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Great work. Can't wait to see the assassin in her final pose. :thumbsup:

Thanks Kriegsmacht! - the pose is complete, just a base to build now :wink:



Both those finished miniatures need paint. They deserve it. :thumbsup:

Thanks Augustus! see below for a painting update...



Some minor work on the Clockwork Custode.

Drilled and countersunk a pin-hole in the knee join:
(Note here also the white parts - those are repairs I had to make to the butt plate and belt after some over-exuberant cutting.)
Tiny cog with styrene rod part (shoulder pad for scale):
In place on the knee joint:
And the other leg done:
In other news - I have been painting!
Nothing to show yet - started painting two of the Ordo Xenos femmes, but it appears I have forgotten how to paint and so have stripped two models back after not being happy with the results.
Anyway, thanks for looking!
Your kind of where I was last year, had just been building and not painting and found it hard to achieve what I wanted when I did paint. I took some time practising a few painting techniques and felt a lot more comfortable painting my inquisitor, getting closer to the results I wanted
  • 2 weeks later...

Your kind of where I was last year, had just been building and not painting and found it hard to achieve what I wanted when I did paint. I took some time practising a few painting techniques and felt a lot more comfortable painting my inquisitor, getting closer to the results I wanted

Thanks for the kind words, The Hydra... bought some new brushes and paints to start :wink:



Finally grabbed a few minutes in the man-cave to work on the Clockwork Custode.
Epoxy 2-part glue to stick two clock-cogs, a metal ball and some plastic tube together:
And inserted in the head:
Pretty soon he'll be self-aware...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

He looks good! I didn't even notice the cogs in the back of his head at first.


I feel like he could have benefited from removing the flexible portions of the joints, but well done.


Thanks guys!




And we have PAINT!

Yes, it has finally happened - after a year and a half the brushes are wet again... well, actually, had to go and buy new brushes... and then new paints... but that's all behind us now!
The Clockwork Custode is on the painting table - PIP shot, pre-oil wash:
Switched almost completely to Vallejo paints: Glorious Gold mixed with Armour Brown to get the darker gold, straight Glorious Gold and then Chrome for highlights. Next up he'll get a brown oil wash, this is my quick and dirty method of getting darker shadows and grime - I like using oils for this step because you get a long working time, and if you don't like it, you can just wipe it off and start again.
And - the Sniper all undercoated and ready to go:
You might notice her weapon has been re-vamped a little - extended the forward stock and added a new barrel piece from an Admech gun, retained the hi-tech scope and the cog-mechanism. Her backpack has also been tech-ed up by removing the side pouches and the knife and adding more - you guessed it - Admech bits.
Hopefully this is third time lucky and she won't have to get stripped down again...
  • 2 weeks later...

The Clockwork Custode is painted - here's some bad pics to whet the appetite before I get him based and take some decent pics:

And here's Fury the Gunslinger primed up on the painting table:
Sniper is almost done... no pics yet ;)
Thanks for looking!

It's good to see Fury under the brush, brother. :wink:

Yes it is!

- She's being a bit painful at the moment - the body is complete, but I'm going to redo her head


Meanwhile though...


Sniper is (finally!) painted - 4th time lucky...

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I really like your conversions.

You do seem to really put a lot of effort as well as experience and expertise in these...



The clockwork custodes and sniper are ace!


I'm definitely looking forward to more work on the Fury!

Thanks guys!



Fury the Gunslinger is painted!
Even built a base - it'll be all rusted and grimy and slimy when it's done, but just couldn't get it painted before the Easter long weekend.
More bases are underway, and the Assassin and the Crew-Gunner are currently PIP, hope to complete them next week.
Happy Easter!
Edited by lamby
  • 2 months later...

After a medium-length deployment hiatus, I'm back in business!

Bases for the Ordo Xenos crew are built and awaiting paint:
Have almost completed the Assassin but since it's been a few months since last painting, I'll warm into renewed painting of the ladies by doing the bases first, I think.

Oh wow. I hadn't realised that the Gunslinger had already been painted! Excellent work! :) Any chance you'd be willing to share your recipe for her very dark blue clothing?


I really like the bases you've made, too. Lots of lovely detail.


You actually released this some time ago, but I still have to say; that inquisition button (in lack for a better word, really makes him look like a Ing-owned manufactured killing machine. Where is it from/ how did you make, attach it?


Edit(1) : Though I kind of may agree with Teetengee, that something more mechanical on the joints might have served the overall impression

         (---> he`s now 95% inquisitorial Golem, some work there might have made him 100, so to say :tongue.::wink: ).

         Is there a reason for the golden armour in the later posts? I`d liked him more in black tbh (well he`s ordo xenos not

         deathwatch, I know, but... well personal taste I guess).


          But nonetheless a killer-conversion in any case! :yes::thumbsup:


Edit(2) : Those bases look quite promising as well. :)

Edited by LordVelype
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh wow. I hadn't realised that the Gunslinger had already been painted! Excellent work! :smile.: Any chance you'd be willing to share your recipe for her very dark blue clothing?


I really like the bases you've made, too. Lots of lovely detail.

Thanks Dosjetka!

- The dark blue is Vallejo Dark Sea Blue mixed with a tiny dab of GW Hawk Turquoise as a base coat, then I add white to the palette to get a nice dark-to-light gradient, and then add the lights and wet-blend down to the shadows




You actually released this some time ago, but I still have to say; that inquisition button (in lack for a better word, really makes him look like a Ing-owned manufactured killing machine. Where is it from/ how did you make, attach it?


Edit(1) : Though I kind of may agree with Teetengee, that something more mechanical on the joints might have served the overall impression

         (---> he`s now 95% inquisitorial Golem, some work there might have made him 100, so to say :tongue.::wink: ).

         Is there a reason for the golden armour in the later posts? I`d liked him more in black tbh (well he`s ordo xenos not

         deathwatch, I know, but... well personal taste I guess).


          But nonetheless a killer-conversion in any case! :yes::thumbsup:


Edit(2) : Those bases look quite promising as well. :smile.:


Thanks LordVelype!

- The Clockwork Custode is on the back-burner until I complete the ladies of Inquisitor Kallatar's Ordo Xenos retinue

- He's going to get some more mech parts, a head-change, possible a different weapon in one hand and probably a new paint job :wink:

- The ][ symbol on his back is from the torso of a Grey Knight Terminator - the silver pins either side are watch parts




And... Bases!

Finally managed to get some paint on the Ordo Xenos bases - mostly done, just some pastels and some color nuances after each model is mounted.
Here's a quick step by step, in pics:
Vallejo Model Air Rust is slapped on roughly:
Black and VJ Rust is smeared on for variation:
Ryza Rust is drybrushed onto the PVA/bicarb patches:
Boltgun Metal is sponge-dabbed on the edges and random patches:
After gloss varnish spray, black oil paint is washed into crevices and used to add to the oil streaks, and a second drybrush of Ryza Rust is applied:
Thanks for looking!



... Here's a quick tutorial on... Building Bases!


Find a standard GW slotted base:



Attack it furiously with a round file to get this cut-out:



Glue appropriately-sized styrene tubing into the cut-out:



While that dries, glue some 1mm styrene sheet down:



And while that all dries, go to a hobby store and buy the cheapest 1/35th scale tank you can find - these are an awesome greeble source, I bought 2 for $10 about 3 years ago and still have heaps of parts left:



Also, these Kotobukiya Gundam parts aren't cheap, but make great greebles for bases too:



Because this base was a quick throw-together specifically for the tutorial, I grabbed some cut-offs from my greeble tub (What? You don't keep your cut-off scrap? Start now!) - really, anything will do:



Play with your greebles and right angles and straight lines to get the end result - you can see I've cut away the excess styrene sheet and sanded it roughly to match the base edges. I've also elevated some areas - sometimes this is random, sometimes it's specifically to mount a character:



Rust time! Just dab PVA on where you want really decent rust...



And sprinkle Bi-Carb soda over the whole thing:



If you've overdone the PVA and your base looks like a decent snowfall just occurred, scrape away the excess with a toothpick - sometimes less is more!



Then follow the previous painting tutorial and viola - rusty goodness!



This base took about 30 minutes to make, including speeding up the drying of the PVA with a hair dryer, and about 20 minutes to paint to this basic level.


You can get some really dense and complicated Urban jungle just by adding layers of stuff - for example, the big Ordo Xenos base (destined to hold the Mech Suit) needed the deep rectangular cut-out with a big pipe greeble in it because the Mech Suit is so large.


You can go to town a bit with the paint job as well: hazard stripes always look good on bases, crackle paint (when it plays the game - fickle bloody stuff) looks awesome too.






* No bases were killed or injured in the making of this tutorial *

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