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[HH1.0] Sons of Horus Tactica


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Ah, finally found the FAQ page on support officers.  It seems my cheapest option will just be to go with a Delegatus with Cataphractii armor, master-crafted thunder-hammer, and combi-weapon of my choice for 117 points.  Then I could take a command squad for him instead of one of the Legion Terminators so now three units would be WS5 and I'd have a fearless bubble.


There isn't a FAQ or something I missed anywhere that gives Command Squads Implacable Advance, is there? :tongue.:


Alternatively, just go with the Equerry, which gives me a second model on the ground that can hide, and then he can just limp around capturing objectives in the command rhino. 5 scoring units.

Edited by Terminus
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In defense of tactical squads, after playing against some experienced opponents I find small blast templates like thudd guns and scorpius much less effective in practice than people make them sound in principal. They are still one of the weakest troops choices, but if you're against somebody who maximizes 2" coherency you'll find yourself wasting high strength shots to remove 3-4 models a turn.


The new SoH rules are awesome, though, and I am super excited for your guys getting the love you deserve. Our local player is ecstatic- and he should be!

This is true. I think the bigger problem for Tac squads is that other units can put out more firepower and are cheaper. To me Tac squads need to work with the List or the Legion Tactics to be effective.
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Changes I want to see to make the troop section in general more attractive:


Assault marines cost 50 points less for initial squad, extras remain 15. Breachers can buy meltabombs for the whole squad for 25 points. Tactical marines can move and use Fury of the Legion once per game.

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In defense of tactical squads, after playing against some experienced opponents I find small blast templates like thudd guns and scorpius much less effective in practice than people make them sound in principal. They are still one of the weakest troops choices, but if you're against somebody who maximizes 2" coherency you'll find yourself wasting high strength shots to remove 3-4 models a turn.


The new SoH rules are awesome, though, and I am super excited for your guys getting the love you deserve. Our local player is ecstatic- and he should be!

This is true. I think the bigger problem for Tac squads is that other units can put out more firepower and are cheaper. To me Tac squads need to work with the List or the Legion Tactics to be effective.



100% agree. The issue always seems to be "what do I do with them?". By the time you've given them the tools to do something, they are suddenly not cheap and less effective than what those points get you. Luckily for SoH players you have reavers to get around this :)

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In defense of tactical squads, after playing against some experienced opponents I find small blast templates like thudd guns and scorpius much less effective in practice than people make them sound in principal. They are still one of the weakest troops choices, but if you're against somebody who maximizes 2" coherency you'll find yourself wasting high strength shots to remove 3-4 models a turn.


The new SoH rules are awesome, though, and I am super excited for your guys getting the love you deserve. Our local player is ecstatic- and he should be!

This is true. I think the bigger problem for Tac squads is that other units can put out more firepower and are cheaper. To me Tac squads need to work with the List or the Legion Tactics to be effective.

100% agree. The issue always seems to be "what do I do with them?". By the time you've given them the tools to do something, they are suddenly not cheap and less effective than what those points get you. Luckily for SoH players you have reavers to get around this :)

Agreed. I feel they do more work in Legions like the World Eaters and Imperial Fists where they get a bunch of bonuses without having to pay.
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Must take cult allies and a fortification. Cultists become stubborn and no lobger give up VP's. The cultists must start on the table while the astartes must start in reserve. The cultists are a diversion, the astartes all arrive via outflank. Cannot take immobile units, deep strikers or anything with slow and purposeful.
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Must take cult allies and a fortification. Cultists become stubborn and no lobger give up VP's. The cultists must start on the table while the astartes must start in reserve. The cultists are a diversion, the astartes all arrive via outflank. Cannot take immobile units, deep strikers or anything with slow and purposeful.

Lack of Deep Strike kind of destroys most SOH lists. Most of them are built around Pods. Edited by Prodigal Son of Magnus
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Melta bomb vets with tank hunters outflanking could be nasty, as could furious charge vets

I'm sorry mate but I think this is a horrible idea


1) you can not predict where they come in

2) they can't charge turn 1

3) only have a 3+ save


Shoot a Grav Weapon instantly slowed and will be noped off the field.


If you want Vets to Melta caddy they need a metal box for protection. Preferably a Dreadclaw so they can assault out of it.

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Recon Squads only real use has been for Infiltrating things like Meltabombs or Nuncio's in legions which do not otherwise get to use it, and with Move Through Cover, it's one of their few good deliveries to take out something like back edge camping Medusa. Which can force it to move, or even with just the threat of it coming in, put it in a place that's less out of the way and easier to get to.


5 Vets in a Dreadclaw is 250pts, while it's 150 for some Acute Senses (88% accuracy for chosen table) Outflankers. Can give them a Rhino if you wish, of course, but then you're probably better scouting up the field anyway. Either way, you're not getting into an assault until turn 3 with them, and if you need it killing, Vets with Combi-Melta in a Rhino can do it, especially now that they're BS5 and if you land well, they're BS5.

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Bit of fun using the Long March...


The plan is just fully punish a flank with reserves and terminators while laying down support from Vokite. Choom.


Horus Joins up with the normal Terms for accurate plasma turn 2 as well as orbital bombardment if needed to fully delete something.


Kraken lightning and out flanking tank hunting vets handle heavy AV.


Justaerian and a Chappy come down T1 in the Kharybdis to sow further dischord amongst the enemy, hopefully burning some predators or the like.


Vokite support squad can hide in deployment then move and still shoot with rerolls to 1 on first turn and keep moving around where necessary within the deployment zone.


Chainfists are also sprinkled around for more anti AV.


Obviously battlescribe isn't updated but it's around 2500.


What do we think? Looks very fun at least.


I wanted two heavy support squads but the Lightning was too useful to pass up with SoH reserve accuracy.


+++ Long March (2482pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2482pts) ++


+ HQ (127pts) +


Legion Centurion (127pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Combi-Weapon]

····Consul [Chaplain]


+ Troops (610pts) +


Justaerin Terminator Squad (285pts) [5x Justaerin Terminators]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (325pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, 2x Melta Gun, Tank Hunters]

····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Power Fist]


+ Elites (405pts) +


Legion Terminator Squad (405pts) [9x Combi-Weapon, 9x Legion Terminators, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Chainfist, Combi-Weapon]


+ Fast Attack (230pts) +


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (230pts) [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, Twin-linked Autocannon, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]


+ Heavy Support (610pts) +


Legion Heavy Support Squad (350pts) [9x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Culverin]

····Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner]


Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw (260pts)


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XVI: Sons of Horus]


+ Lord of War (500pts) +


Horus the Warmaster (500pts)

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If you're gonna take a Kharybdis to ensure the Justaerin are coming in for a turn 2 assault take 9 and a Chaplain the Kharybdis is currently being wasted at the moment and you might as well take a Dreadclaw and re think your HQ.


Personally I would give Horus Justaerin as well, for 255pts they have the same wound pool and same assault output.

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True, maybe I do rethink the HQ... Horus I'd with the normal terms for a precision plasma volley though, and as Justaerian can't take combi weapons it'll stay like that methinks. I could put the Chaplain with those guys and then put the Justaerian in a dread claw, just don't know what else to put in with the remaining points.
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Round two:


Horus instead teleports in with 20 wounds worth of Justaerian with combi plasma :D


Replaced the other terminators with a Leviathan for first turn pressure and because they are awesome. Grav, drill, Phosphex and Choom for optimum coverage.


Removed the auto cannons from the Lightning because I figure they're useless (also points).


Chaplain is now a Forge Lord for Rad 'nades and cyber familiar etc.


Overall more terminator wounds in the list (20 instead of 15) but over a single squad. Much more focused but rather nasty.


As before, there will be some chain Fists spread around too, should all fit once we have the scribe updated.


+++ Long March (2492pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2492pts) ++


+ HQ (152pts) +


Legion Centurion (152pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Combi-Weapon, Cyber-familiar, Rad Grenades]

····Consul [Forge Lord]


+ Troops (875pts) +


Justaerin Terminator Squad (555pts) [10x Combi-Weapon, 10x Justaerin Terminators]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (320pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, 2x Melta Gun, Tank Hunters]

····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Power Weapon]


+ Fast Attack (210pts) +


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (210pts) [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]


+ Heavy Support (755pts) +


Legion Heavy Support Squad (350pts) [9x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Culverin]

····Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (405pts)

····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XVI: Sons of Horus]


+ Lord of War (500pts) +


Horus the Warmaster (500pts)

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Haha fine by me!


The Vets are actually the one part that I'm unsure of, especially now I have a Leviathan too.


Taking the 320 points and it having to be compulsory troops what else could I use? They seem like a weak link in the list in survivability...


Can't use reavers either as they aren't troops with Horus, only Maloghurst...

Edited by Charlo
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