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JAHminis: "...and now I'm making your silver pants blue."

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thanks, bud...


here is the result of slapping a little paint on the head...

the mohawk turned out alright, for a first attempt...

i enjoyed finally getting a chance to use this head, and it is just that much cooler with a mohawk...

the red eye was a must, but the gold teeth were just a bit of fun...






thanks for looking...

i hope you like it...




hey B&C...


Cassius is all done...

a simple head-swap makes all the difference on this guy...

much cooler now:)...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




hey B&C...


while uploading the last pics, i noticed that i forgot to paint the Tyranid claw marks on Chaplain Cassius' right forearm, and shoulder pad...

i'm sure nobody would have noticed, but i couldn't leave any detail unpainted...

now he is really done, and packed up to go out with the other characters for this Ultramarines army...

i got some bigger pics this time around, too...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




@Tiberius Cato: thanks, bud...

lots more to come;)...


@LutherMax: cheers, mate...

a brief rundown of what's in the queue is under the pics



here are the four dudes, all lined up...

they are off to Canada now...




next up, i will get back to the Commander Dante step-by-step, paint up Warlord Queek for the Dakka Challenge, do a step-by-step for the Gabriel Seth mini that i am painting for the NOVA Open charity auction, and then do the Chaos Warband for a client's Black Crusade...

after that, it is back to the Ultramarines, i believe, with some Devastators and Legion of the Damned, and then the Pan-O from Operation Icestorm, plus a Jotums:), for Infinity...

busy schedule as always!!!


should be fun;)...




here ya go, Bloodbath...

took me a while to dig him up, because my queue is always so booked up...

there are toy soldiers everywhere;)...

just a little sketching, so far, to play with the scheme...

i love this sculpt so much!!!





lots of whites coming up this month, with a Blood Angels and a Flesh Tearers character coming up...

white wings everywhere!!!







there will be a step-by-step for both Seth's burgandy armor, and the rest of the gold on Dante, too...

the female Heretek that i am also getting ready to start working on for a Black Crusade RPG group is a converted Infinity mini, so i won't be showing her off here, but the other minis are all Chaos Marines...

the rest of the warband will be an interesting chance to document, and share here, how a commission progresses for a client, from first ideas, to sculpting and converting, on to developing paint schemes, and the finished product...


should be an interesting journey over the next few months...


thanks for looking...




  • 3 weeks later...

thanks, guys...

that Sons of Orar mini is an interesting experiment in highlighting red with a fleshtone, instead of orange, yellow, or pink...

we'll see how it turns out...


after two weeks off from posting, to recharge my mental battery, i am back at it...

lots has been going on behind the scenes, setting up the next few jobs, and doing the step-by-step photos for Dante and Seth...

the step-by-step pics really slow down my painting process, since i don't usually paint in any organized manner, but flit from part to part as the fancy strikes...

hopefully you guys will find them helpful, which will make it all worthwhile...


since i am painting Gabriel Seth for the NOVA Open charity auction, i thought it would be cool to base him on one of the 2013 Limited Edition 40mm Objective Markers that Secret Weapon Miniatures did for the organization...

a quick email later, and Mr. Justin had a set in the mail for me, free of charge...




i chose the one in the top left, with the cool inscription in the stone, as it has the most angular piece, which will work great with Seth's pose...


Secret Weapon also has a set of bases, in a variety of sizes, that give 50% of the proceeds to NOVA's charities...

if you play Ultramarines, or Word Bearers and just want to deface them;), the Omega base sets are perfect...

have a look:




thanks for looking...

i hope you don't mind me shilling a little bit:)...




Others might mind but I've always been a fan of secret weapons bases. They make solid product. Will you be attending nova open or just sending the item off for the auction? It might be nice to meet members of the b&c in a meet and greet type affair.

@The_Chaplain: i'll just be sending this mini in, unfortunately...

around NOVA time, i'll be heading up to Alaska for a bit, before i return to Mexico..

i hope that 2017 will be the year of hitting up a few of the big conventions again, before i move back to Europe...

i haven't hit up any cons for their painting competitions since 2008, thanks to summer also being the surf season in Mazatlan...


here are the first few stages of the Gabriel Seth oxblood color step-by-step...

sorry for the horrible pics...

i really need a new lens for my camera:(...


i started with a basecoat of P3 Sanguine Base (one of my favorite paints)...





next, i gave all of the details their basecoats, as i figured out where i would be deviating from the studio scheme...





then i gave the entire model a wash of P3 Sanguine Base, Coal Black, and Flesh Wash, in a 1-1-2 ratio...

i didn't thin this mix with water, since the Flesh Wash acted as the thinner for a wash, and i wanted to really stain the model dark at this stage...





thanks for looking...

more to come tomorrow...






here are the next set of pics for Gabriel Seth's step-by-step...


after the heavy dark wash from stage three, i came back with pure P3 Sanguine Base, leaving the dark shadows from the wash under the curve of the torso, and inside the legs...





next came a mix of Sanguine Base and P3 Khador Red Base, at 3-1, in order to brighten up the color, but still keep a maroon tone, and achieve a nice amount of contrast...





i started my highlights with a mix of Sanguine Base, Khador Red Base, and P3 Underbelly Blue at 3-1-4...

this is just my previous color, with 4 drops of U.B. added...





thanks for looking...

i'll have the final two stages for you tomorrow...




@LutherMax: it's a very powder blue color, so it makes a lilac mix to highlight with...

it makes a nice alternative to the normal orange/yellow colors that is normally used to highlight red...



i missed posting yesterday, as i got sucked into painting, and forgot all about the real world...


here are the last two steps of Seth's armor...


the final highlight is a mix of Underbelly Blue and Khador Red Base, in a 10-1 ratio...

this is a bit bright, but will get toned down in the next step...





the last step is a heavy glaze of pure P3 Flesh Wash...

normally i would water this down, or mix in some Sanguine Base, but i wanted to take advantage of the glossy finish of this wash to give a wet oxblodd color...





that's it for the armor...

now on to the fine details, and the finish...


thanks for looking...

i hope i've given you all a couple of new ideas...




  • 2 weeks later...

hey B&C...


here is the nearly finished version...

just a few touch-ups on the cloak and backpack are needed, and then i will send him off to the NOVA Open foundation...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




thanks, guys:)...


@Vel'Cona: it is the sculptors that do all the hard work, mate;)...

i just do fancy paint-by-numbers...


@LuthorMax: that is a very nice compliment, coming from a guy who paints his Blood Angels so well:)...



now that i have finished the Ultramarines (for now), and Seth, i am back to work on Dante...

i have not seen anyone bother to paint any texture on the feathers of the Sanguinary Guard wings before, so i decided to give it a whirl...


so far, i am pretty happy with the result...

now i just need to finish the gold, so i can give the feathers the final white highlight...





thanks for looking...

i hope you like them...




  • 2 months later...

hey B&C...


after a two month hiatus from posting, it's time to get back on the horse...


thanks to my laptop, and my camera lens, both deciding to act up this summer, just doing updates for my clients made me want to throw them out the window (the laptop and lens, not the customers)...


now that i have things in some semblance of working order, let's get caught up...


i've had some cool projects come across my table this summer...

first up, i was hired to paint a Grey Knights Dreadknight...

this is a very complicated model to paint with a brush...

to make things easier for myself, i painted it in as many parts as possible...

the torso and the legs were my three subassemblies, while all the overlapping parts were kept separate...





this guy is for the same client with the Ultramarines army, so i used a couple of the same basing elements to tie the two armies together...




i finished the helmet first, just to give the customer a quick teaser...




thanks for looking...

i hope everyone had a great summer:)...





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