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What's better in a drop pod list, Combi-Plasma Reavers or Plasma Tactical Support Units?

Reavers. Hands down.


Tactical support may get to fire more than once, but they seldom will.


Combi plasma reavers will hurt in both shooting and then proceed to wreck face in assault too. Similar enough in points too.


Sure they're both just a MEQ resilience but reavers are overall more useful.

Can not agree with this more.


Also if you run Black Reaving there is always the chance of Rage.

So here I am lamenting the cost of heavy weapons squads, but I tried to come up with something interesting utilizing the Long March RoW:


5 lascannon marines (260)

+ rhino (35)


On your first turn, have them move 6" with the rhino, then disembark another 6" to get side armor (all while staying in your deployment zone to have relentless). After you shoot the relentless lascannons with rerolls of 1's first turn, then flat out the rhino in front of the squad and pop smoke :devil:


Unfortunately this one trick pony costs 295 points, at which point, it's just be better to get a spartan :P

I'm not a huge tactica buff so bear with me, I am currently involved in an escalation league of sorts where our real games (not Victory is Vengeance) will start in a couple of months at 750pts moving up to 2.5k I think. Without running any rites, what would be the best way to use my 2 compulsory troop choices as I go along? I have 20 tacticals I can call upon and was thinking two squads of ten in Rhinos.


I've already ordered a bunch of stuff to help fill out the rest of the army, I was thinking of doing something like this for my 2k:


Consul-Chaplain or something (not fussed on HQ)


Contemptor talon (x3)

Dual fists and grav

Plasma cannon and fist

Dual volkites


2 Tacticals in Rhinos

Tactical support with calivers in Rhino




2xNaked Predators with Conversion beamers


Problem is I am stumped on my HQ which I would like to keep cheap, and also who and what to put with him.


Should I run a somewhat larger Tactical blob with CCWs and throw a Chaplain in that? Or would I be better served using an alternative HQ like a Siege breaker or forgelord for the Tactical Support?

Four dreadnoughts, I like that. :biggrin.: 


One big advantage of SoH is they have a lot of way to avoid taking tacticals as their compulsory troop choices. You can take the black reaving and unlock reavers as troops, you can maloghurst and unlock reavers and tactical vets, or with Horus you unlock terminators, and I'm probably even missing a few choices in that list. That doesn't even include PoL which everyone gets. 


That means you can really avoid ever taking tacticals as troops. Take veterans or reavers instead-far, far better than tacticals, whether you want sniper vets, anti tank melta bomb vets, combi weapon reavers or assault oriented jump pack reavers-just a few choices you have for those units. Both are incredibly versatile with better base stats than tacticals for a reasonable pts increase. 


No matter which option you choose for troops, I'd take a chaplain. Given the SoH legion rules give you extra attacks at i1, a chaplain further buffs that rule by giving you rerolls so he's an excellent choice for any assault oriented SoH unit. 

Thanks for the advice, at the moment I am building up my Loyalist Istvaan III force but I have 50 Night Raptor jump packs I have accrued over the last year from eBay bits sellers for the next batch will be all Reavers.


So without using a rite or special character would two minimal tactical squads be the most efficient?

In terms of keeping your troop choices cheap, yes tacticals would be the most efficient. Plus if you are not going to be using any RoW or special characters, tacticals are probably your best all around troop choice, given breachers can be tough to get the most use out of, and assault marines are grossly overpriced at the moment. As much as I don't like tacticals, they do at least offer a rather cheap, mobile scoring option when they take rhinos. 


Still as you expand your collection, tactical veterans and reavers will offer you much stronger options for troops. It turns your two compulsory troop choices from a pts tax to just a choice to take two highly effective and flexible units. 

Yeah, 5 Justaerins with Combi Plasmas, arriving in the exact spot I want on the turn I want. Will be glorious.


Will joint them with a Primus Medicae and Chaplain, both in Cataphractii... possibly lol. Or simply run Primarch's chosen.

Edited by Ishagu

I use my Justaerins and Reavers in a OA list, and I've had great results. The recent buffs from deathdealers and the justaerin corrections help a lot with an OA list imo. Here's what I'm currently running at 2500.






-Contemptor Dread (DDP, x2 DCCW, x2 inbuilt graviton guns)

-Justaerin Squad (Dreadclaw)



- Vet Squad x10 (Combi-Melta, x2 Melta, Tank Hunters, DP)

- Vet Squad x8 (x2 power weapons, melta bombs, furious charge, DP)(Mal goes here)

- Tac Support Squad x5 (Melta, DP)

- Tac Support Squad x5 (Plasma, DP)

- Reaver Attack Squad x9 (x2 power weapons, dreadclaw)


Fast Attack:

-Lightning (Battle Servitor, Ground Tracking, x4 Krakens)

-Deathstorm (Krak, DPA)

-Deathstorm (Krak)


The Justaerins are a nice assault unit now to back up the reavers. I'm still shifting points around and increasing/decreasing body count, but this is generally how I run my OA list.

How exactly does the rule for losing without any units on the board work in 30k? If I run a full drop pod list, will I loose if I don't get first turn? I'm trying to build a 1000pts force and was thinking the following:


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++

+ HQ +

Maloghurst the Twisted
····Master of the Legion [Orbital Assault]

+ Troops +

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper]

Reaver Attack Squad [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, 2x Power Weapon, 6x Reavers]

+ Elites +

Justaerin Terminator Squad [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, 5x Justaerin Terminators]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XVI: Sons of Horus]

So I'm having trouble deciding how to fill out 400 more points of my Long March list:


Maloghurst (140)


5 Justaerin (295)

+ MM, 1 combi melta, chainfist

+ Dreadclaw (100)


Apothecary (45)


18 tacticals (265)

+ Sgt w/PA/AA/MBs, vox


10 Reavers (262)

+ 2 PS, Sgt w/PF/AA, 7 chainaxes

+ Jump packs (75)


2 Javelin Speeders (170)

+ Missiles, MM

+ Missiles, MM


HSS (160)

+ 5 autocannons


Kharybdis (260)


Leviathan (290)

+ Storm cannon, drill, volkites

+ Dread drop pod (65)



I'm thinking maybe a Lightning with kraken missiles or a Xiphon? Or should I run combi weapon terminators in a dreadclaw?


What do?

400 pts?


Sounds like another Leviathan to me! With claw and Bombard.


(Also if you can, ditch the storm cannon for Melta Lance when we get it :tongue.:)




If you can get 2 5man Terminator Squads w/ Combis in Pods for 400pts, do it.


Otherwise, Lightning is a good option and maybe a 2nd Clone squad of your Javelins for more saturation. Or more Reavers.

Edited by Slipstreams

In also considering taking either a plasma cannon or lascannon squad in a rhino for that sweet sweet relentless and the rhino LoS trick.


The autocannon HSS is just because those new drum barrel ones look sick, and relentless 10 S7 AP4 shots can't be a bad thing :devil:

Bulk up the squad then? Get the Sarge Artificer and an Augury Scanner if you haven't, etc.

Possible, though in considering more squads just to reduce the likelihood of getting one shotted by an orbital bombardment :D


Though more terminators sounds enticing.

How exactly does the rule for losing without any units on the board work in 30k? If I run a full drop pod list, will I loose if I don't get first turn? I'm trying to build a 1000pts force and was thinking the following:



You loose automatically if you have no models on the table. The specific wording is "If at any point, unless specified by the particular mission, a side has no models present on the table, their opponent has won."

I've actually goofed and put 75 for the jump pack costs for reavers when it's actually 50 :devil: I didn't realize how cheap it was!!!!


So maybe for my 400 points, beef up the reaver squad to 15 and give them more goodies? Also, I seem to be at max capacity for my HS slots, so I should take a Lightning and maybe some plasma cannon land speeders? Hell, nobody runs them...

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