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Outriders and Terminators are really the only units which do well with Infiltrate, and I honestly get more use out of Orbital Assault and Tank Hunter as an AL player. The ability to combine Infiltrate with Deep Strike as effectively as Raven Guard however is preferential IMHO.

Correct me if I am wrong, but Terminators and bikes do not get infiltrate.  Or is there a way to give them infiltrate that I am missing?


I think he meant under Alpha Legion Rules since their infiltrate is all-inclusive vs the RGs Selective :p

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So, I just stumbled on this thread. I couldn't figure out why you guys kept talking about giving your squads stealth, so I read back until I realized that cameleoline offers stealth. Which is fine, but I never thought about it much, because I always figured that it was just if you wanted to have your moritat running around by himself or something. Then I re-read stealth, and realized that only one model needs to have it. THEN I re-read the Vigilator, and realized that he has cameleoline. And then, I realized that I've been playing with a Vigilator leading my Alpha Legion for two years now, and never once knew that. This would have been a big deal even before I had legion rules. So, essentially, if I take Infilatrate as my Mutable Tactic, a Vigilator in a squad means that they can now Infiltrate, Scout, and have Stealth? And if I put him in a Veteran squad, they have whatever else on top? Hot damn.

And the same thing goes for Raven Guard tactical and veteran squads, or anything else not on a jump pack or in terminator armor. I say it again: Hot damn.

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So I just got my beaks handed to me by an IF Stone Gauntlet list with allied Castigator and Paladin. Granted, i forget PE on my Seekers and Nex whiffed. one of his breacher blobs, with apothecary, shrugged off my Fatal Stike and a charge from my furies. They spent the rest of the game tickling each other. My Contemptor managed to take the Paladin down with him though. In hindsight I should have played more defensively and stayed mobile.


Should have brought my Typhon ha. Next time I will. Then i could have killed off his scoring and just hid on objectives.


I got too caught up in trying to outkill him. He had the staying power. I choose the riskier tactic and i didnt pan out.


I played with models i had sk no Thanatar or Rapiers, which again would have been great in whittling doen those breacher blobs.

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It happens. It was fun, but phew it was brutal. Makes me want to invest in Speeders But he had a sicaran too ha.




So the new Xiphon is coming. Between being able to infiltrate rapiers to take out enemy skyfire and the huge range on the xiphon s missiles i think they could be a fun and fluffy addition. Add in a fire raptor and dark wings to taste.

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So I just got my beaks handed to me by an IF Stone Gauntlet list with allied Castigator and Paladin. Granted, i forget PE on my Seekers and Nex whiffed. one of his breacher blobs, with apothecary, shrugged off my Fatal Stike and a charge from my furies. They spent the rest of the game tickling each other. My Contemptor managed to take the Paladin down with him though. In hindsight I should have played more defensively and stayed mobile.


Should have brought my Typhon ha. Next time I will. Then i could have killed off his scoring and just hid on objectives.


I got too caught up in trying to outkill him. He had the staying power. I choose the riskier tactic and i didnt pan out.


I played with models i had sk no Thanatar or Rapiers, which again would have been great in whittling doen those breacher blobs.


My experience against IFs is that you can multi charge their units and lock them up. This hugely decreases their ability to kill you. Yet another use for a 20 man tac blob with a chappy. The lists tend to be so obsessed with disciplined fire I usually don't see them invest enough in counter attack and mobility. 


The other type of IFs tend to be hth orientated with ICs, termies and templars, but if you can pop their transport all those points tend to do nothing all game. Or if they are deep striking you just run away and deal with them through mobility. 


In general, I agree. The point isn't to out kill them. It's to out score them and make them waste turns grinding in hth

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His counter attack was in the form of knights ha. Pollux had a redeploy that, if i hadnt seized, would have killed nex. But nex whiffed anyway ha.


Speaking of Nex, I should have deployed him back farther to augment my line. He ended up dying horribly to a kheresmortis. 2500 is indeed too big to deploy him too aggressively. In smaller games though. ..

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Oh. Yeah, Knights are a solid counter attack!


Knights are over powered for 30K IMO. It's very difficult to deal with them with an equal amount of points. Stomp is just stupidly written... even for 40k. 

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Just had a zone mortalis game against DG. Learned a few things:


Castellax/Praevian are good stuff. Very good stuff. Infiltrate and fleet had them covering half the board.


Fleet is very useful. Especially since DG can't run.


Always do objectives because just kill points equates to manuevering 90% of the time. Haha.

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I might be wrong on this but I don't think you get fleet with the Castellax/Praevian combo...


Premise: Only the Praevian has infiltrate / fleet. 


Infiltrate - if one of more models has the rule, the squad gets it.

Fleet - if all the models have the rule, the squad to get it. pg 164 of rule book  

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Thing is: Castellax joined to a Praevian (bought due to his rules) gain Legions Astartes: <Legion Name> in this case, Raven Guard.


Thus, the Castellax gain Infiltrate/Fleet.

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Yes. But that's kinda my point. It's clear that the Castellax get Legion Astartes (Raven Guard). And the Raven Guard rule give "Infantry" infiltrate and fleet. So the Castellax get neither because they are not infantry. That said the Praevian does get Infiltrate and fleet. So if you go to the rule book it says if one member has infiltrate they all have infiltrate. It also says every model must have fleet to fleet. 


So a similar case is artillery. I think they can infiltrate but not fleet. Or weirdly if you stick a biker IC or a termi guy in an infantry squad, infiltrate but not fleet. 

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The problem worth vorax is that the Castellax os so much better for so few points more. Especially with a RG Praev giving them infiltrate, and by extension outflank, and fleet.
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Being fair, there's quite a fair bit wrong with the Tactics. Look at the Night Lords for crying out loud. You can give your models Fear for the low low cost of half a Rhino nearly, when they already have Fear.


If it stacked, i.e -1 to Fear tests for each Trophy, or forced rerolls of success/cancelled out Rerolls like from Vexilla etc, they'd be much more preferential. But nope.


So, I'm hoping that stuff has been changed, if not by Book 5 - which looks to be a pretty poorly edited mess of rules so far (Narik Dreygur having to have had his rules changed when surely the books would have been printed months in advance missing off Support Officer, the new Realm of Battle Board getting Heavy 2 Hyperios Missiles (not that I'm complaining about that, it's a much needed buff), and Dreygur also having basic errors like Trophies of Judgement for a unit type which causes Fear) - then at least in a LACAL/LAICL second edition.


If it was down to me, I'd strip Fleet from the Raven Guard Tactics for the MC's in such a redux of the rules to give the Vorax an additional reason to be taken (as they currently already have Fleet). 

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What do you guys think is the best terminator deployment method? I was actually really impressed with them last tournament but the cestus seems an expensive delivery device. It's a shame we don't really have a viable free deepstriking termi rule other than orbital assault. 

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In general? Alpha Legion. They have Infiltrating and Scouting Terminators (with a Vigilator) so just win the Terminator deployment rate.


In other lists; Anvillus. It benefits from Drop Pod Assault rule to eother stack getting lighter alpha strike units backed by tanky second strong units. Alternatively... don't. Leave them as cheap, with a couple of Pfists and have them secure home objectives while the rest of the faster units move forward.


However, i'm still in the park that Terminators bring a resilient unit unit and cheap 1 shot plasma to secure a flank or assault an objective, or counter other Terminators.


RG tactics don't really support Terminators all that well outside of typical Raider Rush.Command Squads with a Rad Grenade Forge Lord and a Praetor with Axe equipped Command Squads get S6 against T3 enemies making them good at ripping through enemy IC's.

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