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Numerican Night Watch (PLOG)


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So I decided that it's time for the long march. A few of you will know that I have over 200 metal cadians, and some of you may know that I have updated precisely 75 of them to my 21st century paint scheme, and that the rest are unpainted, merely primed, have the bad paint job of a former owner, or are wearing the paint job that I put on in 1998...when I was new to the hobby, freely mixing testors enamels with citadel acrylics with almost no skill...you can imagine how that looks! Well, I think that the 6x10+15 that I have in the new scheme are plenty to provide all the infantry squads and command squads that I'd ever need, so the rest will get a slightly different, dramatically simpler paint job and serve as conscripts...well, except for the ones that have special (other than flamers) or heavy weapons. That should eventually yield 2x50 conscripts, many of them the second man in a 1990s heavy weapons team, variously toting a mortar round, lascannon battery pack, or autocannon magazine, or else peeping through a pair of binoculars.

My standard IG paint scheme (for infantry, command, veteran, and heavy/special weapons squads) takes 3-5 hours to apply...per model. The new conscript paint scheme takes 30-40 minutes per model...and they're totally compatible...not to mention a perfect example of the concept of diminishing returns:


It should be obvious which one is the veteran and which one is the conscript...and here come the hordes of 3 point models, muahahahahaha!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I went to visit family, but I've gotten a bit done, here and there. I finally got around to starting the re-basing of my heavy weapons onto the currently-normal size of base...yegadz, they're huge! On the plus side, there's room on the base for the second member of the weapons team...which brings out the point that I only had three autocannon ammo bearers painted, the 4th-6th autocannons having been repainted to match the new paint scheme AFTER weapons teams became a single two-wound model (er...in 2009, I think?). So another accomplishment since the last update is an ammo bearer for the 4th team. There's a 5th one half-done on my table, and I'm digging around for a 6th model...


I've also made a little progress on the conscripts, with 6 models done and 4 more well begun...maddening that ten men makes 35 points (including the flamer!) and that's still only half of a minimum-sized unit...this is going to take time, but that's strangely liberating. I need bases!


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Dude if your using heavy weapon teams for the conscripts why don't you try trading them for proper metal Cadian troops?


I'm sure there's a few people knocking around with a lack of heavies but plenty of troops. Worth checking rather than having those as conscripts. ;)

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I'm only using the ones that I don't intend to field (heavy bolter ammo bearers, both mortarmen, a couple of extra missile spotters, I do use a few missile teams), the autocannon ammo bearers and lascannon crew are strictly off limits.  As it happens, there's no market for mortars and heavy bolters, so there's not really any opportunity to make the trade.  And...in the long run, if I did decide to start fielding heavy bolters and/or mortars, I'd be willing to repaint the models.

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"6 down, only 44 to go" was too depressing a thought, reminding me of my campaign to paint 100 skeletons...so I decided to cheer myself up with a little something extra to paint (it makes sense to me...), a second vanquisher:


(I'm also assembling and then painting some z scale model railroad buildings -that's 1:220 scale, ouch!- for my mom's fishtank, that's killing my eyes and my neck!!!)

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So I'm working more on a Warriors of Tzeentch army for my LGS's Thursday night Triumph and Treachery game, but I still have those conscripts (50 for now, then maybe another 50) on my table, as well as another tank....but just for the hell of it, I put everything that's painted and based in my current scheme (so missing ~150 infantry and three lascannon sentinels) on my dining room table...I think it needs a knight..and more tanks!


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And once I get another real camera...I used one for years, then when it died, I decided that my iPhone was plenty of camera...this photo makes clear that it's not! (pun intended)  Funny thing is, I don't remember having problems with focus, color balance, etc, 2-3 years ago when I first started relying exclusively on the phone...

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Yeah, the phone camera is good enough for most things but when you want to take a picture with a close up or a big shot you become aware of how limited it is. Unfortunately it's hard to justify a decent camera for just some model pictures!

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I want more Kasrkin now. A lot more.... And since they're out of print, the only place to get them is ebay, and they go for a premium...




Wonder why they didn't do Kasrkin in plastic instead of the scions. Mind you I kind like the scions, but the Kasrkin look better.

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I think I have about 50 Kasrkin (35 painted), I want more, too...but, failing that, I have about 20 unpainted astronauts pre-kasrkin stormtroopers, I can just have the kasrkin be the airmobile ones, and the astronauts deepstrike or start the game on the table...when I field more than just the air cav.

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  • 1 month later...

Just so you know I haven't been idle...my conscript count is up to 12:


(the next eight are primed, and half of them are started...strangely, I have only six bases ready...grr! Mismatch!

Also, I bought this the week it was released, and finally got around to priming all four pieces...with the limited edition leadbelcher spray...which is actually much brighter, more like ironbreaker...but it was a mistake, very little of the model is metallic in the end ~sigh~ Here's the first piece:


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Very nice March. You've done an excellent job (given how horrible the detail on those old models are). What's next?

Holy Terra...that's not an excellent job, that's a rush job! I'm not about to spend the usual 2.5hrs/model on a horde of conscripts. Here's a side by side, you judge which took 40 minutes (hey! Who painted the aquilla on the side of the conscript's rifle? I thought I wasn't doing those.../edit/oh, there's that same model in the picture of all 12 conscripts, the only one with an aquilla on his rifle...better paint over that, lol) and which took 150:


As for what's next...38 more conscripts and another tank (turred TBD) are on my tabletop, and the other three pieces of the crashed aquilla lander are off on the side...but I just primed a jump-packing company master for my DA demi company for an upcoming tournament, I guess that's priority...and I'm also working on two more hounds and five more knights for my Warriors of Tzeentch army for Triumph and Treachery....oh, and some Z scale railroad scenery for my mom, lol.

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