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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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Id fill it with 2 CC Contemptors and 10 Storm Shield Terminators were I to use one.


Just drive up the front and then Punch something really, really hard.


I kinda wished that it had Quad Lascannons and Flamestorm Cannons instead of singular lascannons and heavy flamers.


Would make the cost much more worth it.

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I cant see why you would pay 700 points for a mastadon much less fill it with something as mundane as breachers if you did


At the points level where a Mastodon becomes available, I figured the melta cannon and sky reaper would give you a solid super heavy and flyer denial zone to park over an objective, and since it will most likely be disgorging it's passengers into cover, fists Breachers are the best troops choices to hold cover.



The way I see it, the mastodon is a rolling set of imperial fortress walls, and should be used as such. Literally moving it across the board sideways to shield other units.

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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Ok boys, as a result of the increased interest in Heresy locally, one of the organisers is going to start a Book IV campaign up.


And one of the main continents is to make up a Centurion Character to make your Campaign Character. Any thoughts on what would be awesome?


Thinking either a Siege Breaker or Legion Champion.


Or maybe even Praevian.

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I cant see why you would pay 700 points for a mastadon much less fill it with something as mundane as breachers if you did

At the points level where a Mastodon becomes available, I figured the melta cannon and sky reaper would give you a solid super heavy and flyer denial zone to park over an objective, and since it will most likely be disgorging it's passengers into cover, fists Breachers are the best troops choices to hold cover.



The way I see it, the mastodon is a rolling set of imperial fortress walls, and should be used as such. Literally moving it across the board sideways to shield other units.


700 points for a moving bunker is bad enough but bloating that with  a troops choice seems  less than ideal , using it as an assault transport seems a much more sensible solution though in my opinion still a poinless one when you consider what you can do with the LOW slot and the points investment required 


Not to mention this thing is probably going to cost a fair chunk of bloody change  atleast thats my assumption considering its  a block of resin  , might as well get a thunder hawk and take Dorn  too  AETOS DIOS BOYS !!!   Id  Find Dorn and the Thunderhawk Considerably more attractive a choice  due to being a flying fortress  but hey its your game you play how you want I dont care  only speaking on the side of  money/tactics/personal experience in larger games  here. 


Id fill it with 2 CC Contemptors and 10 Storm Shield Terminators were I to use one.


Just drive up the front and then Punch something really, really hard.


I kinda wished that it had Quad Lascannons and Flamestorm Cannons instead of singular lascannons and heavy flamers.


Would make the cost much more worth it.

I feel if your paying that much for a transport then what slips suggests is what it should accomplish , the idea of using it for troops to hold an objective just seems like a waste of points , its not like your going to have multiples of them  and its durability is great  but  its output poor if filled with a troop choice you plan to just sit there and tank shots 


By all means play yer game the way you  want I dont care but I feel like yer wasting points to fill it with a mundane troop choice as opposed to using it as an assault transport that offers excellent protection and a means to deliver yer strong fighty units into combat. 


Ok boys, as a result of the increased interest in Heresy locally, one of the organisers is going to start a Book IV campaign up.


And one of the main continents is to make up a Centurion Character to make your Campaign Character. Any thoughts on what would be awesome?


Thinking either a Siege Breaker or Legion Champion.


Or maybe even Praevian.

Sucks about the demon summoning man , seems like you had a good bit of fun and pollux performed well  for you  which is awesome  my own pollux conversion raises his shield to yer valor 



As far as  Converting up yer own centurion  I can see both Seige breaker or legion champion being a great  go  , I  converted up  my own Centurion a while back for a similar campaign   and  have been  quite pleased with how much fun its brought into the game fer me and my friends  hell the 775th armored idea  has really stemmed from  his creation Ive even written a few shorts about the guy thats how inspired  working on the model got me 




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I'll agree on Polux being a Solid HQ Killer.


Even with 1 Attack, his S10 Master-Crafter Powefist will usually Nope anything not Eternal Warrior when in a Challenge unless it has a potent Invulnerable Save.


Or, you can use his Re-rolls to-hit and strike at-initiative with More Attacks instead if you're dice are hot with the 3+'s.


2015 07 01 00.51.40


I had made a Primus Medicae to be a Campaign Character (on the left) but never got to use him because it fell through :(

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Yeah Polux performed very well. KOing a Daemon Prince. The re-rolls to hit in a challenge are insane. And absolutely makes his 2 attacks at initiative 5 or whatever a lot more appealing. Means you can smash most any character to pieces.


I'm looking at a Champion but not sure how best to run him.


Praevians would be amazing but not completely themey.


I need a Polux. I need something in Artificer Armour that can take a Boarding shield and actually help my Breachers.

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I need something in Artificer Armour that can take a Boarding shield and actually help my Breachers.


I recommend that you give the Delegatus a serious look, he grants Master of the legion for cheep and gives you access to GoS and HSF RoW's.


Anyone want to critique my list 2k ZM vs. Raven Guard:


+++ Kill the Raven Guard!! (1990pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List ((Zone Mortalis) Attacker) (1990pts) ++


+ HQ (115pts) +

Legion Delegatus (115pts) Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs, Solarite Power Gauntlet

Master of the Legion [The Stone Gauntlet]

+ Elites (370pts) +

Apothecarion Detachment (120pts)

····Legion Apothecary (60pts) Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner

····Legion Apothecary (60pts) Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (250pts) 2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Vexilla, Sniper


Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnaught Talon (465)

Contemptor-Cortus Multi Melta, DCCW w/ Heavy Flamer

Contemptor-Cortus Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, DCCW w/ Heavy Flamer

Contemptor-Cortus Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, DCCW w/ Heavy Flamer


+ Troops (1000pts) +

Legion Breacher Siege Squad (320pts) 2x Flamer, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour

Legion Breacher Siege Squad (320pts) 2x Flamer, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour

Phalanx Warder Squad (405pts) Legion Vexilla (15pts), 3x Plasma gun, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

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Delegatus isn't enough Wounds for what he wants to do IMO. But thanks.


PM could be the one though. Or Libby even!

Would your libby be a Psyker who awakens after Nikea or one that disobeyed Dorn?


One is much more feasibly justified than the other :tongue.:


But libby is solid. The powers give you a LOT of flexibility.

Edited by Slipstreams
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I'm thinking one that comes after Nikea, possible as a result of the Heresy and one that Sigismund lets loose given his newly acquired faith in the esoteric haha.


But could give me an edge as it's rare to see Psychers in 30k that aren't summoning.

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Well, only the Word Bearers have access to Malefic Daemonology and even then there are restrictions as per book 5.


I'd personally go for Biomancy (Endurance, Warp Speed, Iron Arm) or Divination (All of them, really) since they have the most helpful powers, imo. Couple that with Force for Instant Death and you've got a solid character.

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