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JAHminis: "...and now I'm making your silver pants blue."

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Thank the Emperor that you are well, brother! It's great to hear that a week after you got hit with that that you're feeling better. And it looks like you have no intentions of letting death impede on your masterful artwork! You're commitment is inspiring, good sir.

thanks for all the kind words, and well wishes, guys...

i am weak, but on the mend...


no rest for the wicked;)...

work continues on the Stalker, but no pics today...

instead, here is the start of the Land Raider...




back to work now...




hey B&C...

i'm on the mend, and hard at work...

i haven't shared my work the last few days, because i wanted to create my Strikeforce Cassius paint scheme without any outside influence...

i'll finish the Stalker, and then do step-by-step for the Land Raider...


so, on Facebook, it is popular to put up old photos for Throwback Thursday...

this week i decided to start doing the same with minis on my JAHminis page...

i figured i might as well share here, too...


the first mini in this new feature is a custom commission for Grey Knights Supreme Grand Master Lord Kaldor Draigo, from 2012...

i had a lot of fun building and painting this guy...

the challenge was to do something different than the first commission i had to build a Grand Master from Marneus Calgar's body...


i hope you enjoy this Throwback...









thanks, everybody...


i'm glad the first Throwback Thursday was a hit...

it is nice to look back every once in a while, and see what i have done before, and how things progress and evolve with the painting and conversions...


today i got the last of the supplies i was waiting on for this Ultramarines commission...

now i have 'Nid heads to decorate the tanks, and materials to base the Stormravens...


it only spent two months sitting in customs, stressing me the hell out:(...




after seeing the horrible state of the Finecast minis in the stores, back in the first year it was released, i am amazed by how perfect all of these casts are...

everything is straight, and one tiny bubble out of six sprues...

the material feels stiff, but not brittle, and no details are miscast...

based on these casts, i have just done a complete 180 on this material, and will eat my words...

these guys have given me the confidence to buy Farsight and the Commander suit i have had my eye on since their release...


GW also threw in a free hardback Nagash notebook, which will make a perfect paint journal, with my order...

that's right, GW giving away free stuff!!!

between this, and perfect Finecast, you could knock me over with a feather right now...

i am shocked!!!


i hope everyone is having a good weekend...




thanks, guys...


here is my first product review...


Imperialis Basing Kit...


20 25mm base toppers...

5 40mm toppers...

fine grit...

slate chunks...




since i bought the Urban basing kit in 2008, i was pleased to see that all of the components of this kit are different from that one, which had the same type of parts, but different details, and thicknesses to the slate...


i hope this is helpful...




hey B&C...


here is a sneak peek at the first tank in the Strike Force Cassius Ultramarines commission...

the brief from the client was, " make them dark, and remember that they have been to hell and back"...




this is the most weathered any of the tanks will be...

some will have a lot less, and some will be in between...

i threw everything, and the kitchen sink, at this one, and i'm not quite done yet...

it's been fun to go to town on this Stalker, working from the idea that this army is fighting in the very toxic environment of a Tyranid invasion...


thanks for looking:)...




hey B&C...


it's Throwback Thursday on Ye Olde Facebook again...

since i shared my version of Kaldor Draigo, built around Marneus Calgar's body in 2012, last week, i figured this week i would share the first Grey Knight i built for a client in 2009, using the same body...

after i had finished this job, i felt i could have done more to emphasize the Grey Knights armor, so i was happy to get another crack at this conversion...

the first time around was fun, but i always see things i could have done better, every time i finish a mini...







thanks for looking...




thanks, guys...

i had a lot of fun painting these two gK's, even if it was a real challenge that pushed me beyond my comfort zone...


almost done with the Stalker tank...

i just need to paint the Tyranid Hunters symbol, and it is good to go...




the Land Raider should be done in a few days...

it needs the Hunters symbols, too, and the weapons, cupolas, and a few little details to get finished...





i hope everyone had a happy Halloween, and a feliz Dia de los Muertos...




thanks, guys:)...


here is a quick update of the weapons for the Land Raider...

they are almost ready for assembly...

a couple of parts, like the Heavy Bolters, still need a bit of clean-up on the black after the heavy rust wash...

then all the orange will get a wash of Vallejo Smoke to tone it down a bit...

then a sponging of P3 Pig Iron for the chipped paint, and everything will get glued together...

by tomorrow nights session, the super glue will be well dry, and ready for touch-ups...




tomorrow night i will finish up the Tyranid Hunter symbols, and both tanks will be ready for varnish:)...

then it is on to finishing the Stormraven, and deciding which tank the client wants next...


thanks for looking, and taking the time to comment...

i always appreciate it:)...




It would seem that something changed on my phone, or maybe it is an issue with the forum's mobile version software, but now I can't admire your stunning work :( I'll check back later when I can get on the laptop, I'm quite interested in seeing the progress on the smurfs you're doing.

here is another pic for your phone to not allow you to look at, AP;)...


the Land Raider is all put together...

since i took this photo, i have toned down the mud with a darker brown so it doesn't look so much like the rust, finished the lenses and lights, and got about half way through painting the Tyranid Hunter symbols...




now that I have the paint scheme figured out, the rest of the vehicles should go a lot faster...

i will have to remember to take some step-by-step pics for the next tank i put together...


tonight i will put some finishing touches on this Land Raider, and the Stalker, and then get back to work on the Stormraven...


have a great weekend, everyone:)...




here is another pic for your phone to not allow you to look at, AP;)...


the Land Raider is all put together...

since i took this photo, i have toned down the mud with a darker brown so it doesn't look so much like the rust, finished the lenses and lights, and got about half way through painting the Tyranid Hunter symbols...




now that I have the paint scheme figured out, the rest of the vehicles should go a lot faster...

i will have to remember to take some step-by-step pics for the next tank i put together...


tonight i will put some finishing touches on this Land Raider, and the Stalker, and then get back to work on the Stormraven...


have a great weekend, everyone:)...




*shakes fist* Curse you Jah! Curse you!


get on that PC, AP;)...


here is the first finished tanks...

i went with a very angular style on the Tyranid Hunters symbol, to make it easier to recreate across all of the vehicles...


the majority of the tanks will be a bit less beat up, but i wanted to throw everything at this first one, to see what works well, and what can be trimmed from the process...

the darker blue was at the client's request, and the orange rust was a good way to give it some visual impact rather quickly...

the metal scratches on the edges are also a simple way to speed up the process, but make it so the eye does not read the lack of edge highlights...

the whole idea is to come up with a quick process for painting an army...








as i said, there will be much less of the damage on flat surfaces for the rest of the vehicles, but the style will not change...

i am happy with the rust, battered symbols, and scratched edges, so that will be the main feature of the weathering on the rest of the army...


thanks for looking, and taking the time to comment....




hey B&C...


here is the Land Raider, in all its beat-up glory;)...

yesterday i talked about the choices i made with the weathering, so today i want to share a bit about the actual color scheme...

all of the weapons will be painted black, to represent the righteous vengeance of the Chaplain's arsenal...

the Ultramarines symbol will always be on a blue background, representing the colors of the Chapter...

the Tyranid Hunter symbol will always be on a black background, to represent that this is Chaplain Cassius' personal army...








thanks for looking...

i hope you like it...




While I can't see the images here, I found you on FB and can see them there. Nice little work around I have :) Top notch stuff, man. One day I hope to have a fraction of your skill.


And i'ma just put this out there... but suck it, computer!


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