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The Renegade Legion


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[so, after some thought, I'm reducing the cohorts from 11 to 8. The 8th Cohort is now the cohort of death, I'm removing the 'generalists' 4th Cohort, while combining the 6th & original 8th Cohorts into one. The 7th Cohort is now responsible for defending Delos.]


Any lieutenant aspiring to captaincy, three requirements were necessary. First was a recommendation from a superior officer. Second was a required tour of duty in the VIth and Vth Cohorts. The goal was to acquaint the would-be captain with all possible aspects of compliancy from diplomacy to successful integration to rebellion. Additionally, such assignments familiarized candidates with human behavior and protocol outside the battlefield, in case the candidate had yet to do so. The final requirement was an open position. To reach the rank of Legate only one test was required. A test administered by none other than Alexandros. For better or for worse, there was no standard. The Wardens who have reached this rank report a wide variety of encounters, from simple conversations to feats of martial fortitude. Whatever pattern the Shield-Lord held to, only he knew it.


Four groups existed outside the normal chain of command. The Council was a body of Wardens chosen by Alexandros and convened every so many years to discuss legion matters. Council membership wasn't fixed as those chosen for one Council may never be chosen again, and those chosen ranged from high-ranking officers to talented champions to simple rank-and-file. The two most regular members were Pyrrhicles and Irvin Ruel. While granted no official title, a Councilman, even if only picked once, was granted prestige from his fellow Wardens.

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The Order of the Shield was a much larger body whose membership was any Warden who desired to wield the titular item. Entrance was simple. All members swore an oath of duty and protection and to never forsake the shield in battle. Initiates were given a plain combat shield and forbidden from painting a design on it until after they had survived their first battle. Once accomplished, the Warden was recognized henceforth as a full member. Technically, there was no higher rank as any of the particular shields were equal to one another. In practice, most Shieldmen aspired to become Nikanors or 'Warriors of Victory'. Nikanors were masters of the legion's own tower shields and were the leaders of the Myrmidon. Hardened veterans and experienced leaders, Nikanors were viewed as the elite of the elite and the ultimate expression of a Shieldsman.


The Order of the Mind encompassed the legion psykers. While, every school of psyker power was represented and organized into sub-groups, the Vraben, masters of divination and telepathy, composed the lion's share of the legion psykers. Psykers like the fiery Mahtva, who devoted themselves to other schools, were viewed as oddities though treated with respect. Ranks were divided by power and self-discipline as those who could wield Warp-powers with greater skill were deferred to and encouraged to train newer members.

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The last group was an unofficial group referred to the Diplomatic Corps. Comprising mostly Wardens of the Vth Cohort, these marines were considered the most capable warrior of words throughout the legion. Entry was a two-step process starting with a recommendation from a member in good standing. After recommendation, the initiate must pass a test of his eloquence by debating a member of his choosing of a topic of their choosing. Due to the spread out nature of the Vth Cohort, rare it was for for any gathering of the Corps to reach more than a dozen or two. In addition to a mastery of words, members gained prestige by completing dharmas, which was done by becoming experts in their fields. Warden Shankara earned his high standing by reaching the zenith in five dharmas, from sculpturing to navigation.


Beneath this byzantine labyrinth of freedom of choice, the Halcyon Wardens were still able to match their brothers in efficiency and skill on the fields of war. Encouraging a dualism of self-reliance and a trust in others, Alexandros navigated this narrow path until the bitter end.



[Okay, I think I have more than enough material for this segment. Time to move onto famous battles, which there will be three. I already have a couple of ideas, but I'm open to anyone else's preferences or ideas.]

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It's research time again as I start prepping for the next and final part of the chapter. Almost done, woo!


While I'm getting that taken care of, a couple of questions come to mind.


1. Knights in 30k. I understand that this was included in Book 4 and that Athrawes has a Knight element attached to his II Legion. So, my question how do Knights interact with the legions? This is especially pertinent because (thanks to a nice birthday check from the parents) I will be buying one next week. At first, I was going to have it serve alongside my Blood Angels, but as I was writing the fluff, it occured to me. Knight Houses can last as long as space marine chapters, so why not make a House that has the fluff to serve both?


2. As that line of thought was coming into being, another one hit me. I'm so used to thinking that I have to buy from Forgeworld to build the legion proper, but not all 30k units can be found at Forgeworld. The example I was thinking of were librarians. A quick check of the FW HH HQ section (so many letters) reveals that there is not a dedicated Librarian consul. So, what's stopping me from buying a normal librarian and turning it into a Parisada?

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Something I nearly forgot: relic. I've yet to create a legion relic. And, I'm really not sure where to go with it. From what I remember, most legion relics were weapons, correct?
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You've got:


Dark Angels: Ark of the Covenant Thing.


Emperors Children: Invuln Boosting Sword


Iron Warriors: Lazer Beam Helmet


White Scars: Super Bow


Space Wolves: Armorebane LC


Imperial Fists: 3++ vs Melta + EW Cloak


Night Lords: Nostraman Mancatcher (its in the name :P)


Blood Angels: Sword of Light (literally) Has Fleshbane, Soul Blaze, Blind and other stuff.


Iron Hands: 3 Template Grav gauntlet of :cuss you anything that doesn't like Haywire.


World Eaters: Trident of Doom


Ultramarines: Gladius of "Screw your shield"


Death Guard: Incense Pole of Death & Decay


Thousand Sons: Amulet of "Melt your Brain with my Brain"


Sons of Horus: The First Suit of Cataphractii Armor (3++ / EW + stuff)


Word Bearers: Thing that negates all invulnerable saves (friend and foe) withing 12" for a turn.


Salamanders: Combat shield that doesn't remove bonus attacks and hits people charging you at D6 S8 Ap2 Initiative 10 after overwatch.


Raven Guard: Murder Sword (Doubles the count for wounds caused by the Bearer of the weapon during combat resolution)


Alpha Legion: Super Poison Pistol.



Pretty much all are weapons but not in the traditional sense: IH Grav Glove, Sally Shield, IW Helm can all deal damage but aren't weapons per se.

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Maybe yours could screw with enemy to-hit rolls or something. Or alter the opponent's D6 roll once per game or something (turn 6s into 1s?). You've seen my bad first draft of a relic, so I'm not the best at balancing them.
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I want to avoid making a shield relic since I kinda did the brain storming for generic Legion ones and it might get a bit too heavy handed tongue.png

You could make a relic that, for a single turn, creates a Forcefield Wall in front of the user.


Wall of Judgement:

One use, lasts D3+1 Turns.

Place a Wall (Marker) 3/4" Tall and 10" wide. This marker is treated as Impassable terrain. Does not Grant a cover save (ie you can shoot through it) but, all shooting attacks made against units behind the wall (on your side only) on a to-hit roll of 1 get reflected back at the shooter (at full S and Ap), 2-3 Have their S and Ap Reduced by 4, on 4-5 reduce S and Ap by -2 and -1 respectively and on a roll of 6 functions normally.

Templates and weapons that do not roll to hit cannot be shot through the Wall of Judgement.

Costs 40-50 points.

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Interesting. Anyway...


Slips, you still come up with some of the most unique rules. I've seen. My options are an esoteric force field, a unique spear, a buffed up shield, or something to boost a psyker.


What's the cheapest relic, point-wise?

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35 points is the cheapest, 50 the highest. Average is 40.


Theres the 18 Legion Relics, 4 Generics (i think), 1 Solar Auxilia and one Mechanicum. So roughly 20+ relics.


I dont have the books on me right now but, I think its something along those lines.

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After some thought, I'm going to put Slipstream's relic into reserve, in case FW adds more legion relics.


For this first one, I'm focusing on the Unity aspect, emphasis on the Imperium. I'm going to bring in the Imperial Eagles of old for this.


Fluff: "The final sign that a Legiones Astartes was ready for deployment was when the Emperor bequeaths an Imperial Eagle. A standard with a golden eagle, wings spread out. Not only a powerful symbol, the Emperor imbued each Awuila with a small measure of his power. Over the years, various fates have be felled these Eagles. Some forever secured in reliquaries. Others lost, some tossed aside. Yet, the Halcyon Wardens still carried theirs into battle, a powerful link to their origins and to show their loyalty."


The general idea is that it provides an army wide bonus to morale/leadership while having the ability to shoot lightning.


In hindsight, perhaps this is too generic to be a II legion relic.

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Eh, it'd have to be man-portable and by an HQ character at that.


Which is why I went with a Forcefield generator since it can be contained in a small-ish emitter.

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I really like the fluff the behind each legion having their own emperor given banner. It ties back to the ancient roman legions and their banners quite nicely, especially since the missing legions were inspire by the lost Roman Legions!


As for rules to represent the Lightning, In my play-testing and that conducted a by the Forgemasters, a cool way to represent lightning arcing between enemies is to use the deflagrate rule. So maybe do something like it needs to strike the nearest enemy unit with 12 inches and causes 2 strength 4 ap4 hits with the deflagrate rule.

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As for rules to represent the Lightning, In my play-testing and that conducted a by the Forgemasters, a cool way to represent lightning arcing between enemies is to use the deflagrate rule. So maybe do something like it needs to strike the nearest enemy unit with 12 inches and causes 2 strength 4 ap4 hits with the deflagrate rule.



Thank you for that tidbit. Well, even if it doesn't quite fit as a legion-specific relic, there's no harm in creating a fan-made generic one. (And who knows? If FW adds more relics, they might consider it.)


For a relic, it's relatively straightforward. One rule affecting morale, and one for the shooting attack. Since it is a relic, the bonus should be huge. I was thinking it should grant Stubborn to every affected legion unit. Perhaps grant Fearless to units that already have Stubborn? I'm not quite sure how to price that. How much is the Dark Angels' relic?


And the other half will be the shooting attack. Traditionally, standard bearers were supposed to be highly visible and mobile enough to stay with their unit. Therefore, I think the shooting attacks itself should be Assault type. Since it's lightning, let's go with Deflargate, as Athrawes suggested. Now, the power level will depend on how many points are invested in it. Once I get an idea for the morale side, I'll be able to price the shooting attack. How much are the volkite weapons? I don't have my book with me right now.

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[Today, I have a battle report everyone! Also, how do I post pictures?]


Halcyon Warden 2k List

HQ: Mahtva

EL: 2x Parisada/Force S./ML – 2

EL: 8xTermies (Cat), Combi-plas, 4 PF/4 PS + Spartan

TRP: 20 Tacs, Vexilla, PF on SGT [imperial Fist rules]

TRP: 15 Breachers, Vexilla, PF on SGT

H/S: 2x Sicarans/HB sponsons + Prefects

H/S: Storm Eagle/TL Laz cannons


Tyranids List

2x Hive Tyrants with wings

Hive Crone




Cthulu Jr in Tyrannocyte

Trygon (?)

Maxed out Hormogaunt & Termgant squads


Pair of Carnifexes


WL Trait: Divide to Conquer (ineffective)

Tyranid WL: Weaken ruin save by 1, where my TAC marines were located.


                Mahtva – Smite/Warp Speed/Endurance/Hemorrhage

                TAC Parisada – Prescience/Precognition/Perfect Timing

                Breacher Parisada – Prescience/Misfortune/Foreboding


Mission – Big Guns Never Tire (5 Objectives – 1 Skyfire/2 Sabotaged/1 Dud)


Deployment – Dawn of War


Strategy – Have Mahtva & Terminators go hunting with the TAC squad & Sicarans hold the center as the Breachers slowly advance. Storm Eagle providing AA.


The Battle


Turn 1 -

Tyranids - Failing to steal the initiative, I am forced to watch as the swarm advances across the board. One Termagant squad securing his back corner objective. (Rolled a dud on Mysterious). His Hive Tyrants and Hive Crone switch to swoop, the Tyrants flying along the left side of the board, while the Crone heads straight from my breachers. The Exocrine moves up next to his new OBJ, which turns out to be a Skyfire Nexus.


Psychic phase, a Hive Tyrant throws Paroxysm at the Spartan….. fails, but I thought it a weird use of the power.


 Shooting, one Hive Tyrant immobilizes the Spartan while the other knocks off another hull point. Ow, time to huff it boys! The Crone throws a flamer template on the Breachers, but I roll all 5’s and 6’s. The Tervigon spawns 16 more gants, but rolls doubles so that’s out of commission. Nothing else really happens; the Exocrine drops a pie plate, but fails to do anything.


Halcyon Wardens – Mahtva and the Termies move out as the TAC squad and Breachers advance. Sicarans aim their weapons on the Hive Crone, while the Spartan driver glares at his controls. The OBJ next to the TAC marines turns out to be sabotaged, hence their advance.


Psychic phase, Mahtva stares at the pair of Carnifexes in front of him and activates Endurance & Force. Both Parisada activate Prescience for their squads, while the Parisad with the Breacher squad activates Misfortune on the Crone.


Shooting phase, the Breachers and both Sicarans open fire and bring down the Crone. The Spartan fires on the Zoanthrope and is further frustrated by its Invul save. The Hormogaunts are introduced to the battle tactic known as Fury of the Legion and are promptly wiped off the board. (Unfortunately, it was only later after double checking the rule that I realized that was illegal. Oops) The terminators fire their plasma, losing one, but killing one Carnifex and reducing the other to its last wound. Since the Spartan was immobilized, Mahtva doesn’t have the range to get into close combat.


Turn 2


The Swarm – Making a mockery of Mahtva’s Warlord Trait, both a Trygon(?) & the Tyranid drop pod with Cthulu Jr. drop in, right in front of my infantry lines. The new Termagant squad moves up as does the remaining Carnifex with the Venonthrope & Zoanthrope trailing behind it. Hive Tyrant tries to Paroxysm the TAC squad, but I Deny.


2 Tac Marines die as Cthulu Jr tries to mince them with his tentacles.  Lots of blasts aimed at the Terminators and 3 more expire. Hilariously, the remaining Carnifex kills itself as its own blast shot scatters back onto itself. No assault this round.


Halcyon Wardens – Storm Eagle comes in, meaning both armies are now fully committed to the fight. TAC squad holds ground, while the Breachers continue to inch up next to them. The Sicarans re-position themselves, one eyes Cthulu Jr, the other aiming at the Trygon(?).


Picking the Trygon as his next would-be opponent, Mahtva activates Force, while TAC Parisad activates Prescience on his squad. Breacher Parisad throws Misfortune on Cthulu Jr. Cthulu Jr. looks at all of the guns pointed its way and braces itself. 30 bolter shots plus one Sicaran’s arsenal kill Cthulu Jr, the rending shots making the death possible. On the other side of the Tyrannocyte, the Trygon (?) meets Fury of the Legion with the other Sicaran’s arsenal and also dies. The Spartan watches as his gunners kill the Zoanthrope, overwhelming its Invul saves. The Storm Eagle opens fire on the new Termagant horde, killing half their number with one shot scattering onto the Tervigon and wounding it as well.


Denied his first target, Mahtva reluctantly settles on the Venonthrope, charging and killing it before his terminators can even swing.


Turn 3


Zerg – Their center now being occupied by the lone Tyrannocyte, the Hive Tyrants spread out, one Vector Striking the terminators (failing to kill any), the other swooping in between the TACs, Sicaran, and Spartan, where it tries to Paroxysm the TACS (Denied) before Shadowing the Warp the squad and pinning them. The new Termagant squad continues to advance, firing on the Breachers to no effect. The Tyrannocyte fails to kill anything along with the Exocrine.


The Termagants charge the Breacher squad, losing 4 out of 6 in Overwatch before slain in Hand-to-Hand, which happened to my literal last two wound dice as nearly everyone failed to either stab or wound them!


Halcyon Wardens – Mahtva eyes the Exocrine and the OBJ next to it and hopes to add one of these monsters to his legend as he and the terminators move towards it. The Storm Eagle flies over the field to support them. Both Sicarans aim at the intruding Tyrant as the Breachers move up next to the Tyrannocyte and the central OBJ. Mahtva readies Force, while Misfortune is cast on the Tyrannocyte and Prescience on the Breachers.


The Spartan and Storm Eagle kill the Exocrine before Mahtva can charge it, earning a swear word out of the frustrated Psyker-lord. The Tyrannocyte dies to bolter fire, while the Hive Tyrant in my deployment zone only loses half of its wounds.

The game ends there as the Tyranid player cedes.


Lessons learned: Misfortune is a wonderful power when facing monstrous creatures. And I’ve seriously underestimated the power of boys over toys as the sheer amount of dakka of the TAC squad was devastating.

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[so, I've had very little free time at home, which is currently the only place I can get my research done. But, I have oodles of free time at work, so I thought I'd offer this little piece to keep the Wardens advancing.]


Beneath a corrupted sky, the Daemon Prince's eyes swept a hard gaze over the remnants of his legion. Gone were the days of where he could command over a hundred-thousand astartes, left with these smaller warbands. It would do for what he desired, a campaign against the Imperium to remind them of his existence. He opened his mouth to give the command, but was interrupted as a warp rift exploded in the midst of his gathered troops.


From within, warriors of deep purple charged forth wielding spear and shield. Rage boiled within the daemon prince as his men were cut down by the sudden assault, furious that anyone could surprise him on his own world. With a snarl, he ordered, "Kill them all!"


His marines rallied as they opened fire and countered. The Daemon Prince moved to engage, but one last figure exited the rift. One almost as he was. "How dare you invade my domain, Alex!" The Daemon Prince roared.


"You have long ago lost the right to call me by that name," the Alexandros replied before he fired Ultimatum. The plasma burned into the Daemon Prince's armor before melting skin. With another cry of rage, he attacked.


His weapon hammering against Aegis, the Daemon Prince taunted, "This too will be blotted out of history, remembered only by your enemies as your precious Humanity continues to forget you. For your slights, you will suffer excruciating torments that will make you long for Hell."


Alexandros grunted as one blow struck his side. "Brother. I can only watch as my Father sits dying on his throne, I am forced to fight my brothers whom I once could trust with my life, and I am forever denied the peace I worked so hard to achieve. I'm already in Hell."

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