back there is, too...he has a control panel buried under the gun, but, really, what's he doing? Long range scanning? Communications? He's completely superfluous! I call him the "never die alone moral support officer," the guy in front does the flying and shoots all of the real guns.


Heh...I forgot to rotate this one before uploading it. I was going to paint the frame that's molded onto the canopy, but it would literally mean painting over 2/3 of it, giving the gunner a tiny vision slit to the rear and making it impossible to see much inside the cockpit...so...transparent plasteel it is!


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I see you didn't read the text I sandwiched in between two pics:

I was going to paint the frame that's molded onto the canopy, but it would literally mean painting over 2/3 of it, giving the gunner a tiny vision slit to the rear and making it impossible to see much inside the cockpit...so...transparent plasteel it is!

Especially the rear gunner's canopy...it's half metal! You wouldn't be able to see in or out. I may someday go back and try to scrape off a lot of the rivets and just paint a canopy frame the way I would have sculpted it.

Anyway, I started on the shadowsword....it's not as enormous as I feared...I will be able to put it on top of a skyshield for 4++ when it's done, muahahahahaha! It is, however, a royal PITA, I swear I spent two "someone shoot me" hours painting track for one side last night, and I still have two pieces. Anyway, good progress on one flank of the tank, here are pics:


Here's the rest of what goes on the side (not counting the sponsons), I'll end up leaving the ladder off until the camo is applied at the end of the project.


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Well, one side is done, but for the sponsons and the camouflage...now I have to do it all over again for the other side. It's not that bad, except for painting the tracks...that's a PITA!


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Yeah the tracks are a bit of a pain especially in-between the wheels and even more so when you consider that hardly anyone will ever look :P You're making good progress though, you'll have it all put together before you know it :)

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Yes, but anyone who's ever built one himself will look, eh?  Just to keep you honest...Well, the second flank is halfway done, I hope to finish it by tonight and start on the hull.

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Well...the hull is together...sort of...what a nightmare! Five pieces that have to fit together perfectly, and then match up with about 12 holes in EACH flank of the tank...but at least I can finally see her taking shape....it won't be long now!


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Some good clamps you've got there! I hope you've got something to cushion the model though so it doesn't get damaged. This is why I glued it mostly together before painting mine, I was worried I might bodge it somehow otherwise!

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The clamps are rubber, I know from previous projects that they don't mar the paint...besides, doing touch-ups concurrently with the camouflage after the hull is assembled wouldn't be extra work at all.  Now, speaking of which, I had my mind set on hexagonal urban camo, but the fifteen rivets per square inch are in the way!  Neither of the methods that I've considered (stencils or tracing paper to lay down the pattern, hand painting the camo in either case) is looking promising.  I may have to forget digitization and just freehand an analog pattern with a number 2 pencil...

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Well, the application of camouflage has begun, it needs to be done before much more assembly occurs:



Each splotch gets two coats of paint, some of those pictured haven't been repainted yet...it's relatively slow going with a charcoal pencil to design each splotch and a lot of plate to cover, but I'm happy with the results. I was planning on just four colors, three shades of gray and the blue-gray, but in the end I went for small splashes of black and white, the "islands" of medium, dark, and blue-gray weren't breaking up the light gray basecoat enough for my liking, so I started connecting islands with "bridges" of white and black. Six colors...not what I planned, but I'm liking the results.

/edit/ I started using black and white to "connect islands," but since then I've added small splotches on the edges of islands to shrink and reshape the light gray space, as well.

/edit again/

Well, it's been a very productive night, as you can see. The turret, the top/front of the hull, and one flank has camouflage. I also built the sponsons just far enough that I can hang them in place for painting without having glued much together at all. Painting and assembling the weapons comes later, priority is the camo, which I might be able to finish tomorrow.

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