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4th Tarosian Regiment - Devildog

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A pity, that. It's almost like people have grown bitter towards Tau over the last year! Lucky I tend to play them fairly off-key and for giggles. Spent today playing a 2K tournament, last round I basically got bored of the Tactical Objectives as tracking them without a deck is annoying. I simply spent the game throwing my two Riptides up the field againt  a Guard army with that Vulcan Bolter Baneblade - Stormlord? - and smashed through their tanks while we laughed at how my Riptides were absorbing his army-wide firepower and taking no Wounds. (He'd won massively on Victory Points by now and annihilated most of my force, so it was a silly slap fight from there.) Riptides are absurd for durability, but doing so really takes away any firepower they'd hope to have.


Anyway, my Guard received two new, shiny boxes of stuff. Here's what will be making its way up here as I eagerly build and paint it. One Wyvern and one Banewolf coming up. I play against a lot more Marines here, so the Banewolf feels like the better deal. Wyvern will help as I don't see many Fliers either, though I'm going to see how interchangeable they can be:



I've also managed to nab two Russes from a Facebook page for Wargame trading. The Executioner with that sexy, sexy Ryza turret on the right, and the Demolisher next to it. Gunna try and find a good way to either strip them, or overcoat them. I think stripping would be best in the long run:


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Indeed, I think Armoured Power will be the aim of the game for this army! Tanks are simply to much fun to assemble and paint. I mean, what's cooler than an iron fist ready to crush the opposition?




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Hell hound is hot 'n' primed, Sir:




Well, Banewolf technically, though it will likely fill all roles at some time as I have to tell my opponents what everything is at the start of a match anyway, to make sure they know. Made some minor modifications, mainly the track guard which will be interesting for weathering and dust collecting on it, and will help represent that the Hellhound chassis has Side AV of 12, (IIRC.)


Also got the base coats done on the Chimera part of the Wyvern. Much more left to do, of course, with camo schemes, washing and weathering, not to mention painting the gun itself! Looking forward to that, though. I think it'll look sweet when it's done and sitting in with the rest of my force.


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What yellow colour are you using? I like them alot smile.png

It's 3/4 Tau Light Ochre to 1/4 Runefang Steel, slightly watered down and done over a few, quick coats. The Runefang tones down the brightness of the Ochre and makes it look a bit more sandy. :)

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I noticed you've been working hard on your Wyvern!


Here's my work. I think I can call the chassis mostly finished aside from a few tweaks and touch-ups here and there. I'm going to try a slightly different way of painting the camo for the Banewolf, as I'm finding that it's very dependent on the light whether the lighter shade is visible or not. (In good light, it looks great, IMO.) Hopefully said new technique will work out for me!





Thank God I've been diving into new OSTs to tide me through these paint sessions. The finished article is enough motivation for me to start painting, but going through all those tiny rivets needs some good backing music!


A real pity my hard work isn't going to the Guard ETL pot. Ah well, there's always next time!

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Apologies if these frequent, Twitter-esque updates are annoying anyone. I know it must be irritating to see me uploading pics of minor additions to a single model every day, but this blog is handy for me to track progress and how quickly I'm doing. Most of my painting time is snatched between housework, work, friends, and the other usual stuff, so I tend to be a bit stop-start with it most nights.


Tried out a slightly different technique for the camo on the Gunshield of the Wyvern. Previously I simply painted the Tau Light Ochre + Runefang over the whole area, then did the Kislev+Runefang on top of this. It works, but it's a bit lacking in contrast unless the light catches it right, (I think it may be the Runefang giving this effect.) For the gunshield, I pre-painted the camo pattern in Ceramite White and Rastkin Flesh to form a solid basecoat, then painted the Ochre and Kislev over each respectively. The result seems to be more contrasted without ruining the shades I'm using. (The odd texturing is the remnants of oppressive Imperial signage on the gunshield, and the damage inflicted trying to remove it.)





Not bad for a couple of hours' work, methinks. Obviously a lot of highlight work, weathering and lighting still to come. Hopefully I can blitz through the actual guns next, and have this ready for the table by Saturday!

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I can't tell the difference between the painting styles... tongue.png It's coming along well, how are you finding painting all the bits and bobs for the turret array? I want to construct as much as I can prior to painting and it looks like you have a good compromise here?

Your colour scheme is working nicely, a good mix of metal areas and the camouflage. I will be using yours for reference and ideas msn-wink.gif

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It's coming along well, how are you finding painting all the bits and bobs for the turret array? I want to construct as much as I can prior to painting and it looks like you have a good compromise here?


It's nice if you break it up into smaller bits, (as with everything.) Personally I have the chassis, Gunshield, gunner and guns all as separate parts. Plan is to paint the guns next, followed by the gunner and his buddy with the paper. Makes it much easier to focus on the little details that no-one will notice, (like adding Runefang scratches on the cogs built into the chassis, to show the metal parts scraping together. No-one will ever see it, but I enjoyed painting it.) xD


Flattered that you'd use mine as a reference. I just ran with what I thought made sense as far as camo/metalwork goes. Also helps break up the model nicely to have differing colouration on parts.




Good paint job - think I'll pass on trying armour if there are so many rivets!


Tanks are always worth the effort. I mean, all those rivets take about twenty minutes of Nuln Oil, followed by the same dotting them with Runefang, but just stand out so nicely and add a lot of detail to the mini, that you can be without them! :P

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I always check out pictures of a tank I'm painting for the first time online, helps to see what others have done. Though the GW's Baneblade picture was awful... I think I'll build mine as you have yours, I was having trouble visualising how best to do it especially with some of the wobblier bits. Like the bits you attach the guns to is a bit odd, a tight fit even without paint on and a bit fragile with the glue initially.


The trouble with the extra details is that one alone doesn't matter - but when you start collecting all the little bits it soon starts adding up!

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