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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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I have this urge to do a vow 5, however I don't have a single model here that I won't have to build first and then greenstuff, so no chance sadly :/. 


It was the goal I wanted: unless there's something old you can repaint? Otherwise, don't risk it! I have (truthfully) no idea how close others are, but we don't want to be beaten in any category really...

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I have nothing to repaint :/. Have spawns waiting to be painted but I won't be able to get all those layers of bleached bone over black spray in time. Otherwise just tons of wip plague marines and daemon princes still waiting for big fat bloated bellies and the like. 


I could paint my deathwatch character... But he's at 90% already.

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Only 6 left. Hope Slaanesh isn't enjoying this too much.

Akyla = Complete
Angelus Encarmine = vow 1
Augustus b'Raass = Complete
B E N = Complete
Castilian Cato = Complete
daemonclaw = Complete
Dragonlover = Complete
forte = Complete
Gubnutz Da Grim = Complete
Hellrender = vow 1
Kilofix = Complete
malisteen = Complete
noctus cornix = vow 1
Razblood = Complete
Scribe of Khorne
SlaveToDarkness = Complete
Teetengee = Complete

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First great job, second close up of the miniature with the blue carapace, also what is it? 


Thanks.  I will get some close ups this weekend.  It is a Mid Nor Larvea.  I would love to get a few more of them as they make excellent spawn for nurgle IMO.  I added a few tentacles to the piece. but it is pretty stock.



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Well done to everyone Brothers! I've spent every hour at work wanting to be here to offer morale support, but in the end I doubt I was needed in any case! laugh.png

Even if Chaos doesn't win - it has shook up the other subforums this year - Chaos is coming. We are contenders once again...!

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This is the official close of ETL III.

No more completions will be accepted beyond this point.

You are free to post comments, pictures or questions but no further completions will be accepted.



Congratulations to all participants - It has been a monumental event!

Now I will compile the results and update the first page in all Strategiums posting the usual "updated to this point" once finished. Feel free to visit the Strategiums and let me know if you spot an omission or a mistake so I can correct it.

I will prepare the Final Report that hopefully will be ready on Sunday, August 3rd (so people will have a good Sunday read).

Until then relax and enjoy your weekend!

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I wonder if we will be as big next year.


Also, is Call of Chaos a yearly thing too? I only just joined B&C last year towards the end of CoC so I missed it.

Wouldn't surprise me with how good the last one was. Though with these things getting bigger, Semper may have to quit work and just sit at his computer dealing with these things ;)

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I wonder if we will be as big next year.


Also, is Call of Chaos a yearly thing too? I only just joined B&C last year towards the end of CoC so I missed it.

Not sure if Chaos will be as big but I hope the ETL is next year, really enjoyed seeing everyone's work this time. Although I aim to be vowing for Chaos next year as it means I can mix in CSM and Daemons with my Guard and flicking through what FW renegade lists they have to download it have already thought of some great combinations to get high points. The next year will be spent preparing it all so I have a load to paint when it starts :)

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Damn. I failed. sad.png

Could be worse, you could have vowed the last metal Juggernaut models and hated life for making such beautiful models such a miserable torture to paint. I mean they were such a terrible painting experience there were several times (five in fact) I was seriously contemplating intentionally failing my vow just to spite those five models.

Also, Semper, I completed my vow in case you missed it in the front page update part. If you have not yet gotten that far, then disregard this as I know you're on top of it.

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