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Okay, that is excellent! So your volkite caliver squad will have a 36" threat range from the edge of your deployment zone, so you're certain to have something you can shoot. With re-rolls on 1s, you should get a solid 15-16 hits from a squad of 10.


Is the Crusader and Fleet rules similarly based on where you start that turn? That's actually not quite as nice, as I had thoughts of using Fleet in no man's land to charge into their deployment zone, and then immediately benefit from Crusader if I won the combat.  Not a huge loss though, and I'll gladly take it for relentless heavy weapons on my first turn.

Edited by Terminus

Okay, that is excellent! So your volkite caliver squad will have a 36" threat range from the edge of your deployment zone, so you're certain to have something you can shoot. With re-rolls on 1s, you should get a solid 15-16 hits from a squad of 10.


Is the Crusader and Fleet rules similarly based on where you start that turn? That's actually not quite as nice, as I had thoughts of using Fleet in no man's land to charge into their deployment zone, and then immediately benefit from Crusader if I won the combat.  Not a huge loss though, and I'll gladly take it for relentless heavy weapons on my first turn.


Relentless all game if you stay in your DZ, means you can shift around to get good fire lanes!

Okay, that is excellent! So your volkite caliver squad will have a 36" threat range from the edge of your deployment zone, so you're certain to have something you can shoot. With re-rolls on 1s, you should get a solid 15-16 hits from a squad of 10.


Is the Crusader and Fleet rules similarly based on where you start that turn? That's actually not quite as nice, as I had thoughts of using Fleet in no man's land to charge into their deployment zone, and then immediately benefit from Crusader if I won the combat. Not a huge loss though, and I'll gladly take it for relentless heavy weapons on my first turn.

I prefer fleet over crusader 99% of the time as all your non sweeping units can't benefit from it, however from fleet they can. I can't tell you how many times a fleet assault reroll has saved my buns.


Okay, that is excellent! So your volkite caliver squad will have a 36" threat range from the edge of your deployment zone, so you're certain to have something you can shoot. With re-rolls on 1s, you should get a solid 15-16 hits from a squad of 10.


Is the Crusader and Fleet rules similarly based on where you start that turn? That's actually not quite as nice, as I had thoughts of using Fleet in no man's land to charge into their deployment zone, and then immediately benefit from Crusader if I won the combat. Not a huge loss though, and I'll gladly take it for relentless heavy weapons on my first turn.

I prefer fleet over crusader 99% of the time as all your non sweeping units can't benefit from it, however from fleet they can. I can't tell you how many times a fleet assault reroll has saved my buns.

Yes, but the benefit is on a per-unit basis, so it's not like your whole army suddenly loses Fleet just because one unit broke into the enemy deployment zone.




Okay, that is excellent! So your volkite caliver squad will have a 36" threat range from the edge of your deployment zone, so you're certain to have something you can shoot. With re-rolls on 1s, you should get a solid 15-16 hits from a squad of 10.


Is the Crusader and Fleet rules similarly based on where you start that turn? That's actually not quite as nice, as I had thoughts of using Fleet in no man's land to charge into their deployment zone, and then immediately benefit from Crusader if I won the combat. Not a huge loss though, and I'll gladly take it for relentless heavy weapons on my first turn.

I prefer fleet over crusader 99% of the time as all your non sweeping units can't benefit from it, however from fleet they can. I can't tell you how many times a fleet assault reroll has saved my buns.
Yes, but the benefit is on a per-unit basis, so it's not like your whole army suddenly loses Fleet just because one unit broke into the enemy deployment zone.

Oh definitely. I'm just saying that I'd prefer to have my guys start with fleet over crusader. Situational and all that.

If any member of a unit has relentless, they can all move around. So yes, very useful for artillery pieces to be able to reposition and still fire, though not as potent as Alphas/Ravens who can infiltrate them.

Relentless does not confer, only slow and purposeful does.

Oops, you're absolutely right, but it still works in the case of artillery.


The artillery platform doesn't fire itself, it's fired by one of the crew.  As long as the artillery platform is a salvo, heavy, or ordnance weapon, the relentless Astartes can still fire it if he moves.

Is this the book with all the new rite of war and characters etc


I'm trying to figure out how to advance what I currently have, this is what I have currently


Praetor in Terminator armour with combi melta and chainfist


10 man tactical squad with a power sword

5 man cataphractii terminator squad with lightning claws

dreadnought with option of multi melta or assault cannon.

5 man recon squad with sniper rifles

rapier with grav cannon


I have the option to make 20 more men, either another squad of 10 tacticals or adding them to the original 10 man squad. I can also make a 10 man veteran squad which I was thinking of giving a combi melta and power fist for the sergeant, and two meltas to act as anti tank. I have an unmade apothecary as well. I basically have the B@C set with a bit added on. I don't have the most recent books or the update red books, I have the first four books, so I'm unsure how much the sons have changed and where to find the changes.

Edited by WoT

finally read thrugh the thread :) so a few questions if you have a unit with in 12inches of an enemy flyer do they hit it on 5s?


also a vet squad with 2 flamers and sniper will they get ap 2 on 6s?


is contemptors with assult cannons good? not seen anyone ever listing those here?


and can you de a good SoH list without droppods if you only have options from betryal at calth boxes(more than one box)

finally read thrugh the thread :) so a few questions if you have a unit with in 12inches of an enemy flyer do they hit it on 5s?


also a vet squad with 2 flamers and sniper will they get ap 2 on 6s?


is contemptors with assult cannons good? not seen anyone ever listing those here?


and can you de a good SoH list without droppods if you only have options from betryal at calth boxes(more than one box)

1: They wouldn't be hitting a flyer on 5s as Snap Shooting only hits on a 6.


2: A Vet squad with flamers will indeed get ap2 on rolls to wound of 6. I'm still partial to regular bolters and heavy bolters however.


3: Contemptors use the Kheres assault cannon. Yeah it can be ok. You'll typically find Mortis variants with two of those, they are effective. Regular Contemptors and the Cortus variants probably take dual cc weapons with grav..


4: You can totally still make a good list without Pods, but it won't play quite as fully to their strengths.

i dont have the rule text i couldent remeber if the +1 bs was not on snapshots inrember its not allowed on overwatch, thanks for the help.


the contemptors in betryal at calth with dubble assuslt cannon are okay? whats the diftence in the model on the diffrent contemptors? can you just say this is a mortis or do i need to convert them up?


and i guess i have to save upp for some droppods

A mortis would be equipped with two Assault Cannons. You can purchase a Kheres assault cannon arm from Forgeworld (just the arm) and equip him as such. A mortis can skyfire at bs5 so he becomes a good gun platform with 12 Str6 rending shots.


You can also run him as a cheap and effective Cortus equipped with Kheres and cc weapon.

This is an affordable (and more competitive than regular) Contemptor with good close combat performance. The Cortus is 40 points cheaper than a regular one, pays the same for upgrades and can award himself a variety of different buffs each turn including rage, but he loses 1Ws, 1Bs and side armour is reduced to 11.

Edited by Ishagu

I'd rather assume equipping the contemptor with dual fits/chainfist and 2 gravguns in dreadnought drop pod. Can stay inside the pod and fire 2 haywire shots out, can shoot another 2 haywire shots next turn and assault whatever needed. I run him as spartan counter. Drop in front of a spartan, fire two grav shots, spartan moves next turn but usually can't get put of range unless retreat. Get put, shoot, chaege spartan, done.


Enemies either pump in anything they got to get rid of the contemptor or they ignore him completely saying it's only 2 gravguns, but ignoring the fact the spartan will propably die turn 2 in close combat.


If you have a mobile armylist with no center the spartan can be aimed at, a grav contemptor is a nice counter to spartans IMO and more versatile against other lists.

Whats the best way to go about doing a ground based SoH force? I've gone off the idea of drop pods lately and I'm kind of feeling the swarm of marines and vehicles would be more my type, both game wise and in general model wise.

Whats the best way to go about doing a ground based SoH force? I've gone off the idea of drop pods lately and I'm kind of feeling the swarm of marines and vehicles would be more my type, both game wise and in general model wise.

Well this is my current 2500 point list I'm building towards - keep in mind that my gaming group is more toward a balanced approach, so we tend to stay away from things like Typhons and massed quad rapiers and the like. Infantry combat is a lot more fun than just slugging it out with all the big toys at lower points levels (this coming from a guy who has a Reaver, a Fellblade, and two Knights).


Here's my list:



Long March RoW


2500 points



Maloghurst (140)


5 Justaerin (295)

+ MM, 1 combi plasma, chainfist

+ Dreadclaw (100)



Apothecary (45)



18 tacticals (255)

+ Sgt w/PA/AA/MBs


15 Reavers (387)

+ 3 PS, Sgt w/PF/AA/MBs, 12 chainaxes, 2 Melta guns

+ Jump packs (50)



2 Javelin Speeders (170)

+ Missiles, MM

+ Missiles, MM


Primaris Lightning

+ GTA, Battle Servitor, 2 kraken missiles, 1 phophex bomb cluster


Heavy Support

HSS (260)

+ 10 autocannons, 5 marines


Kharybdis (260)


Leviathan (290)

+ Storm cannon, drill, volkites

+ Dread drop pod (65)



I know there are people that want to crucify me now for having a ten man autocannon squad, but I love the new models and want to have a counter against higher toughness things or massed dreadnoughts :P


Having run a bunch of numbers and manual dice rolls (get a life Depthcharge), the massed tactical blob does phenomenally against terminators with their bajillion attacks. The Justaerin, while with less combi weapons than optimal, can take on big, heavy units and come out on top. Massed medium weapons fire is sometimes better than an eggs in one basket approach of say something like a Venator.


My SoH list is all about mobility and running circles around the enemy with a large number of threats. In actually much more excited to run it than my boring 10 man terminator squad in a Spartan approach for my Dark Angels. Those lists are somewhat binaric and boring to me, and don't challenge my skill as a tactician.


*gets off soapbox*


I hope this helps, sorry for the TL;DR :P

first off thanks for all the advice, next question


battlescribe, is there somewhere i can get a sons of horus 30k battlescribe file with justarin and special characters and all? all i have is legion generics



next question


whats the best hq for SoH? i mean both if you do build your own and also whats the best character hq?

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