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4th Tarosian Regiment - Devildog

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I tried a list out with Manticores in it. Manticores are awesome, sweet Jesus I love them now.

On the painting front, more Infantry! As it stands I just need two Lascannon teams, an Executioner and about a dozen and a half Guardsmen painted, plus the Veterans in Fire Warrior armour! the end of the month is nigh, though, and I'll be getting a Vendetta and some Guardsmen models from a few friends, so the to-paint pile will once again grow! They're talking about giving me a second shelf at the LGS to parade my models, as I'm the only one maintaining a large collection of them fully painted for display! (Also my Guardsmen are eager to take ground from the Xenos and the Heretics occupying it!)

These guys are Sergeants, Regimental Banner and a couple of Special Weapons. Just picking out the interesting models before I grab the rank-and-file Lasgun soldiers and crank 'em out. The standard came out fairly well and I'll probably keep it basic for now, also tried some heat stressing on the Plasma and Flamer barrels with violet, red and blue washes and some black scorching. Didn't coem out that great, gunna practice it more on my Melta Veterans next:


My Sergeants are never WYSIWYG, as they always take Bolters but I can't easily represent that. Instead I just model them to look cool and stand out as Sergeants, then tell my opponent they just have Bolters as opposed to Power Swords and Plasma Pistols! happy.png

Don't splurge on all the special models at once, I like to save the odd one for in between the lasguns to help spice things up. They're looking good, your progress is steady as always so I'm pleased to see you taking over more shelves already ;)

The Guard marches ever-onwards, grinding the enemy beneath boot and treads! I've managed to maintain a nice pace of painting so far IMO. :)


I'll post more pics once these guys are finished. Still gotta do some final cleanup work and finish the bases. They're at the LGS for now which is closed today, so it'll be later in the week before I post updated pics.

Finished those Guardsmen, here's a couple more shots:




(I frigging love that bionic power sword arm, it looks badass.)


Started painting my last two Lascannon teams. Still very WIP, I've got a little diorama of sorts set out on one of them:


A friend gave me some old parts for tanks he had, and I had the revelation last night that my Leman Russ body I had spare after building the Vanquisher could be made to fit it. Cue myself being up 'til 1AM undertaking some tech-heresy!



I have no idea what to call it or whether I'll actually run it as a Russ. It also needs a hell of a tidy up once built.

I suppose I'd better make plans for that! It'll be on the backburner for a while, though, as I just bought more Guardsmen from a friend...a lot more. He's a big fan of cheap deals at car boot sales, and I managed to get 3 Heavy Weapons Teams, 5Scions, 20 Guardsmen, the Tempestus Codex, 3 Bullgryns, a Scion Command Squad, 10 Catachan and a bunch of special-weapons Guardsmen, too, and all for £60! Normally he scrubs them up and sells them off on EBay, but he cut me a pretty excellent deal on them! I also bought 10 Cadian legs from the guy who runs BitzBox, so I could finish off 10 more Guardsmen from the stack of boxes I received earlier.


This bolstering in the regiment's footsoldier count meant I could comfortably field a 1500pt army comprise solely of Infantry with a single Wyvern in support! Such a list was completely unprepared and effortlessly annihilated by the new Grey Knights Codex with all its Alpha Strike potential between Deep Striking and Shunt moves. However, it'll look bloody impressive once it's - eventually - painted!




I'll be receiving a Vendetta cheap from another friend tomorrow, so the regiment will be at excellent strength soon! (Hopefully I'll start winning some bloody games then!) The Guardsmen all need mould lines, aquilas and flash attending to before spraying. I'm also trying out a new spray technique of coating in Chaos Black as a base, then highlighting with a Skull White spray at an angle, to provide natural highlights from the base coat up. Hopefully it works out, it'll demand my paints be fairly thinned out, though.


I also received the first part of my Cadian Sergeant cosplay I'm assembling for my annual visits to comicon with friends. My friend does a lot of amazing fibreglass work with costume designs and such, so I'll be getting a Bolt Pistol and Flak Armour made up in the coming months, too!



You're going all out Coffee! I'd be envious but I only have room in my heart for hatred of all mankind's enemies :P


Your army is going to be extremely impressive when you've painted it all, you should be our poster boy for "once you go Guard you don't go back" ;)

The struggle is real. That, and the deluge of cheap second-hand models is really helping keep costs down! tongue.png

A lot of people have noticed that I haven't put my Tau on the table for months now, and I seem to have more fun playing Guard, (though our victories are very, very few!) I suppose it's the fun of a new Codex and trying out all sorts of new things.

Nice chainsword. Now just need to get it to run and you'll be all set. tongue.png

I like your army. Colors are something different. I got a little laugh out of your heavy weapons guy that was shot in the chest. I first thought he might have snapped and locked up in a seizure from seeing all the horrors of the universe.

We genuinely spent some time trying to devise a chainsword that could operate in as safe a manner as possible. Our main idea involved a frame holding two cogs, a motor and a bike chain. In the end, this option is just a much safer bet, though given the size and resin construction, it's a little unwieldy for my spindly arms!

Sunday was spent fervently tidying mold lines, shaving aquilas and wrenching Guardsmen in half. It turned out most of these were assembled incredibly haphazardly with cheap superglue, so the details are mostly clogged on some and they fell apart in my hands while I was scraping flash off. No matter, it just meant I had to scrape the superglue residue off and do it propa' with plastic glue. Worth it for the peace-of-mind in the future, IMO. As they'll be hidden away in Guardsman blobs, I don't have to worry about them being seen up close enough to notice the issues. En masse they should look excellent

So here's some picture of the models currently in my painting queue. Please send help:




I believe that this may be it for my Guardsman needs for now, as I can't see me needing any more tanks,Scions or Guardsmen. However, I'll likely be grabbing the odd model from here, with the Baneblade always looming in the back of my mind! I'm starting a small Legion of Everblight force as well as a small Lizardmen army as well, as I've had a bit of fun playing both of those, and diversifying my games is always nice.

The Vendetta is my submission for the Treads and Thrusters challenge, and I'll be getting onto that first and tracking its progress in here as I go! happy.png


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