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4th Tarosian Regiment - Devildog

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Very nice.

One thought: with that petrol tank on the side of the turret (I think that's what it is, right?), mightn't it not be better to have it the other way up? So the cap is facing upwards. Less chance of leaking ;)


Armored Battalion's Vanquisher HQ with Co-Axial and Beast Hunter shell is awesome.




Halfway through the paintjob after a good, long session of relaxed painting, (the best way to kill a dull Saturday IMO!)


More weathering to be done, and possibly a camo net added.

Indeed, another fine tank coming along for Cof'fee (am I doing it right?) smile.png Makes me think of my Tallarn with such a nice desert scheme. I think Sentinels would look great in these colours :D

What Tallarn you ask? Why, the ones I'll get when GW release some new kits for them of course... laugh.pngmsn-wink.gif

Hmm, been tempted by Tallarn but they took the whole collection off the shelves at Forge World, and I can't find second-hand lots of them anywhere! Been bitten by the FW bug indeed after assembling this tank and getting a second-hand Ryza Executioner, (up next on the painting block.) Been eyeing up the other pretty tanks and such in their collection.


The nice thing about the FW Vanquisher being so...*ahem,* well-endowed, is that it makes my existing Vanquisher look pathetic by comparison, so I have no qualms with my current habit of proxying said mini-Vank as a standard Russ or Eradicator. (I'll have even fewer qualms once this Vank works its way into my lists!)


As far as the Vanquisher, I spent a couple of hours today mainly trying out Camo Netting. It turned out pretty well, IMO, and was a really easy if lengthy process, (had to wait for the watered-down PVA to dry, resorted to a heat gun to speed things up.) After doing this, I've just got weathering powders and other touches to do before she's finished:



The temptation to put these nets on my other tanks is far too strong...

It was pretty easy to be honest. Just get some bandage cheap from a supermarket, cut it up, rough it up a little and then soak it in watered-down PVA a few times, allowing it to dry each time 'til it goes stiff. A heat gun or hairdryer is handy for speeding this up. (Mine are still a bit flexible after three or so coats.) Ruffle them up a bit before they dry, so it looks like the wind is catching them slightly. Once that's done, all you need to do is paint them whatever colour you want. I drybrushed with Tyrant Skull afterwards to make it look like the threads had been worn a bit, and then use 'Ardcoat and Purity Seal to very stiffen the material and seal the paint. 

I don't have a hairdryer, my hair is beautiful enough. I use L'Commissar shampoo, works to the roots of any thing - heresy, hair, plants you name it :P


I have a good stash of bandages plus plenty of PVA so I'll try and find the time for this on my Regiments challenge Chimera :)

Had a great 2K game against my friend's Space Wolves last night, in which every soldier in the Regiment was mustered. Managed to field a pretty tough list with only one proxy, (my Chimera moonlighting as a Devildog,) which is a highlight of my list building so far.


The list was roughly this:



Tank Commander in Vanquisher with Camo Netting and Lascannon

Executioner with Lascannon and Sponson Plasma


Company Command Squad with Regimental Standard



Veterans with Grenadiers, 3 Meltas and a Bolter on the Sergeant


Platoon with a basic PCS, 3 Lascannon HWTs and 30 Guardsmen with 3 Vox, 3 Bolters and 3 Flamers



6 Scions with 2 Plasma Guns


Fast Attack:

Devildog with Multi-Melta


Another one


Valkyrie with Lascannon


Heavy Support:



Russ Battle Tank


2 Russ Demolishers


My Vanquisher Commander was the MVP of that match, Immobilising a Land Raider turn one and rendering it irrelevant until it was simply blown up by a Lascannon later on. He also shot the Stormfang out of the sky with a lucky 6, who then failed their Jink and blew up, killing the Iron Priest + Servitor team who were there to keep it running. The Executioner killed itself with Gets Hot though...

Yeah you missed the most important part off :P Sounds like you had a good game though, knocking out a Land Raider like that is the perfect use of a Vanquisher :) I imagine life would have been much easier after that had your Executioner not fluffed the roles...

I won in a pretty sore massacre. He rolled the Outflank trait on his Warlord, and so Outflanked his Lord and 700pts worth of TH/SS Thunderwolves. Very silly decision that cost him the game without giving him any advantage, really. I let him bring them on after he failed his Reserve roll on the third turn and had only a Lone Wolf with one Wound left. 

Indeed, he wiped my army after his Thunderwolves came on, but that was only because he had one Lone Wolf left on one Wound, and I'd won a little too easily so I let him bring them on and forfeit the game to continue it. Sadly TH/SS Thunderwolves are something I simply cannot deal with, and they effortlessly annihilated my army with their torrents of S10 AP2 attacks, they even killed an entire 30 man Platoon without Sweeping them or shooting them, just killed them to a man...


Anyway, spent tonight painting my Mistress of Ordnance/Mistress of the Fleet. These Raging Heroes models are awesome, I'm genuinely thinking of getting a few more as they're made from some damn good resin. Painting character models like these is always fun, as I can get them done in an evening while giving them more attention than a standard trooper:




The lighting in my room is appalling as I work on a glass desk, so sorry about the crappy picture quality!

I know your pain, the slow death of summer is robbing me of precious sunlight :( Looks good though, I was in the process of building customised bodyguards when they removed them from the codex...


As for TWs I'm still mulling over the changes. We can probably expect to see them more and almost always with a SS. Demolishers still a good bet though, being the standard answer to most tough things :P

Is any one else a little irked at the fact that Wolves,got these beautiful new models for cavalry,and yet the guard got bupkis, to replace the rough riders. I do have SW's , and would love to have these, but would rather have had new RR,with some new rules,or upgrades. Congrats on your win,and it was a win.


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