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[HH1.0] Sons of Horus Tactica


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Hey I'm looking at ending off my army this year. I was wondering if some of you could take a quick look at the proposed list I will run. I own everything here but that doesn't mean I'm not open to suggestions about what you think I should do our adjust this army.


+++ Sons of Horus (3000pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Centurion [Chainfist, Combi-Weapon, Cyber-familiar, Rad Grenades, Terminator Armour]


Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Refractor Field]

····Rules: Consul, Independent Character, Legiones Astartes

····Consul [Master of Signal]


Legion Praetor [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Paragon Blade]

····Master of the Legion [The Black Reaving]


+ Troops +


Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Reaver Attack Squad [Artificer Armour, 2x Power Fist, 2x Power Weapon, 10 x Reavers]


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon

····Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]


Justaerin Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 4x Combi-Weapon, 4x Justaerin Terminators]


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]


+ Fast Attack +


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron [Melta Bombs, 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship [Reaper Autocannon battery]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XVI: Sons of Horus]


+ Lord of War +


Legion Falchion Super-heavy Tank Destroyer [Armoured Ceramite, Space Marine Legion Crew]


As it was suggested here for a bit of fun the Forge Lord will go with the Justaerin and drop pod in with the sole purpose of killing elite 2W infantry, I am sick of being bullied by Firedrakes haha.


I'm trying to have a good mix of fast attack units in there too give it a real Sons of Horus feel. Let me know your thoughts abs critiques

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What combi weapon is on your Forge Lord, and i''m presuming your Justaerin? I'm AFK, but Black Reaving doesn't give your Attached characters Deep Strike IIRC. Do you find them much more useful than a squad of 5 Legion terminators, now that Legion Terms can sweep, and with 2 power fists and 2 chainfists on top of 5 combi weapons coming in at 240 rather than the 360 or whatever it is for the Justaerin. Especially if using them to kill other 2+ saves/2 wound units? Might struggle with Gal Vrobak, but, that is why you have a Falchion.


If Firedrakes are causing issues, well, that is what your Falchion could be for ;). A first turn Pod in for the Dread and a Triple Blast from the Grav Cannons Should kill a Spartan, leaving the Gal Vorbak/Fire Drakes open to being gibbed by the D weaoon which counts as S10 for ID purposes.


If running covenant of fire for a firedrake bully list, then they are immune to Grav, but cannot run because SNP, so you might lose your Dread on the following turn. The Skyhunters are great late game objective deniers, especially as you can now reroll successes.


How useful is the Fire Raptor, you have a ton of Anti infantry anyway? It is a gorgeous model, but if brute units are an issue, wouldn't (considering the changes to the Justaerin above) it be better to trade it into to get a pair of Medusa. With the Nuncio, you get some accurate S10 AP2 Blasts that you can hide out of direct fire. It might take a bit of getting used to countering Rhino rush, although the state of the game doesn't really support that yet, instead with Rhinos being defensive.

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The Justaerin and Forge Lord will go in the Dreadclaw reliable turn 2 assault and can get round the board pretty easily. I was going to give every Terminator a Combi-Melta. I think the extra 100pts for furious charge, Stubborn and the higher ws are justified but I will look at Legion Terminators in my next game.


Only Tartaros can sweep and to me due to the large amounts of Ap2 knocking around you need that 4++.


The Fire Raptor doubles as anti air as well with the Bolt Cannon not much survives it then after that it's free to pick off any annoyances like Sicarians (in my last game it claimed 2 in one turn off Shooting)

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Glad you're using my FL Justaerin instagib build - do the topknots proud.


Hesh covers everything, all I'd ask is what you're hoping to achieve with the Tacticals - are you just going to throw the 2x15 man units on an objective and hope they don't die? Maybe make one a 10 man and throw it into a Rhino to zip around with.


I'm guessing also the Reavers have jump packs that you forgot to put in the list

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Cheers Marshal just realised my list will be 50pts over if I have missed them off but yeah the Reavers should have Jump Packs on there.


You're also right the Tacticals are simply there to camp objectives nothing else. I might put them both in Rhinos so they can get where they need to a bit quicker.


As soon as I liked into the rules a bit more I bought a Iron Father to convert haha

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On the topic of Reavers - Dreadclaw v. Jump Packs. Discuss.


I am of the Dreadclaw camp, but maybe starting them on the board in a drop list with jump packs might be advantageous. I was watching the MEG batreps, and it seemed the Reaver unit (from a Dreadclaw) would catch only one unit, and then not do much the rest of the game or get shot up.


Might it be better to give them increased mobility to hop unit to unit to keep them rolling? I know Dave from MWG didn't ideally load the Reaver squad (axes over swords and a 55ish point chieftain after all the wargear), but I feel they could bounce around more units

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Reavers with JP bring I10 Hammer of wrath which add up over a game, rerolled charges, and still bring a lot of bodies to trigger bonus attacks with even after suffering casualties. In a pod, after the initial ability to get a unit into an assault, they are more resilient initially and do well as a HQ escort; although Vets do better with that.


For shooting, they are very expensive for what they bring, whether it is with Chargers or Banestrikes, but despite loving the idea of Jump Packers getting high in the air and then sniping down enemies otherwise hidden behind cover, it just ksn't worth the points. IMHO.


Then again, I'm still a fan of Destroyers with JP to assist an attack with only a Power Sword so that they don't draw attention with AP2 Missiles.

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What kind of armies do you regularly play against also? I play against a ton of templates & barrage weaponry and so really favour the Dreadclaws most of the time.


The flipside is that in an Orbital Assault list, you're dropping lots of units into your opponents face and so your Reavers are quite likely to have a virtually unobstructed path up the board. :P

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I like my Reavers with Jump Packs so that I can guarantee they will get Merciless Fighter. The only other way I would run them is 15 strong with Primus Medicare and Praetor in a Kharybdis. The Kharybdis can then double up as your Anti Air. Those St 6 missiles can cause quite a punch.
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I like my Reavers with Jump Packs so that I can guarantee they will get Merciless Fighter. The only other way I would run them is 15 strong with Primus Medicare and Praetor in a Kharybdis. The Kharybdis can then double up as your Anti Air. Those St 6 missiles can cause quite a punch.

Yeah on paper they seem a bit lackluster, but they should work amazingly against rear armor and pinning down heavy weapons teams. I plan to use my Kharybdis to hunt flyers as well since it can position itself to largely negate incoming fire and get rear shots on flyers.

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I like my Reavers with Jump Packs so that I can guarantee they will get Merciless Fighter. The only other way I would run them is 15 strong with Primus Medicare and Praetor in a Kharybdis. The Kharybdis can then double up as your Anti Air. Those St 6 missiles can cause quite a punch.

Yeah on paper they seem a bit lackluster, but they should work amazingly against rear armor and pinning down heavy weapons teams. I plan to use my Kharybdis to hunt flyers as well since it can position itself to largely negate incoming fire and get rear shots on flyers.

If they update it to take Krak missiles this thing will be an auto include for me.


I'm still purchasing one though at the Weekender as my special treat to myself.

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I like my Reavers with Jump Packs so that I can guarantee they will get Merciless Fighter. The only other way I would run them is 15 strong with Primus Medicare and Praetor in a Kharybdis. The Kharybdis can then double up as your Anti Air. Those St 6 missiles can cause quite a punch.

Yeah on paper they seem a bit lackluster, but they should work amazingly against rear armor and pinning down heavy weapons teams. I plan to use my Kharybdis to hunt flyers as well since it can position itself to largely negate incoming fire and get rear shots on flyers.
If they update it to take Krak missiles this thing will be an auto include for me.


I'm still purchasing one though at the Weekender as my special treat to myself.

Yeah see farther up in the thread where I mention that if the Kharybidis could take two units or take a +25 point upgrade to replace its missiles with krak missiles, it'd be auto take for me.

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I like my Reavers with Jump Packs so that I can guarantee they will get Merciless Fighter. The only other way I would run them is 15 strong with Primus Medicare and Praetor in a Kharybdis. The Kharybdis can then double up as your Anti Air. Those St 6 missiles can cause quite a punch.

Yeah on paper they seem a bit lackluster, but they should work amazingly against rear armor and pinning down heavy weapons teams. I plan to use my Kharybdis to hunt flyers as well since it can position itself to largely negate incoming fire and get rear shots on flyers.
If they update it to take Krak missiles this thing will be an auto include for me.


I'm still purchasing one though at the Weekender as my special treat to myself.

Yeah see farther up in the thread where I mention that if the Kharybidis could take two units or take a +25 point upgrade to replace its missiles with krak missiles, it'd be auto take for me.

I'm not to fussed about 2 units as I would rather take a full Squad with HQs attached

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I've always viewed Reavers as an assault unit with their large number of attacks and excellent CC Weapons. Dreadclaws are nice but their real world dollars sets me off for using it as a DT when they have options for jump packs. I run my own with a Power axe, sword, fist, jump packs and 2 melta guns; great versatility for 2+ saves if needed and just looks mean (Until you fail a charge).
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My Reavers have claimed a terminator squad before now just down to weight of attacks, I think a unit of 10 get 41 attacks on the charge if you have 2 Power Fists in there. Even with a 2+ save statically you're gonna fail some and with Merciless Fighter prroccing afterwards you might get another (very unlikely though) of course this is running them with Jump Packs. Problem I have now is that usual opponents know how good they are and are usually priority one to be removed off the board.
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They won't get anything from the SoH rules (unless they outnumber in cc) so your best bet is looking at a Breacher specific Tactica and judging based off the merits of the unit itself. Then again, it's probably best to actually wait till after the Weekender to see if our Merciless Fighters is being changed to something relevant to them (only hint from Penddraig was that it may involve bonuses to short ranged weapons).

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So I played a game last night and it looks like I have finally found a way to run Justaerin! As suggested herei took them with a Forge Lord in a Dreadclaw. They stomped on everything! The look on the guy's face after he had a couple of digs about me bringing Justaerin. I was playing against Deathguard, his Deathsrhoud have always been an issue for me but not anymore I did everything to pop the Spartan first then set up my guys for the charge it worked perfectly but I doubt it would be so easy the second time.
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You're welcome. :tongue.: With the upcoming Justaerin buffs, it may actually become viable against something other than Deathshroud!

The only thing it's missing is FnP but definitely a massive improvement. 3A on the charge and the higher WS really helped. I don't think they made their points back but it didn't matter after that the intimidation was already there.

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considering the fluff from the novels justaerin would be more at home with free combi weapons which get twinlinked the turn they come in from reserve

Sorry I meant of there was some way to add FnP to the squad now. The only way I can think of it is buy dropping anther Justaerin but I don't really want to do that.


I've got my Justaerin wish list

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