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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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Well done to everyone who managed to complete their vows but also, here's a little something for those who completed their Soul Vows.


Here are those that have earned their tag:

Akyla = Complete
Angelus Encarmine = failed
Augustus b'Raass = Complete
B E N = Complete
Blackheart= failed
Castilian Cato = Complete
Chaeron = Complete
daemonclaw = Complete
Dragonlover = Complete
forte = Complete
Gubnutz Da Grim = Complete
Hellrender= failed
Kilofix = Complete
malisteen = Complete
noctus cornix= failed
Razblood = Complete
Scribe of Khorne= failed
SlaveToDarkness = Complete
Teetengee = Complete

Now for the special mention tags. For those who pushed themselves.

First up (and I know this doesn't even begin to show how much work he put in)...

steve shields

Then we have two who both put in vows totalling more than 10,000points each (which is more than a lot of us have in our collections).

FashaThe(scared the hell out of us all)Dog

And lastly, for an amazing Warhound Titan,
Augustus b'Rass

Well done :tu:

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Also, Semper, I completed my vow in case you missed it in the front page update part.  If you have not yet gotten that far, then disregard this as I know you're on top of it.



I'm sweating on that too, but prretty sure the good Captain is well on top of it!!

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as far as my math puts it we are over 100K!!!!


To put that in context, that is as many points as

over 110 lord of skulls

between 500 and 800 forge/maulerfiends

around 7700 chaos space marines

25000 cultists


and is more than 1000 points for each page of replies in this very thread! (more than one terminator per post.)

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as far as my math puts it we are over 100K!!!!


To put that in context, that is as many points as

over 110 lord of skulls

between 500 and 800 forge/maulerfiends

around 7700 chaos space marines

25000 cultists


and is more than 1000 points for each page of replies in this very thread! (more than one terminator per post.)


Staggering, just staggering.


Edit - Capitano, Fasha, Thamier, MyDaemon - let me know what kind of tribute mini I can build for you guys:


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as far as my math puts it we are over 100K!!!!


To put that in context, that is as many points as

over 110 lord of skulls

between 500 and 800 forge/maulerfiends

around 7700 chaos space marines

25000 cultists


and is more than 1000 points for each page of replies in this very thread! (more than one terminator per post.)


  huh what? i get something, why how ? am i worthy?

Staggering, just staggering.


Edit - Capitano, Fasha, Thamier, MyDaemon - let me know what kind of tribute mini I can build for you guys:


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Oh wow guys we did it! We made it! And forgive me for being forward but we have indeed WON!!! Wooooooooo! 


Thanks forte for the awesome soul vow banner and especially for the very awesome personalized banner(s) you gave me and the four highest vowing dudes here. THANKS!!! I will wear it with pride and humility?


a termie per post is a lot of points, especially since we were by FAR the chattiest strategium. The HH forum might have beat us in the last week with page views, but we beat the living crap out of all the others with our constant jibber jabber. :tu: It's been an awesome ride!

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Chaos Members, 

Congrats on the ETL. this was a long, hard fight...... (he said long and hard...hehehehe)

Im am sure you guys pulled through and took the comp. congratulations to all of you that finished. to those that didnt, there is always next year to fix it, or maybe forte will host a penance post for you, since he is pretty damn good at that with the soul vows side challenge that he did. 


lastly, Steve Shields,

you are a formable opponent. it was a great battle with you and you have bested me in total points that counted for the ETL. You have well earned that ETL Champion. Congratulations. It is a honor to come second to you.

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as far as my math puts it we are over 100K!!!!

and is more than 1000 points for each page of replies in this very thread! (more than one terminator per post.)

What I was secretly doing is painting a Terminator per page...

a termie per post is a lot of points, especially since we were by FAR the chattiest strategium. The HH forum might have beat us in the last week with page views, but we beat the living crap out of all the others with our constant jibber jabber. thumbsup.gif It's been an awesome ride!

I would agree. The HH lads were churning out some beautiful stuff. Great for the eyes.

Alright guys - first page is updated. Please check that you are correctly represented - I want to get everything right!


All good for me boss - thank you!

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as far as my math puts it we are over 100K!!!!

To put that in context, that is as many points as

between 500 and 800 forge/maulerfiends

That is probably more than there are active on tabletops worldwide. laugh.png

You mean you don't field 800 Forgefiends? Pssshhhhh non-competitive players....


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I would also like to congratulate all of you for one of the most amazing efforts I have ever seen. To be honest, I did not think you guys would be able to get yourselves organized because Chaos is usually so...well, chaotic.


I have a lot of respect for all of you, but especially for those who took the mantle of leadership and brought your efforts to such an overwhelming level of productivity. If the estimates are to be believed and you guys busted the ceiling on 100K...well, that pretty much says all there needs to say. Just mind blowing.


I'm also glad that you won it fair and square, that most of your big vows came in and despite the circumstances, you remained committed to your team. That says a lot. We had some heroes on our side, people painting with broken arms and such, but you guys really stood out and it was an honor to compete with you.


I shall look forward to the good Captain's report and toast you all.


Best regards,



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Hey guys, it's been awesome painting with you all. I've learnt more about my own personal tolerances in terms of how much I can paint and how to do it, I'm within striking distance of a fully painted army for the first time since I started the hobby and every single one of you has been an inspiration in one way or another.


*raises fist in salute*



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