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4th Tarosian Regiment - Devildog

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Well, I finally managed to complete my Big Guns submission! A simple enough paintjob, but I'm quite pleased with how it came out. Without further ado, here is Armoured Unit: 341 "Last Resort."





Fluff will be forthcoming once I find some free time between work and being ill. In the meantime, I've rearranged my room so that I have a display of some models I've painted to motivate me, and a bunch more I haven't to motivate me even more!

Good work Coffee! I like the plasma coils they look nice. Looks like you've got a bit of xenos in those pictures though, don't worry I introduced them to my bolt pistol to keep the barracks taint free. Maybe you can retake the pictures without them? ;)

Thanks guys. The Plasma Sections were probably my laziest method of doing them yet. Base of dark blue, glaze of Guilliman Blue, then drybrushed Skink Blue fairly heavily, followed by a lighter, higher Etherium Blue drybrush.


I've been curled up with the flu these past couple of days, but I'll get the fluff up for this and post it to the main thread before the deadline! I got a copy of the Forge World Modelling Masterclass book recently, so I've been absorbing tips from there for improving my tank weathering.

Decided my Infantry needed their ranks bolstering, as too few of them were painted! I've decided to sit and blitz through some troopers, going to use this as an exercise in practising flesh tones. Nothing like trying to paint non-white minis to make you realise that the 'Eavy Metal team have a pretty bad representation of race, so the darker skinned gents in this pic were an improvised paintjob. Looking into tutorials for Middle-Eastern and Asian skin tones next, the Greater Good has gathered people from all walks and races to its cause. :P


Slapped on some Agrellan Earth to dry overnight, but otherwise these guys are pretty much done, minus bases:



My friend at the LGS who plays and collects Nids has challenged me to a game on the 28th of March, the entirety of my Regiment versus some of his Hive Fleet. Very excited for it, we'll be playing the Starship Troopers soundtrack as the dice fly, and I'm hoping to get some good pictures of the Regiment out in force. As is the Guard's wont, I don't even know how much I own, so a census will be done this week with the aim to get an idea of points value and units I can efficiently field, as well as get a list of models that need painting. Would ideally like a fully-painted force for the big game, but I'll settle for mostly painted. :P

There's some really awesome stuff here, especially the broadside sentinels...the one negative thing that jumped off the page at me was that the heavy stubber on the chimera isn't drilled...while the lascannon on the plasmacutioner is...you're more likely to get away with failing to drill out the laser...and since you did...it's a too-small hole that's way off center. Still, for the greater goose, eh? msn-wink.gif

Chilled out last night while I was completing the above Guardsmen, and got my Medusa weathered up. Still needs a coat of dust to really look weatherworn, but I'm please with the roughing up I've given it so far:






The gun barrel still needs a bit of work, it's not quite how I wanted it to look, as I got the idea to have the multiple segments be worn and oily after painting the basecoat and applying the gloss varnish over it. Will be tweaking that slightly before I seal everything in with Matt varnish and move onto the crew. Should really have painted them separately!

Thanks, I'm quite enjoying practicing wear on the muzzles of my weapons. I think I've got the technique down for it now. :)


I've been revisiting my Ryza Vanquisher lately to roughen it up after reading through Forgeworld's Modelling Masterclass. Using weathering powders, varnish coats, pencils and all sorts to try and make it feel a bit more genuine. Oil paints are especially interesting to try out to see the results.






Back to Infantry after this. :)

  • 2 weeks later...



Yeah, I've opted to switch for darker sand in the future. It didn't come out quite right compared to the overall paint scheme, nevertheless I'm quite chuffed with the effect.




It's only a single layer of bandage, it may be the soaking of PVA I gave it that makes it seems a bit dense, though. Might try and find ways to make it look lighter in the future.


Spent the last couple of days cranking out more Guardsmen. Also working for my submission for Blood and Glory in the background there, he'll be ready to lead my men soon! :)



Thanks guys! The Scion detachment to my army got a small increase in number to fill out partially-done squads I bought second hand. This relied on some fudging with parts and a load of guitar wire, which is now my favourite modelling accessory for almost everything.




Most of these will form a Command Squad with 4x Hotshot Volleyguns for a static anti-MEQ firebase. With Bring It Down it could even do a number on Monstrous Creatures if I need it to. I'm looking forward to my Scions being the scalpel supporting the sledgehammer of my Guard. 

I'm trying my best! The guitar wire is significantly more sturdy than plastic antennae, but at the cost of poking through everything I try and wrap it in for transport.

Anyway, I've been mustering the regiment together for the big game on the 28th of March against my friend's Nids. It's looking like it'll be hitting 9K at this rate. It doesn't help that I've started selling much of my Tau off as I haven't really played them in a year. They're mostly going as trades to a friend, who will be trading his disused Guard in return, then buying the rest over time.

Worry not though, I'm keeping a choice selection of my favourite conversions for sentimentality's sake. tongue.png

Back to the point at hand, for the upcoming game I needed a list, and for a list I needed an accurate image of not only what models I have, but how they would be organised in terms of gameplay. As a result, I would like you all to meet the 4th Tarosian Regiment almost in its entirety, the only built model missing from this is a Valkyrie at my other place:


I'm kinda proud of how much armour I have painted up, but as far as Infantry, I've a long way to go! Here's some closer-up shots. You may notice a few new additions not posted in this thread yet:






The muster is still ongoing, however. Refugees and converts to the cause are appearing with increasing frequency before the advance of Hive Fleet Orochi, and the local Munitorum and Munitions Factorums are being pushed to the breaking point to arm and armour them for the upcoming battle!


A fine collection Coffee, especially in such a short time - you should be proud! :D Infantry always takes longer than tanks, just got to keep at it and they'll all be done sooner than you think :tu: Good luck for your game!


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