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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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He can take one.

Read the Consul Entry in extreme detail. Only the Vigilator, Moritat and maybe Herald have restrictions on being able to take a Boarding Shield.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Libbys are extremely useful if you dedicate them to one discipline. Technically being able to rock 4 powers (though only 2 usable a turn), if you're going to be putting him in the thick of it go Biomancy. 2 rolls plus primaris plus force should keep you busy ^_^
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Ok Iv sorted some backstory to my Libby. Basically a Breacher Veteran Sargent who starts to rapidly develop Psychic powers which everyone dimisses at inception as a preternatural survival instinct and next level endurance. I will include it in the Hobby Blog I start when I start building and painting at the weekend.


But effectively he is Lvl2 Biomancy Librarian with Boarding Shield (as he will still lead the Breachers), Melta Bombs and an as yet undecided power weapon.



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Librarians get a Free Force Weapon choice of: Axe, Sword, Staff (maul). Just like Power Weapons but with Force for Instant Death.


If you're going to be rolling on Biomancy the most for powers, Staff and Sword are the best bets since if you'll be able to make most of the powers especially if you get Iron Arm for Smash (Ap2).


For MoTL Take a Delegatus. Unless your group waives the Support Officer Rule present on Librarians, Primus', Praevians, Heralds or Masters of Signal, he's your cheapest option.

Edited by Slipstreams
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I think a Forge Lord is a brilliant buy in such a list. Not only does it give you some oomph in CC with the Rad Nades or Tank Busting with a relentless Graviton Gun, but it lets you take Thallax as Heavy Support. These are fairly bargain bin units; 135pts for 9 T5 Wounds with Ld8 and Stubborn, that have the benefit of a 24" No Infiltrate bubble. Although they only have a 4+ Save, they are good Rhino Shredders, as Jetpack infantry with BS4 S7, -2 to Cover Saves, and Tank Hunters for 150pts total.

I must have missed this somehow. How does a forge lord let you take thallax as heavy support?

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I think a Forge Lord is a brilliant buy in such a list. Not only does it give you some oomph in CC with the Rad Nades or Tank Busting with a relentless Graviton Gun, but it lets you take Thallax as Heavy Support. These are fairly bargain bin units; 135pts for 9 T5 Wounds with Ld8 and Stubborn, that have the benefit of a 24" No Infiltrate bubble. Although they only have a 4+ Save, they are good Rhino Shredders, as Jetpack infantry with BS4 S7, -2 to Cover Saves, and Tank Hunters for 150pts total.

I must have missed this somehow. How does a forge lord let you take thallax as heavy support?


Cortex Controller, mostly.

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So looking at the new tank  rite of war I feel like the freeing up of the heavy support slots opens up some more options for me in larger point games. 

That being said it still locks me out of heavy support squads so im wondering about maybe rolling some Vindicators now that you can squad them up ,  which do you  reckon is a better points expenditure runnin a squad of regular vindicators or going hyper anti tank with laser destroyer vindis? 

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Hey there! I haven't read the whole thread (though I guess I'll eventually do so :laugh.:) but I've seen that it is kinda popular to put together solarite power gauntlet and boarding/storm shield on characters. While I understand the appeal of AP1 against vehicles, isn't it a bit of a waste of the "not a specialist weapon" for the +1 attack, as melta bombs are usually the cheapest and most effective option for antitank melee? Or are you planning on charging dreads and knights with them :biggrin.:?

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Its also Master-Crafted so youre getting a Reroll.


I also dont put boarding shields on my characters since I prefer the Flat 5++ of the Refractor Field (i also dont have that many spare shields lying about) and on TDA, you werent getting +1 for 2 CCW unless you were a Primus Medicae (who keeps his pistol) anyways.

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Okay so, instead of my Librarian that was a Breacher Sargeant.


I am also considering a Librarian who, after Nikea was sent back into the Rank and File became an Apothecary to still help as many of his brothers as possible.


His innate Psychic powers re-awoke upon the destruction wrought at aPhall, and kept him alive floating in a wreckage of what used to be parts of an Imperial Fist ship. He lived long enough to be rescued by a colleague of Garro and an Agent of Malcador, he has been inducted into the Knights Errant. Being now able to flex his psychic muscles, he has decided to keep his position of Apothecary and utilise both features to help his fellow Knights.



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Its also Master-Crafted so youre getting a Reroll.


I also dont put boarding shields on my characters since I prefer the Flat 5++ of the Refractor Field (i also dont have that many spare shields lying about) and on TDA, you werent getting +1 for 2 CCW unless you were a Primus Medicae (who keeps his pistol) anyways.

Thanks for the quick response! I often forget about the master-crafted bit, as with the "Blood and honour" rule I often assume they'll always be in challenges :tongue.:, and with TDA it makes sense, it's just that I think that the main point of it is the potential +1 attack in melee, as for vehicles maybe it's better to use a chainfist or meltabombs (then again, I've barely played since years ago, so maybe I'll have to try both options to have a better view)

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Yeah, for Vehicles a Melta Bomb or Chainfist are often better but, exploding a dread on a 5+ is nice especially since you have volume of attacks something which meltabombs lack.


Chain Fists only explode on a 6 too but pretty much guarantee Pens.


I always give it to my non-TDA characters with Power Fists and the Templar Champion though since they make the most use out of +1 Attack and have Meltabombs anyways.

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