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Fury looks great. Highway is missing his Cigar and a cold one.:thumbsup: 



These are fantastic, man. Great inspiration.



What do you use for the 'splatter'? Thanks!

Just a paint brush -  make your paint pretty wet, dip the brush, flick it onto some paper towel to test using a finger - simple!


Here's what he looked like straight after the splatter layer - you'll notice the final effect is muted by the oil wash 'filter' and the highlighting layers (done very translucently):




Forgot to add Gunny's fluff:



For the assault on the Cult of Skvorax, the Brimstone Inquisitor employed his usual extra muscle, the loose band of mercenaries who styled themselves as the Skeleton Crew.



Pict-captured here just prior to the assault are two of the detachment, Kruger the Point Man (see entry 646453) and 'Gunny' Highway, sporting his HEL (high-energy laser) cannon, and wearing tactical night-vision equipment. Highway is known to his team-mates as 'Gunny', having reached the lofty rank of Gunnery-Sergeant in the Imperial Guard 30-30 Infantry Regiment "The Dirty Thirty Thirty". Veteran of twenty years and over one hundred engagements, Gunny leads from the front, laying down his fire-power where it is most needed.



Edited by lamby

So after the completion of Gunny (Inqu][sitor) and the painting nightmare of the Brute (Wretched Sons), I had a pile of half-started conversions surrounding me, some with actual direction, some just emerging as left-over GS repositories.


The simplest one was this female sniper converted from the Eldar Ranger - she's a member of the Ordo Xenos retinue of Inquisitor Kallatar (WIPs later), alongside Fury the Gunslinger:



Initially unsure of what to do with the weapon, I came up with this...



But it was too bulky and hi-tech, not at all the steampunk look I'm going for with the Ordo Xenos ladies (see Fury the Gunslinger), so I went back to the weapons forge and out came this, more of a 'La Longue Carabine' feel - initial concept stage:


Onto the GS stage:


- Later, I shortened the fore-stock to 'float' the barrel a little more, which meant I had to reposition the banding
- Sculpted in the cheek pad
- Added the steampunk-ish 'lazloque' mechanism
- Fiddled for ages to get the scope in place - a little bit of hi-tech amongst the steampunk...
- Had left over GS so glued the head in place and sculpted the hood - it's a little fat in areas, but some careful sanding will fix that

- Added a backpack, changed out a spare las-charge for a pistol, and cleaned up the hood area a little... she's also had a boob job:










Edited by lamby
Even though there's a few other WIPs I've yet to show here on B+C to catch you all up to the present day, here's the model I'm currently working, Scarface the Swordsman...




- I used Brown Stuff mostly on this guy, but I'm finding it gets a bit crumbly when you try and sand it - so after this I'm going back to a GS/milliput mixture

- The green moss growing all over him is liquid GS that is thinned down to paint consistency and applied with a brush to blend the Brown Stuff with the plastic


Finally, a question - What retinue should I put him in? (which therefore determines his paint scheme?):

- Ordo Malleus with the Brimstone Inquisitor - thus clad in red and yellow? or

- The Skeleton Crew - thus clad in yellow and brown?


- I might even try some freehand on his shoulder pads... ooo scary...


- With that sword hilt he could actually be renamed Inigo Montoya (though his sabre would be too heavy for proper fencing!)


Inigo Montoya: "You are using Bonetti's Defense against me, ah?"

Man in Black: "I thought it fitting considering the rocky terrain."

Inigo Montoya: "Naturally, you must expect me to attack with Capo Ferro?"

Man in Black: "Naturally, but I find that Thibault cancels out Capo Ferro. Don't you?" 

Inigo Montoya: "Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa... which I have!"


Thanks for looking!

Just curious on your thought process - how do you decide on what to build?


Are you starting with the fluff then building the model to match or the other way around? Do you have a particular list that you're working through or are you making it up as you go along? Are you even trying to fit within an Inq28, Dark Heresy or 40K based list?


I'm also working on my Inq but in a totally haphazard way, which results in me building, rebuilding and then rebuilding stuff again (sounds like you're doing some of this too). Nothing wrong with that I guess, part of the process and fun, but just wondering if others are using a more structured approach.

Just curious on your thought process - how do you decide on what to build?


Are you starting with the fluff then building the model to match or the other way around? Do you have a particular list that you're working through or are you making it up as you go along? Are you even trying to fit within an Inq28, Dark Heresy or 40K based list?


I'm also working on my Inq but in a totally haphazard way, which results in me building, rebuilding and then rebuilding stuff again (sounds like you're doing some of this too). Nothing wrong with that I guess, part of the process and fun, but just wondering if others are using a more structured approach.



Usually what I do if throw stuff together and make up a story afterwards. Sometimes I do think I've got the process the wrong way around, mind you. :sweat:


Kilofix, Olisredan - Interesting question...


I have a wandering, encompassing 'plan' that revolves around a 25 year 'history' I've developed following the Brimstone Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus and Inquisitor Kallatar of the Ordo Xenos - and various characters caught up along the way - starting with a battle known as the Xolomon Deviance, the initial and long-term fall-out from that incident, and moving into hunting down the emerging Cult of Skvorax... it's kind of got away from me a bit though, because the original cultist-based 'enemy' seems to have turned into the Wretched Sons, who came about solely because of the build of the Helbrute Zamael... you can see why I call it 'wandering'...
I build mostly on a whim: I see a particular model, a conversion plan evolves in my head - usually when I should be working - I jot down some notes, gather bits and then go at it, following the Cool Before Rules approach so there's not any real list or plan in the gaming sense - more like, say, a vague notion of playing the Skeleton Crew as 'counts as' Imperial Guard... 
I get side-tracked from one half-finished conversion to start a new one fairly regularly - in fact I was so bad for this during the construction of my CSMs the Legion of Thorns that I made a new rule for Inqu][sitor, which was Build One, Paint One... yeah, I broke that rule after the first model!
I'm sort-of working towards an Inquisitor Armies on Parade entry, with both the Ordo Malleus and Xenos retinues alongside a bigger group of Skeleton Crew 'muscle'... unfortunately, due to an international move back to Australia in August, my minis will be in a shipping container for about 3 months, so I'll miss 2014 AoP... soldier on!
Fluff coagulates in my head while building, and I spend a bit of time fitting each individual's story into my long-term story arc - which causes all sorts of problems, when something like the sudden and unplanned emergence of the CSM/Dark Mechanicus Wretched Sons occurs!
The Skeleton Crew models are good example of this, I first painted Kruger in the Ordo Malleus colors but it didn't look right, so halfway through I stripped him back, re-primed him, painted him yellow and spattered brown on him... the next morning I wrote the background of the Skeleton Crew. When the metal Voystroyan sniper fell into my hands, he was alway going to be a hard-hitter for the Skeleton Crew... mostly because of the awesome sculpt, but also 'cos I like building guns...
I rarely play, I prefer to build and paint, in that order.
When I do play - at the moment - it is only with my son, and we play using Space Hulk rules, mostly because it's fast, simple and fun! At some stage - after we return to Australia - I'd like to learn 'proper' Inq28 or Inquisimunda.




Really like what I've seen so far, some lovely paint schemes and I'd like to say conversions but it doesn't quite do them justice.


I'd like to see scarface in the Brimstone Inquisitors colours.


Edited by lamby

Previously I've mentioned Inquisitor Kallatar - she is of the Ordo Xenos, and has a history with the Brimstone Inquisitor which will come out with the various fluff peices as I eventually finish models... let's not look too deeply into that statement...


With the completion of Sniper Girl, the Wretched Son Ax, and Inigo Scarface the Swordsman, I'll be returning to the complicated build of Kallatar - but for the moment, let us look back in time a few months, back before the Brute was complete and Fury was getting a new hair-do...


Kallatar started out as an Empire Master Engineer, a rather short little man:


A few cuts here and there, the addition of a new set of armoured (and slightly longer) legs and the upper half a Dark Eldar Wych torso, and he became a she:


Add some pins:


And then GS'd the toes of the boots:


More to follow...

some very well made and interesting characters



Still back in the time warp - this was right before painting the Brute - I did a little more work on Kallatar:


Belt work:
And pose testing:
- There's half a coat to sculpt - ruh roh...
- The sheathed sword will connect to the waist belt 
- The gun is missing a barrel and any details
Edited by lamby

looking great 

time warp:sweat: :thumbsup:

... it's a just a step to the right...


Those look great so far, keep it up,



Looking good so far, but the end result will be the appropriate time to pass judgement, I think. :wink:

Thanks... and yes!



Meanwhile a bunch of various Dark Eldar, Dark Elf and Daemonette bits sort of congealed together to form the following WIPs of Kallatar's retinue:
  • 2 weeks later...
Ordo Xenos assassin WIP - knife hand:


And manriki-gusari (apparently it is not - as I have previously called it - a kusari-gama, which was a short handled sickle with a chain...):


Inigo Scarface PIP - ready for oil wash stage:


And the under-pinning structure of Kallatar's 2nd coat-tail has been sculpted and glued into place:



Thanks for looking!

Edited by lamby

As someone who believes that the strongest and most compelling part of the 40k universe is the Inquisition and all things relating to it, you've just nailed the aesthetic and the background to brilliant degree. The level of detail you put into your work is just astounding and thanks for showing us the process step by step as it's fascinating. 


I've seen Inquisition conversions that lean slightly too far onto the Gothic aspects in the past but stuff like Krueger (Elysium reference?) and the Prosecutor give that grungy, worn down sci-fi feel which I think is absolutely essential to the look of 40k.  Kudos to the Vostroyan conversion as well, gotta order me one of those before they run out!

amazing stuff, im also working on some female ][ stuff, and some necromunda escher stuff, though not a detailed or with such in depth conversions as yours. gonna keep an eye on this thread so i can shamelessly steal ideas. sure i seen the gunslinger over on ammobunker

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