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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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at 2500   given the choice between a  Glaive ( No AC )  a Fellblade and a Typhon  which do you think is the appropriate choice 

Furthermore what upgrades do you take on the fellblade and typhon do you go AC and sponsons on the Typhon or just AC 

Do you  go AC  Legion Crew on the Blade ? 

Some direction would be appreciated 

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A Typhon is the go to. Cheap (for a LoW), S10, 7" Blast, AP1, Ignores Cover. Recently, its range has become an issue, and with melta making a come back, at 370pts mecessary fpr Armoured Ceramite, and still dying instantly to a Tank Hunter Xiphon with Kraken Penetrators, it is still quite rough, and comparative to the rumoured 3 Vindicator Squadrons, it is something that may be less seen.


Until the Cerberus gets Strength D or Tank Hunter, a pair of Sicaran Venators or again, rumoured Vindi TD squadron are better, especially if you pop on a PotMS for Split Fire.


FW need to drop this nonesense that is the Legion Crew, seriously. Why would a Legion Super Heavy tank *Not* have Legion Crew? It would be like the British Army crewing their Challenger Tanks with Civilians, or Afghan Militia.


Madness. It's not as though that extra BS is a must take, either, and for what they already cost, a Flat Ballistic Skill 4 is fine.

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It is confirmed. You don't put vindicator siege tank squadron in book 6 if you're going to have one tank. Else they'd omit squadron. SQUADRON. Been a thing for a few weeks

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Primarily Pride of the Legion w/ Bolter Tac Vets, LR Achilles (has never let me down so far) Deredeo and Sicaran.


Everything else in the list, HQ, Elites, whatever, I just look at my Display Cabinet and see what strikes my fancy at that point in time.


With the amount of HQ minis I have, I've tried using the majority of Consuls at least once (dont have a vigilator incidentally...I do have the parts for one...)


Sometimes I swap out the Achilles for a 10 Man Culverin Squad. Other times I bring out my Destroyers (ive got 10 on foot, 10 w/ Jump Pack).


But yeah, the core of the majority of my own army is the above.


I do have 40 Terminators that Ive used all at once during a 10k-per-player game.


Mostly since I make due with what I buy lol :p


If only rapiers werent so expensive / I could be bothered to convert my own.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Now, take heed and know I mostly play 3.5k and up so I have a lot of latitude in being able to bring whatever.


But the Achilles (this one has Multi Meltas since I wasnt the wiser when I bought it) has been a pretty sturdy beast.


Its very hard to kill outside of Glancing it to death since Ap2 cant explode it while also being immune to stuff like lance and melta.


With a Quad Mortar and Multimeltas it can shoot out 6 S8 ap1/4 shots a turn or shell a unit up to 60" away with Frag as it moves up thanks to barrage.


The best game Ive had with it is when it basically parked itself in front of a Praevian with 5 Darkfire Lance Castellax and Laughed as they were literally unable to do any damage to it with shooting whilst the tank was able to kite them around.


It then proceeded to just pummel the unit with S8 shooting chipping the unit down to the last 2 bots with 2 wounds each and the Praevian broke LoS only to subsequently get bopped on the head by a Contemptor I had around the corner.


So being able to negate that squad for 4 turns was fun.


On T5 and 6 he just shot frag into a backfield camping unit of Tac Marines not doing much because Death Guard.


Still rather expensive at a flat 300 points but it has the most firepower on the Land Raider Chassis.


Can also swap the Multimeltas for Volkite Culverins for more anti-infantry punch and Range.


Vs armies like Dark Eldar who rely on Lance to do any anti tank, its damn hilarious.

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Well I am very very tempted to pick one up as I am known for loving me a Land Raider of all shapes and sizes!


My Spartan is enough for the moment but I am tempted to drop the Breachers down to 10 and crack in two Land Raiders for them, but it's pretty much the exact tactic I use with my Iron Hands.


Even though I would love to see it in IF colours, my Leviathan may end up with the IH and I have a spare 300 points odd.

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Yes. Yes it does.


Especially as I am planning on Calling my Praetor (Based on Moloc for his epic shield and sword) and calling him Hektor.


Anyway, need to get it to 2500, also the Vindis are in a squadron.


+++ IFPraetor (2155pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor [Digital Lasers, Paragon Blade, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]

····Master of the Legion [The Stone Gauntlet]


+ Troops +


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [3x Graviton Gun, 14x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines]

····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [3x Graviton Gun, 14x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines]

····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment

····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]

····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]


Legion Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 6x Legion Terminators, 3x Power Fist, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 6x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Heavy Support Squad [Autocannons, 4x Legion Space Marines]


Legion Vindicator [Laser Destroyer Array, Machine Spirit, Twin-Linked Bolter]


Legion Vindicator [Laser Destroyer Array, Machine Spirit, Twin-Linked Bolter]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]


I am, as Iv said, keen to make a Kight Errant work, as I feel I need another Character in here somewhere. Heralds are also something I am keen on but without the rules.


Also have a HS slot spare remember.

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Decided to use the remaining points into a Bastion for the HWSS, this leaves me 200 odd to use for something else.


Can't add any more HS, FA or Elites. Troops don't get much from 200. So maybe a Consul or two? Probably cannot get what I am looking for out of a Kight Errant

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Maybe fill out the things you have. A Bunker is better than a Bastion, especially with an ammo dump. You can put an augury scanner on the Heavy Support Sergeant and add another 3 models to the squad, as 8 can fire out of a Bunker.


Also add augury scanners to the Apothecaries. Best 10 points you'll ever spend.


Finally, a Consul for your Deathtaxi of Terminators. Primus Medicae, Forge Lord or even a Chaplain would work. :)

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It's got 2 "wide fire points", which allow a total of 8 models to fire out of the building. A Bastion might be taller, but you have to put the HSS on top, meaning they can be targeted. If they are inside it, there's only a small number of fire points per side, making for a poor fire base.
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It feels like the cookie cutter  Base for a strong list revolves around 

3 Rapiers  ( grav or Mortar ) 

1 Sicaran Battle Tank 

1 Deredeo with Missles to cover anti air 

Then you just fill in slots  , I mean im not complaining  I  own all these units D:   its really hard to build a diverse list at 2500 XD  maybe im just spoiled for choice 

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