Conn Eremon Posted July 31, 2014 Author Share Posted July 31, 2014 You can have the Sons when you go anti-Vandire, if you'd like. Dizzyeye01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 Perhaps the Conflagrators and the Eagles team up to conflict with the pro-vandire-ist. The Eagles are seeking to make everyone like them but end up living up to their name and do some good ol'fashioned toe stomping and make matters worse with the Conflagrators. I can see it now "YOU SHALL BE PURGED BY FLAME HERET-" "One Imperium, under the Emperor! initiate artillery bombardment!" "FOOLS! ONLY A BAPTISM BY FIRE CAN CLEANSE THIS FILTH!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 How about the Conflagrators attack some Imperial Guard as they see their inaction as heresy. Said chapter(s) come in to stop it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 (edited) The Blackjaw Kindred are Pro Vandire. Specifically, they favor his message of Imperial unity after witnessing the bloodbath factionalism made of the 18 Worlds Crusade. And I think Olisredan had put up something about them and the Conflagrators going to war over the issue. But if he'd prefer to work with another Chapter, that's cool. Edited July 31, 2014 by Wade Garrett Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 (edited) You can have the Sons when you go anti-Vandire, if you'd like. Can do. Might I ask what their view on Vandire would be? Do they see him as a strong figurehead for the Imperium or perhaps he keeps certain Imperial agencies in line that the Sons aren't keen with? This'll help me draw up a motive or flash point that will create the incident. Perhaps the Conflagrators and the Eagles team up to conflict with the pro-vandire-ist. The Eagles are seeking to make everyone like them but end up living up to their name and do some good ol'fashioned toe stomping and make matters worse with the Conflagrators. I can see it now "YOU SHALL BE PURGED BY FLAME HERET-" "One Imperium, under the Emperor! initiate artillery bombardment!" "FOOLS! ONLY A BAPTISM BY FIRE CAN CLEANSE THIS FILTH!" They would make strange bedfellows indeed. The Eagles could certainly make an incident interesting, and let's not forget there was more than one... How about the Conflagrators attack some Imperial Guard as they see their inaction as heresy. Said chapter(s) come in to stop it. Maybe they could set about an anti-Vandire regiment/garrison only to regret it later. They would make martyrs of them and to make matters worse they got into a slobber-knocker with an anti-Vandire chapter that respond to the calls for help. The Blackjaw Kindred are Pro Vandire. Specifically, they favor his message of Imperial unity after witnessing the bloodbath factionalism made of the 18 Worlds Crusade. And I think Olisredan had put up something about them and the Conflagrators going to war over the issue. But if he'd prefer to work with another Chapter, that's cool. Ah yes. My war mongering Reclusiarch and Lord Hellfyre have gathered some levies from Cardinalis to teach the kindred a lesson in faith (or something). This one would be interesting, as it would affect both Chapters in how they view each other. Perhaps even the result of the battle would determine what happens afterwards to what chapter. Do the Conflagrators try to impose their creed on the Kindred? Do the Kindred gain a war trophy? Or maybe something else... Edited July 31, 2014 by Olisredan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted July 31, 2014 Author Share Posted July 31, 2014 The Sons favor the High Lord Vandire because he is a strong figure of power. He might have arisen from the Administratum, but he is the Ecclesiarch. Such a phenomenal, meteoric rise to power could only have been done by the God-Emperor's indomitable, all-seeing will. Emperor knows, the Sons of Calderon can relate to Vandire's ongoing issues of handling the host of power-hungry agencies who will claim anything for the sake of stealing what little bits of power they can from the scraps of the mighty. I like the idea of a Guard regiment calling for aid, and the Sons responding. C: Brothers, we are here to purge a tainted blight upon the purity of our work. We need no assistance. SoC: And we are not here to assist you. Stand down, Conflagrator. Prepare your ships to be boarded. C: You know as well as I that this will never happen. SoC: So be it, then. I want my falx back, brother. Harlan Skorus and Tiberius Cato 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlan Skorus Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 Happy to volunteer the Void Jumpers if you want some militant zealot redshirts. ...and now I can't stop reading anything by the Sons of Calderon in Liquid's voice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Aaaaand now the Conflagrators all speak with a gravelly David Hayter voice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 Okay, I think maybe two or three incidents should do the trick with whomever has stepped forward. There'll definitely be an incident with the Kindred. That's a given, considering it has actual foreshadowing in one of my scribblings. This will be an incident after they turn against Vandire. With the Eagles and the Sons (which'll also be after the Conflagrators turn), I figure rolling the two forces into one event, leading with the butchery and immolation of a Pro-Vandire regiment of Guard (if someone fancies making one up for this then I'll be all too happy to use them). All I need now to balance things out is for the Conflagrators to butt heads with an Anti-Vandire Chapter before they have their epiphany. Happy to volunteer the Void Jumpers if you want some militant zealot redshirts. Do the Void Jumpers have an opinion on Vandire? Could they be Pro- or Anti-Vandire at all? Or would they just be the PBI that gets dragged along with the nearest Imperial force to a zone of conflict? Aaaaand now the Conflagrators all speak with a gravelly David Hayter voice. Such a cool idea. *Goes off into imagination-land* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 The Shadowblades can be used as well. In fact that system I've been working on could be turned into a hot zone for pro/anti Vandire conflict. Yay civil wars Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 Aaaaand now the Conflagrators all speak with a gravelly David Hayter voice. This all ties in wonderfully with Captain Ocelorix and his delusions of grandeur. Or at the very least his grand delusions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Aaaaand now the Conflagrators all speak with a gravelly David Hayter voice. This all ties in wonderfully with Captain Ocelorix and his delusions of grandeur. Or at the very least his grand delusions. And the MSF Lions. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlan Skorus Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 Do the Void Jumpers have an opinion on Vandire? Could they be Pro- or Anti-Vandire at all? Or would they just be the PBI that gets dragged along with the nearest Imperial force to a zone of conflict? Haven't come up with one, because I haven't thought that much into it/can't make my mind up. If you want to use them and can provide some reasonable justification either way, go for it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 2, 2014 Share Posted August 2, 2014 The Shadowblades can be used as well. In fact that system I've been working on could be turned into a hot zone for pro/anti Vandire conflict. Yay civil wars I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can work them in, maybe not. :) Do the Void Jumpers have an opinion on Vandire? Could they be Pro- or Anti-Vandire at all? Or would they just be the PBI that gets dragged along with the nearest Imperial force to a zone of conflict? Haven't come up with one, because I haven't thought that much into it/can't make my mind up. If you want to use them and can provide some reasonable justification either way, go for it! Okay. Same as the Shadowblades - if I can work them in, I'll do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Right then, Incident #1. The main antagonists will be the Conflagrators and the Blackjaw Kindred. Clearly the Conflagrators leadership see the Kindred as wayward (and possibly deviant), having considered their continued support for Vandire after certain revelations the Conflagrators learned. The Kindred's creed also rubs High Reclusiarch Remis the wrong way (and Lord Hellfyre, in all likelihood). Anyway, they've decided to 'have a word' with the Kindred, bringing along a selection of Cardinalis' faithful. Clearly they are not really in the mood to talk. I suppose they could send a brief demand that the Kindred recant and denounce Vandire, followed by a 'warning shot' though. The where and how of this is what I'm still hammering out: The Conflagrators are a direct bunch so short of them heading directly for where they believe the Kindred fleet/flagship is, the only other option is to direct them towards the nearest Blackjaw Kindred. Any suggestions on the matter, Wade, would be greatly appreciated. So, the Conflagrators demand things of the Kindred. The Kindred basically say "No." and then things kick off. The result, as I imagine it so far, would be the Kindred retreating in the face of superior numbers, having dealt out (and received) brutal punishment. The Conflagrators would consider this a bad result (the Kindred did not accede to the demands, nor were they defeated in a way that the Conflagrators are comfortable with), and give chase. After that, I haven't decided. Maybe the Kindred give them the slip, maybe the Conflagrators run them down. News will have got out, either way. Incident #2. Something I am provisionally calling The Longest Night. An unnamed Regiment, garrisoned on a random world, are visited by Space Marines. But not just any Space Marines. Conflagrators. The last time the Regiment had looked, the Conflagrators were on the same side. Now the Regiment were being told to repent or die. Whatever happens, the Conflagrators are not happy with the response and begin to raze the Regiments barracks to the ground. A distress call goes out and this bit happens: C: Brothers, we are here to purge a tainted blight upon the purity of our work. We need no assistance. SoC: And we are not here to assist you. Stand down, Conflagrator. Prepare your ships to be boarded. C: You know as well as I that this will never happen. SoC: So be it, then. I want my falx back, brother. Cue some bloodshed. The Conflagrators end up getting slapped from here to Ultramar because of the Sons taking advantage of their already deployed status. The Conflagrators are flanked, ambushed and generally decimated. But that's not the end of it. Oh no. The Eagles also respond to the distress call. They'll figure out what is going on and seek to aid the Conflagrators (who explicitly tell them to find someone else to bother), stymieing the Sons. Both sides refuse to back down, especially when Lord Hellfyre is still breathing. The Eagles might advocate consolidation and leaving to lick their wounds but Hellfyre is having none of it. The Sons must die. He does secure the victory but at a high cost - this part of the scenario still needs thinking on. Anyway. Input is needed and asked for. This all has to be refined/altered/fleshed out. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted August 2, 2014 Share Posted August 2, 2014 Considering the Shadowblades are getting their strength up after being hit hard by the Lions I'd say they would likely help garrison a world in my opinion anyway Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 2, 2014 Share Posted August 2, 2014 Considering the Shadowblades are getting their strength up after being hit hard by the Lions I'd say they would likely help garrison a world in my opinion anyway Are they Pro-Vandire, then? Also, the story calls for them (or at least a Regiment thereof) to be butchered by the Conflagrators. Are you cool with this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted August 2, 2014 Share Posted August 2, 2014 Feel free to butcher them, I've always got more ideas :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 2, 2014 Share Posted August 2, 2014 Fair enough. It will be the Shadowblades that'll feel the ire of the Conflagrators during The Longest Night. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 (edited) To the Conflagrators, it was merely Santification Infernum Elegios Nomen XXVI. The Blackjaw Kindred bestowed a different title upon these events: The Time of Unshed Tears. Five full companies of Vulkan's sons, led by no less a personage than High Reclusiarch Remis himself, descended upon the Kin's fortress monastery of Vigil and demanded that the Circles present kneel before them, and surrender control of the planet, their Chapter armory, and their gene seed supply until such time as the rest of their ilk repented of the heresy of aligning with the Usurper Vandire and submitted to the Conflagrators and their allies as penance. From within the depths of the ancient xenos fortress the Kindred claimed as their sanctuary, a stunned Patriarch Corcoran, commander of the V Circle and Factor of Vigil requested time to confer with his fellows of the VI and the VIII, claiming he could not make such a decision on his own authority. Surprisingly, Remis acquiesced to the request. Less surprisingly, he ordered a full assault via drop pod and Thunderhawk preceded by an orbital bombardment as soon as the Factor broke their hololink, stating that he saw no sin in deceiving heathens and blasphemers. Outnumbered and stunned by the unexpected attack, neither the fortress' s labyrinthine design nor its defense emplacements were able to hold back the furious onslaught. The defenders were swept away in mere hours, either slain, taken prisoner, or fled into the green hell of the acid swamps that surrounded the wall of their fortress. Of note is that many of the veteran Conflagrators who had fought in the 18 Worlds Crusade displayed unusual (especially considering the Chapter in question) restraint in this action, accepting the surrenders of Astartes and Chapter serfs alike and attempting to limit unnecesary damage to the bastion. However, at the spearhead of the assault, where Remis's handpicked squads stormed the enemy position...there no mercy was shown, and nothing but scorched stone and corpse ash was left in their wake. The Factor himself was immolated alive leading a final defense of the gene seed vaults. Plasma pistols in hand, he cursed Remis's parentage and personal habits with every Conflagrator he gunned down, daring the Reclusiarch to meet him in personal combat. The Chaplain's response was simply to point the head of his crozius in Corcoran's direction and state "Squad Kindled Wrath. Light and purify." If the Reclusiarch thought the fall of the keep was the end of his holy work he was soon disabused of this notion. Significant numbers of Kin had escaped into the wilderness, and almost immediately waging a campaign of retaliation against the invaders. In the early days, many of the actions seemed aimed at harassment and humiliation more than true bloodshed. Vehicles were sabotaged, sentries were found restrained and stripped of their armor and weapons, taunting messages were scrawled within the fortress's walls, and so on. Remis's initial response was relatively restrained. He dispatched hunter forces of Scouts, Assault Squads, and Land Speeders to track the guerilla bands...while unleashing his heaviest firepower on the local settlements, believing it was the populace's support that was allowing the infidel filth to continue to fight on. Again, he was stymied. Vigil's fishermen and trappers dwelt in the main on ramshackle littoral vessels which were almost undetectable by orbital auspex and easily moved when located by conventional reconnaissance. And many times the purgation forces found themselves ambushed. Again, Remis had cause to order several of the officers under his command to endure mortification and flagellation for their lackadaisical approach to these encounters, which consisted of trading shots at long range until such times as the Kin faded back into the depths of the marsh, penances which they bore without complaint. With Kindred reinforcements surely en route and the forces under his command needed elsewhere, Remis now chose to cast restraint to the wind. He had every prisoner, sacred relic, and gene seed vial gathered within the Kin's shrine to Ferrus Manus (in the heretical aspect of a snake-woman mutant) located outside the main walls, and then ordered it obliterated by lance strikes from the Conflagrators battle barge in orbit while broadcasting the holy cleansing on all channels. With this act, he succeeded in eliminating even the pretense of quarter in the clashes between his forces and the Blackjaws, who now sought to kill anything wearing Conflagrators colors they could catch. But his hopes of enticing them into open battle were doomed to failure. Instead, the insurgency rose to a murderous intensity, with attacks on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. In perhaps the most brutal act of retribution, warriors of the VIII Circle (which venerated Ferrus above all the Nine, and whose warriors had made up the bulk of Remis's captives) captured a force of Conflagrator Scouts and subjected them to the Breaking, a grisly fate the Kin normally reserved solely for Chaos Astartes. With their bare hands, the VIII's most skilled grapplers twisted joints and broke bones until they had crippled the neophytes beyond any hope of recovery, before using combat blades to sever the nerve connections in their neck that might have allowed implantation into a Dreadnaught or bionic limb replacement. Now incapable of ever serving in a combat role (or any other role that required the use of their limbs), the young Conflagrators were branded with the crossed serpent-and-lightning bolt sigil of the Iron Maiden and left out for a patrol to find. With his forces being whittled away, Lord Hellfyre demanding his presence, and the full might of the Blackjaws clawing through the Warp towards him, Remus ordered a withdrawal to their ships and a second, far more intense orbital bombardment, as close to full Exterminatus as his authority would permit, before making a transit to the Warp. But even this last spiteful act would fail to bear fruit, as tac-logicians aboard the fleet noted energy signatures highly similar to active void shields igniting on the planet below almost as soon as the bombardment began. @Olisredan: This is just something I came up with, I am open to suggestions and re-writes if you feel I am bigging the Kin up too much at your Chapter's expense. Edited September 15, 2014 by Wade Garrett Olis, Teetengee and deathspectersgt7 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 THRONE!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 Looks good to me, Wade. Remis, blindly faithful and full of roaring rhetoric, is hardly the most skilled of strategists (I would describe him merely as 'competent'). The depiction suits him just fine as a bit of a butcher but lacking in the finer aspects of war making. His ascension to his rank is basically only based on seniority amongst the Devoted and his zeal. I'm glad you've written it up so that it wasn't one sided and both parties had a defeat of sorts. Very suitable for a long-amicable relationship to fall apart under the actions of the Conflagrators most fiery (and headstrong) figure. :) However, Santification Infernum Elegios Nomen XVXIXIV, the Roman numerals look off. Which number were you representing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 To be honest...I was just slapping Xs, Is, and Vs together until I got what I thought was a big impressive looking number. So it might in actual fact be gibberish. :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 (edited) So it might in actual fact be gibberish. It is. Also, while I think of it, the last mention of Remis, you spelled the name 'Remus' and I would like to see some of those sentences and paragraphs brought together a little more, to make it look a bit tidier (if it's not too presumptuous to say so ). And, and and, my own write up is coming along - so far the first section is written from the perspective of a Shadowblade sentry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inquisitorial Report, compiled by Savant First-Grade Theogrist Pevelaine Renegades of The Tempest +Renegade known as Padaricar+ One of the tragically many that have turned from the Emperor's Light, Padaricar has been known to the Inquisition for at least a century. The detailed notes of Inquisitor Quartis suggest this renegade used to be a marine from the defunct Liber Chapter Guilliman's Knives. Last spotted with a band of reavers operating from The Tempest, it is believed he has gained a command position within the group. +Renegade known as Vigo Shastus+ Of the same warband as Padaricar, Vigo Shastus was originally catalogued as a Sereiki Lion until a little over a decade ago when he appeared at the Ilmermann Dockyards. It seems this traitor has changed his loyalties and worships the darkest of powers, throwing in his lot with the other assorted scum sheltering inside The Tempest. +Renegade known as 'Crow'+ As far as the Ordo Liber is aware, 'Crow' (presumed to be a moniker) is an independent rogue, allying with whomever he sees fit or as whim takes him. The markings he displays are likely temporary affiliation markings, however this assertion is unconfirmed. The informant we relied upon for information on 'Crow' has since stopped contacting us. We believe 'Crow' has killed him. Edited August 3, 2014 by Olisredan Hyaenidae, deathspectersgt7, Astus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 I've had enough wine to politely show up to this topic. Also wondering if and when I can join. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 3, 2014 Author Share Posted August 3, 2014 If: Yes When: However you like. The only really important rule is that you are considerate of what people have already contributed. If you have any questions, or want a nudge to get you going, you have but to ask. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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