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4th Tarosian Regiment - Devildog

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Almost finished the Bullgryns. Got a couple of character models on order to round out the army, and I've been tempted by the Siege Guns sold by Minmax Minis. They seem like an easy proxy for Medusa Guns as an artillery piece, and I'm gunna see if I can magnetise them so I can insert an extended barrel to use as a Basilisk if needed.


Might even find a way to mount it on the Wyvern platform, so I can have a trio of Medusas/Wyverns/Basilisks when needed!


I also got two minis from Raging Heroes' Toughest Girls of the Galaxy range. Most of the minis I've seen from them have been...lacking in taste, but I found these two to be pretty excellent sculpts and a bit more dignified towards women. One will serve as a Master of Ordnance/Officer of the Fleet when needed, the other will be my Primaris Psyker:



Still waiting on a couple of minis from Kromlech to add another Primaris Psyker and an Inquisitor. I like the idea of my Independent Characters all looking unique to each other.

I'm aiming to finish the Bullgryns first, but I'm taking it easy on the painting front until the ETL hits, just the odd model here or there. Haven't ordered the Siege Guns yet, so no magnetising right now. smile.png

However, got these girls today and assembled them while at work. They'll need a little Milliput before I spray them for war, though!


With the date of the ETL now announced, I'm going to be helping at the store with getting their terrain painted until the 1st of May, with maybe a bit of painting for this army. Expect a deluge come the 1st as I'll be preparing the regiment for an immediate and swift reaction!


In the meantime, here's the latest on the Bullgryns. Just the bases to complete and a little detailing on those arms. Might grab some transfers to put a tattoo on or something. Getting the skin tones to look right on these guys was a real challenge.




Great weathering, I'm sure they'll do grandly on the table thanks to the attention you've given them :tu: I think you surpassed the challenge the skin tones presented well, any chance of a write up on how you did them?

Thanks guys! :)


The skin was a little bit of experimentation, I've been trying for a while to get natural-looking darker skin tones. Basically the colours I use are Rhinox Hide, Gorthor Brown and Kislev Flesh. Rhinox is applied thoroughly as a base over all the skin, then a 50/50 mix of Rhinox and Gorthor over everything except the recesses, to make them shadowed by contrast. Gorthor is then used over the higher areas of the skin that would be hit by the light, followed by mixing in more and more Kislev Flesh as you move to the highlights of the models, the edges of muscles, faces, etc. Not perfect and you can add more gradual steps in between these to make it flow better. I'm pretty chuffed with how these guys came out, though!

Spent much of the weekend painting. Started a T34 for my Bolt Action Soviets - painting Guard has been really handy for working out how I'll handle those! - and finished some Crisis Suits I started a while back. With those off my desk, the aim of the game is to get a painting list together for the ETL, and work through the stuff that can't be put into squads or isn't really worth the time spent painting.


So I managed to finish off these three guys as my Demolitions Charge SWS. Their Gravity Bombs have been very effective whenever I've played them, and they're a tonne of fun to deploy out of my Vendetta! Just some touch-ups and finishing the skin tones to come, then they'll be based and ready for combat proper!





Also finished these guys below, which completed my standard Platoon loadout of 4 Guardsman squads with a Flamer each, and a PCS with 4 Flamers and a Chimera! 




My normal 2K list is almost fully painted aside from a Wyvern, a Bullgryn Bone'ead, and two Primaris Psykers. I'll be moving onto the Bone'ead soon, the others are being held back for the ETL. Going to break my collection up into groups and do them one-by-one, just have to work out what the groups shall be!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, I'm hoping to assemble the troops and tanks for a group shot before I settle down to go through the ETL - hopefully will find the time for it this weekend. :)


In the time leading up to the ETL, I've been tidying up my WIP list of minis. I've found a good tactic is to have a display space with a small collection of minis that need painting. Not a daunting pile of grey, just a few, select ones you'd like to see painted. Let it thin out as you paint them, and paint them in small batches sequentially to get that feeling of progress. It helped me finally finish the below Lascannon teams I posted months and months ago as WIPs, and I'm going to be doing it for ETL 

vows as well, so I can see progress being made as I make it.


Had a bit of fun with one of these, I like using 30-man Platoons with Lascannons in them as an Objective-camping AT threat that can receive Orders, so they'll see use for sure. 



And here's my first vow for the ETL, a Baneblade with all the trimmings, Macharius Vanquisher, Eradicator and Destroyer Tank Hunter, comprising the first wave, my "Heavy Tank Division." I wanted the first vow to hit hardest like the proverbial sledgehammer of the Emperor, and buoy me up through the subsequent vows. All told there's up to 3K of minis ignoring Guardsmen to be painted, so plenty to go around for the next three months! At 1315 points as well, it should hopefully be a worthwhile contribution. :)




I'll be starting on that Macharius first, as I've been itching to get that baby painted up since I got it in the mail. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Another piece of heresy for y'all to peruse. Most of my opponents are cool with letting me run this as having Heavy Rail Rifles if I pay the Lascannon cost, so I'm happy with that. Gives me some solid anti-air threat for fairly cheap, and as it's an Artillery unit, it can receive Orders, (IIRC.)





Barrels are a little wonky, they keep slightly re-bending after spending years in a friend's to-build box, (the guy sold off his Tau years back, and never even knew he had the Forge World Broadsides.) The Broadsides are reincarnated for my Other Army as Crisis Suits with smexier armour, so the Rail Rifles were going spare, and well...

Thanks guys. smile.png

Got a pair of AA Turrets from MaxMini in the mail yesterday that I'll be using as Hydra Platforms for some cheap AA fire. Have to say that they went together like a dream, no warped/bent parts, minimal holes and barely any flash. A really nice kit as well, the platforms are easy to keep separate so you can use them for other things like Earthshaker Cannons, etc. Would be a very easy kit to magnetise in order to have, say, Manticore Missiles or similar on it.


  • 2 weeks later...

With the Baneblade needing primer and me being too skint to buy some at the moment, I took a small break from my vow and starting painting a couple of odds and ends. Got my alternate Chimera turret with Autocannon painted, just needs weathering layers added on now.




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